What to do if you feel dizzy after flu?
Sometimes some patients feel dizzy after flu. Every year millions of people catch acute respiratory and viral infections. Many people carry the disease is quite easy, some a long time to feel the adverse impact of the disease.
Especially colds
Anyone who dealt with SARS, knows quite noticeable symptoms of this disease is headache, dizziness and General weakness of the body. These symptoms are felt throughout illness (about 10-12 days). However, there are cases when dizzy and tangible other signs and after treatment.
Experts note that the most common infectious respiratory disease is influenza. Many years of painstaking research helped to identify the causative agents of this disease. However the disease under the influence of external factors, medication changes, and, of course, change the methods of its treatment.
Often after the course of treatment (up to 2 weeks), patients do not feel any discomfort, but sometimes patients complain of vertigo after the flu.
What causes dizziness after a cold?
Pathogens and viruses, which are causative agents of various respiratory diseases, provoke progression in the patient 2 types of pathologies. Doctors distinguish intoxication and catarrhal changes:
Intoxication. The virus itself or its decay products emit certain toxic substances which when injected into the blood vessels of affect the receptors, causing headache and muscle pain.
Side effects of this pathogenic process are weakness and dizziness. In addition, may cause nausea, chills and fever. Intoxication the flu has a negative impact on the heart, brain, blood vessels.
Catarrhal. Since colds are often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, catarrhal changes in the mucous surfaces also leave a mark after treatment. These pathogenic manifestations cause an increase in discharge, sore, pain.
As a rule, catarrhal changes in influenza reduced after 5-7 days, but on their background, there may be other complications: scattered lesions of the heart muscle associated with intoxication, low blood pressure and, as a consequence, the emergence of dizziness and fainting.
src="/respiratory/images/316-2.jpg" title="pneumonia as a cause of vertigo" alt="pneumonia as a cause of vertigo">Causes of dizziness after the disease can be other complications:
- Inflammation of ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis).
- Inflammation of the lungs. Very frequently pneumonia may pass unnoticed by the patient, and, in the case if a long time kept the body temperature of 37-38°C, it is necessary to consult a doctor subsequent examination.
- Inflammatory processes in the brain (meningitis, arachnoiditis).
- Complications associated with the cardiovascular system (myocarditis, pericarditis).
Such a manifestation, like vertigo, possibly with each of these complications. And the mechanisms of its development are diverse:
- low blood pressure resulting in dizzy and fainting is possible;
- injury receptors in the sense organs that are directly involved in spatial orientation;
- the breakdown of the feed mechanism of impulses in the brain;
- disorder of blood supply of the brain regions responsible for spatial orientation.
In addition, you should pay attention to other diseases that may cause dizziness. This will help you better understand the situation and calculate the true causes of vertigo.
Dizziness as a symptom may be:
- in atherosclerosis of the vessels of the head;
- as the cause of the inflammatory process in the inner ear (labyrinthitis);
- when you damage the inner ear or the vestibular apparatus;
- in the result of circulatory disorders, infectious diseases;
- as a result of injury to the skull;
- of a brain tumor;
- epilepsy;
- as the result of cervical degenerative disc disease;
- with dystonia;
- multiple sclerosis;
- as a consequence of hypertension or hypotension;
- due to blood loss;
- as a result of the stroke;
- as a result of a person's lifestyle (diet, Smoking, alcohol and drugs, stress).
If after recovery head is spinning still, it should be noted this symptom to the doctor. Quite possibly, he will recommend consultation with other specialists (neurologist, otolaryngologist). Remember that to cure itself the dizziness is not possible as it is a symptom of a disease, which should be competent to examine and heal in order to avoid serious complications.
The recovery of the body after flu
Some simple rules and techniques will help the body to get stronger faster and eliminate suchsymptoms as dizziness, weakness, pallor.
After influenza it is recommended that:
- Apply vitamin-mineral complexes, which may appoint a doctor.
- To use vitamin C (infusion of rose hip tea with lemon).
- To eat foods with plenty of protein (lean fish and meat, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, fish ROE, egg yolks, chicken and quail eggs).
- Is a whole-grain cereal (it is a source of b vitamins).
- Excluded from the diet of pasta, bakery products made of white flour.
- To remedy the lack of iron and lithium, which participate in formation of immune cells products containing iron, immunomodulators).
- To enter into the diet of different types of seafood (including seaweed) to increase the level of iodine in the body after the disease.
- Eat natural enzymes (vegetables, fruits, dairy products).
- Drink infusions and teas from herbs, immunomodulators: chamomile, Schizandra, St. John's wort, ginseng, calendula. Eat garlic and onions.
Deduce from the weak body of the decay products of a virus or infection (toxins) will help, alkaline mineral water, teas with ginger and cinnamon, cranberry juice.