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Drugs against influenza and colds for children

Modern pharmaceutics provides remedies for flu and colds for children a large assortment. When selecting drugs for treating colds in children mother and the doctor should focus not only on their effectiveness but also for safety. The main thing - not to harm the child's health.

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Features of cold medicine

As soon as the child appeared the first symptoms of a cold, you should immediately call a doctor.

The doctor will examine you and, based on all the manifestations of the disease, make a correct strategy against him will prescribe medication and procedures. However, the treatment of cold symptoms, such as fever, cough and sputum, should be started immediately, even before the arrival of the pediatrician.

Can relieve symptoms of colds children's symptomatic drugs. Before giving the child syrup or tablets, drops the nose, make sure that your child is not allergic to your chosen funds. Carefully read the composition, check with the seller in a drugstore, is this remedy against colds baby age.

postelnyj rezhim pri prostudePostojannogo child is strictly prescribed to stay in bed. Provide baby with plenty of warm drink (tea with raspberry, or lemon, milk, honey), take his attention to something that doesn't require much physical activity.

It is not necessary to give the child anti-viral drugs, without consulting your doctor, because in order to successfully resist a disease, you must first figure out its cause.

The incubation period of influenza lasts one to five days, during which the patient feels especially bad. The very course of the disease is caused by many factors such as the age or condition of the body's defenses. It is also important contact before a child with agents of this disease.

The main forms of influenza

There are four major forms of influenza:

  1. Easy.
  2. Moderate.
  3. Heavy.
  4. Hypertoxic.

formy grippaEach one has its own symptoms and characteristics of flow.

The main symptoms of colds and flu associated with airway inflammation and discomfort. The most characteristic for the cold and flu are: fever, runny nose, cough, scratchy and hoarseness.

Similar symptoms are diseases caused by ingestion of malware infections. To accurately determine the kind of illness and its severity can only be a doctor, socalling for help no need to drag it.

How to choose medication for a child

Do not give your child anti-viral drugs unless they were prescribed by a doctor because taking them may have the opposite effect. These drugs can not only treat, but also to suppress the work of protective forces of an organism, especially children.

The intake of symptomatic drugs will greatly facilitate the well-being of the child patient. We all know that high temperature is necessary to knock down with antipyretics, but few know that you need to struggle with other symptoms such as swelling of the Airways, muscle aches or chills. These unpleasant sensations lead to a considerable load on a small body, making him even harder to resist disease.

With great attention to the composition of the drugs that are going to give the child. The instruction is written not only for the physician with special knowledge, but for those who are planning to be treated with it. The world wide web will help you easily find information about a particular drug, its composition and the age for which it is suitable.

paracetamol pri prostudeTo stop the choice on children's medicines. Active ingredients in tablets and other tools should be as much as you can take the kids. All forms of medication it is best to choose tools that before applying you will need to dissolve in water. The child is much more willing to agree to drink liquid medicine, rather than become hard-to swallow large and fiddly tablets or capsules. Examine the active ingredient included in the prescription. Mandatory components must be:

  • vitamin C;
  • antihistamines;
  • antipyretic components.

One of the most popular antipyretics can be called paracetamol, is found in most cough and cold remedies. It is not so detrimental effect on the stomach, and Allergy to paracetamol is quite rare. Your doctor may prescribe treatment with this medication since the first three months of baby's life.

Antihistamines will help to relieve swelling of the Airways and allow the child to breathe properly, exposing the oxygen to the lungs. These drugs can assign not only colds, but also in other diseases of the Airways such as rhinitis or pharyngitis. Making breathing easier, these drugs significantly reduce the load, which is subjected to the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C strengthens the body's defenses, helping him to cope with the disease. The daily dose of this vitamin to establish child must be at least two or three times morethan for healthy.

Modern life puts many parents in a tough economy frame, but what should never skimp is on the health of its children. Buying medicine in the pharmacy item, you need to be one hundred percent sure about their quality. It is best to buy European drugs whose quality is proven and confirmed by the international certificates.

These medicines are much more difficult to forge. Buy drugs manufacturers who have already proved themselves in the domestic markets. Of course, this can hurt the family budget, but will help to avoid unpleasant consequences from receiving poor quality drugs.

Do not try to prevent to stuff the child with antibiotics and other drugs. Remember that giving such strong medicine, you can cause a noticeable impact on the health of the child. Yes, the baby will fight the common cold, but can purchase dysbiosis or other problems associated with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

All the measures and all drugs take time to coordinate with your doctor. Do not attempt to accelerate the recovery of the child, stuffing it with additional meds. His body cope with the disease, but you need to understand that it will take some time and better it is time to provide.