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What you can treat the flu during pregnancy?

Women often wonder how to treat flu during pregnancy. After all, this state should not be burdened by the symptoms of the disease. Currently, never aching for 9 months a woman is an extreme rarity. After all, isolated from the whole world of microorganisms impossible.

problema grippa pri beremennosti

But sore throat, runny nose and other cold symptoms are not a cause for panic. Common cold mild are not able to harm future baby. Slightly worse is the case of viral diseases, namely the flu.

Influenza like illness

The active flu virus in the body begins to multiply freely, and the child particles rapidly spread with the flow of blood throughout the body. A favorite place of parasitism influenza virus is mucosa of the nose and the underlying respiratory tract. After the settlement of the mucous membrane the virus can no longer perform its basic function.

medikamentoznoe lechenie grippaProtective effect one of the main barriers is weakening, and this provokes the further spread of inflammation in the form of sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia or otitis media. The virus can penetrate further, up to the heart muscle, causing malfunction of the heart with the further development of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, not only the dangerous virus of flu, how many complications diseases caused by it.

As for pregnant women, it is perhaps the most dangerous complication of the flu is the risk of miscarriage in late pregnancy - premature birth. It is worth noting that the flu weakened the body more susceptible to other infections, particularly pneumococcal, hemophilic, staphylococcal. The flu often undermines the immune system that gives rise to remission of existing disease in a chronic form. Such diseases are: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, kidney disease, autoimmune processes.

Objective therapy flu

Competent antiviral treatment of pregnant women at any gestational age should be prescribed only by a specialist. To treat flu in pregnant women is necessary, given certain characteristics. Many drugs available in the conventional medical Arsenal, should be deleted. This applies to most cough, aspirin, drugs vasoconstrictor action.

konsultaciya vracha pri grippe vo vremya beremennostiThe first and most important recommendation that will voice the doctor applies multiple drink by which the virus is literally washed out of the body.The best drinks are fruit drinks, hot tea with lemon, honey, raspberry jam. The drink should be sufficiently acidic, having a high content of vitamin C.

Conducted research on the issue of the safety of acetaminophen for pregnant women. Security as antipyretic is confirmed repeatedly.

With a painful cough help to manage a variety of herbal breast fees. They are allowed to drink in pregnancy. Good effect have inhalation from infusions of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus and other fragrant natural antiseptic plants. It should be noted that the flu is not assigned antimicrobial drugs and pills, even non-pregnant women. Because the disease is viral, and it should be treated with antiviral.

Almost everyone has been ill with influenza and knows its unpleasant symptoms: body weakness is spreading, burning up with fever, my nose liberally to the liquid. You may receive an migrenepodobna cough and headache. Symptoms causes the activity of the influenza virus belonging to the family of orthomyxoviruses. The flu is not growing, if inadvertently wet feet. The virus enters the body through airborne droplets from a sick person.

The possible consequences of flu and colds

vozmozhnye oslozhneniya posle grippaConcern about the health of children, mothers after an influenza quite justified. But even the most experienced doctor will be able to give an exact forecast of the further development of the fetus. Based on years of observations, we can assume that the most dangerous flu in the first trimester of pregnancy when the main organogenesis of the fetus. With 13 weeks the baby begins to simply increase the mass of all fundamental cells, that is, to grow. Most of its organs are already fully functioning, and even its own immune system fights viruses and bacteria.

Besides, nature works on the main principle "all or nothing". Usually the pregnancy can be interrupted without any intervention, if the flu or other disease adversely affected the health of the embryo and the organs of the mother, providing the support of the baby. Otherwise, various tests, ultrasound and other methods of invasive diagnostic set even minor violations in the shortest possible time. The method of treatment of these disorders is developed and modificeres, so all the doctors ' efforts will be focused on the continuation of pregnancy.

But these tests can be unreliable, because they are exposed to influence of many factors. Usually the results of the triple test (sometimes repeatedly perezajennogo for greater accuracy) give reasonto calm down or conduct a survey on. Further research includes the procedure of amniocentesis.

If the flu was leaking heavily and caused complications, dramatically increases the possibility of infection of the child.

A new method of diagnosis of infection of the baby triple test. Women have definitely taken all three tests for AFP, HCG and estriol. And only the results of three studies estimated the risk of infection.

Amniocentesis is the fence of amniotic fluid. Specialized reagents help to establish the status of the fetus. But this method is not 100% guarantee the absence or presence of abnormalities in the baby. Such a procedure is absolutely painless, during its implementation the condition of the woman and the fetus is monitored by ultrasound, but still 1-2% of cases it provokes a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. There is a clear need to determine their desires. You should consider whether the woman give birth to a child with disabilities without early diagnosis thereof. And if the child is so desirable that it does not bother the mother, why put yourself in a dangerous amniocentesis?

Prevention of flu during pregnancy

Pregnancy even in completely healthy women still weakens the immune system, which leads to increased risk of Contracting an infection or virus.

Prevention of flu and colds in pregnant women is to vaccinate. The modern vaccine has passed many tests and contains inactivated virus particles that do not penetrate through the placenta to the developing fetus.

Contraindication to vaccination is the gestational age before 14 weeks. This is due to the same unstable organogenesis, which affect negatively maybe even a little prick. But the vaccination does not guarantee that the expectant mother does not get sick. There is always a small probability of catching an atypical form of the disease or transfer it in an easy asymptomatic.

Therefore it is best to deal with prevention of viral diseases, strengthen the immune system. Recommended hardening, healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, optimal physical activity. In times of epidemics, few can protect themselves by lubrication of the nasal mucosa oxolinic ointment, the composition with the interferon. Formal procedures can be supplemented with a mouthwash of calendula tincture composition on eucalyptus, which will help to wash away the accumulated daily germs. The room in which the sleeping expectant mother, to be ventilated before bedtime and several times a day regardless of the season. Categorically exclude communion with the sick person and the people that were in contact with a sick person.

If the pregnancy proceeds without deviations, mom feels good, the ultrasound is not showingdeviations, and test results are normal, you can be quiet for health of mother and baby.