What are flu symptoms?
When the flu symptoms start to appear from the General intoxication of the organism. Almost immediately, sharply raises the temperature and starts an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. Every year, from early November to late April is a viral disease sets in, causing a lot of worries and concerns to physicians and patients.
Almost everyone in their lifetime at least once sick with the flu. Illness does not choose anyone in particular: can get sick and young and old people, a man and a woman.
The flu is not particularly dangerous disease. But the complications to which it might lead, take a lot of trouble to the patient. The most common among them are: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and the middle ear. Heavier acute cardiac failure, swelling of the brain and lungs.
What is this disease?
Influenza refers to acute respiratory diseases of viral origin. Infection occurs through the respiratory, that is, through the breath (the causative agent enters through the respiratory system). This is the most common disease among diseases of infectious etiology. In a short period of time the flu virus affects a great many people. It is stored at low temperatures and relatively high humidity, so has a season from November to April. In very severe frosts, the outbreak doesn't spread. For him, it's bad.
Influenza virus several varieties. Every year, health statistics record the incidence of virus A, which is the most virulent and contagious. After about 3-4 years recorded increased number of cases of virus B. In institutions frequently registered type C.
Influenza C does not change its form, so they can recover only once for the whole life. Influenza B is changing, but quite rare, and A constantly and dramatically changing. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that of influenza A have more severe. But this is a false statement. For the patient there is no difference what type of virus has infected it. Such grading is only important for doctors, who track the spread of the disease. The virus is A more common due to the fact that is constantly changing.
If a person is sick with a certain virus, then again he will not be exposed to him. But new viruses can overcome a person each year. And even if the patient has already undergone, after your modification may again threaten person.
disease">the Body would be easier to deal with it, as in a modified virus still has components of the previous type.
If in a certain locality no less than 5% of the population registered with the manifestations of influenza, it is declared an epidemic in this city. The same applies to district, region and even the country.
If the incidence is mass (more than half the population infected) in the territory declares a pandemic, that is, following the epidemic phase spread of the disease.
According to who, every year more than 250 thousand people die from the flu. Among them are a large number of children and the elderly, because these groups of people have weakened immune system.
Why is a person infected with the flu?
As causes of infection doctors consider the following:
- hypothermia;
- diseases of the respiratory system;
- negative bacteria that live in the nose, mouth, trachea and bronchi: to a certain period they do no harm, as they are pathogenic, but given the current favorable environment start its malicious action.
All these features reduce the protective functions of the body. If a person in this condition deals with cases of influenza, then he is infected. A weakened body cannot fight off the pathogen.
The virus enters the bloodstream via the upper respiratory tract. The patient's body is suffering from toxins that excrete virus. Toxic substances affect the nervous system and cardiovascular. Their functioning is disturbed. Then starts crashing in metabolism. This, in turn, also causes low immunity. And low body resistance opens the way for penetration of the virus.
The immune system can be weakened by poor nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle or chronic diseases. Therefore, Contracting the flu may not always. If a person has a healthy body, it is less exposed to any virus, including the flu. As with any virus or respiratory disease, the flu prevention is important.
What are the symptoms in adults?
The disease manifests itself in different ways depending on the shape and course of the disease. The incubation period for the flu lasts up to 2 days. The flu clinic is divided into typical and atypical; the flow - light, moderate and heavy; for complexity - complicated and uncomplicated.
The initial symptom of flu typical forms is fever, sometimes of a man only slightly chilly. By the end of the first day the thermometer can record the readings of 38 degrees. Sometimes reaches up to 40.
The patient begins to show toxicity andaffects the respiratory organs. There comes a weakness throughout the body, fatigue, excessive sweating, muscle and headaches.
And a headache in the forehead and above the eyebrows. Gradually the pain moving to the eyeballs, when moving them tears start to flow, the eyes are afraid of light.
Impaired activity of the respiratory tract: it begins sore throat, cough, chest pain bruised like, the voice perfect, and the nose provides.
The symptoms of flu in adults are wet Shine in eyes, redness and swelling of the face, severe sweating, rash around the lips and nose area. Changing the composition of the blood, as shown by the results of the analysis.
With different severity of flu symptoms vary. Patients with mild form the temperature does not rise over 38 degrees. Headache is quite moderate, the pulse is not above 90 beats, blood pressure normal.
Flu symptoms in adults with moderate for several different from mild.
The temperature rises above 38 degrees, and in some cases can reach 40.
The pulse quickens to 120 beats, the pressure drops. The cough is dry, exhausting, a pain in his chest intensified.
In severe symptoms are observed more. The temperature may rise significantly: the thermometer over 40 degrees. The patient suffers from a strong fever, body aches, insomnia, begins delirium, nausea, anorexia. The pulse is over 120 BPM, the upper limit pressure less than 90 mm Hg. Heart listening muffled. The cough of a man stronger, chest ache unbearably.
Is also very severe, but quite rare. Over this flu fast onset of symptoms rapid. Usually develops hemorrhagic pulmonary edema and die, if the patient does not have time to provide medical assistance.
What are the features of the disease in childhood?
Kids get the flu. This does not apply to newborns. This group of children protected by immunity received from mother (if she has the relevant antibodies in the blood). Growing up, the baby loses this protection and is at risk of becoming infected.
Have kids and teenagers the opportunity to pick up an infection is high as they often are in groups where there may be patients (kindergartens, schools). And while at home, the child is at risk: the virus can go from parents, from siblings, from any memberfamily.
The main signs of influenza in children: sudden onset of fever, chills, weakness, dizziness, pain in the joints, muscles, head. Children become lethargic and overwhelmed. This occurs from the toxins produced by a virus. They have a negative effect on the nervous system, causing this condition.
The highest temperature observed in the first days of the disease - about 39 degrees. Fever and chills lasted 4-5 days. The temperature begins to decline. But a possible re-surge of improvement. The main symptoms of flu in children:
- headache in the temporal region;
- pain at movement of eyeballs;
- dizzy;
- nausea and possible vomiting;
- weak respiratory effects (cough, light congestion in the nasal passages, a slight mucous discharge from the nose, sore throat with painful symptoms).
The characteristic symptoms of the flu in infants are: a rejection of the breast, drowsiness or excessive anxiety, lethargy. The temperature rises immediately, but only after the first symptoms. Runny nose may not be, but if it appears insignificant. The same applies to cough.
Initial symptoms in children are expressed more poorly, than in adults. But the disease is difficult, especially in very young children the first year of life. Can join an infection caused by bacteria. In this case there are purulent complications. Death among kids happens 3 times more often than the older guys.
Particular attention is needed for children with diathesis. On the background of disease manifestations such kids often develop asthmatic symptoms. Call the doctor the child must as soon as possible.
As prevention you can use a very simple method: the garlic cloves put in a bag and hang it on the headboard of the bed.
How to help the patient?
Doctors do not recommend to bring the temperature down with the flu, if it is not more than 40 degrees. This applies to those people who do not suffer from heart disease and blood vessels. Such diseases temperature can not keep, it is necessary to try to bring down. Knock and temperature 40 degrees.
For the relief of the patient can be on his forehead to put a towel soaked in a solution of water with vinegar. This means you can wet your hands and legs.
The flu required bed rest. Lying must be at least 2 days, to save power, your body was fighting an infection.
The treatment is carried out at home. Only a verycomplex cases require hospitalization. In the treatment process, all the forces sent to the aid of the protective functions of the body that have to deal with the virus. You must complete all prescription.
When the disease are recommended inhalation. As a means for inhalation solution is used with fir oil. You can take crushed garlic with honey.
Annually in medical institutions is carried out mass vaccination, capable to protect from the incidence of the alleged type of the flu virus. Modern medicine uses 2 types of vaccines: products, manufactured based on killed viruses, and the drugs obtained from attenuated live viruses. The second is more efficient because it creates the best protection to the immune system.
Recommended preventive measures. They are the same as with any respiratory or viral illness: healthy life, feasible physical activity, proper nutrition, and the like.