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What antiviral drugs for influenza and SARS is the most effective?

Effective antiviral drugs for the flu and SARS today is very popular among the population. People want to recover as quickly as possible or to stop the development of diseases at the first signs. So the answer to the question of whether antiviral drugs for common illnesses like influenza and SARS, is clear: they are necessary, the main thing - to choose the appropriate and most effective of them.

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Man is doomed to permanent coexistence with the myriad of microorganisms, many of which can potentially give rise to a viral disease. Scientists have identified the most dangerous group of viruses that are the root cause of more than 2/3 of all infectious diseases. The world health organization reports that 4.5 million deaths annually from diseases of this kind.

People vulnerable to viruses that without much trouble get into the body through the upper respiratory tract. A healthy person with a strong enough immune system to repel pathogens. The virus as opposed to a specific strength of body immunity and nonspecific protection of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. As a result, the disease may be mild or does not occur. Otherwise, depending on the penetrated into the body the virus begins to develop the flu or SARS, and even more serious diseases.

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In influenza and SARS, the doctors resort to symptomatic treatment, aims to ease the uncomfortable symptoms of inflammation, fever, intoxication as a result of illness.

The flu is dangerous complications, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. In addition, the flu creates toxins that have adverse effects on blood vessels. Even if the flu has passed, another few weeks the person continues to feel its long-term effects.

It is therefore necessary as early as possible to start taking antiviral medication, which most hamper malicious impact of the virus.

The ideal solution would be prophylactic administration of such drugs as a safety net for the immune system of the body. It should be recognized that in the absence of acquired as a result of vaccination or the disease immunity if pathogens still get into the body, prophylactic administration of antiviral drugs can save from the disease, but will significantly reduce the risk of subsequent complications, and the disease will be mucheasier.

Medical statistics show that the vast majority of colds by just viruses, so there is no need to take antibacterial agents, they will not help in this situation. Antibiotics prescribed to patients solely to avoid bacterial complications.

simptomy grippaThe layman is very difficult to determine with accuracy the type of virus that caused the disease, so it is recommended medications that can affect the viruses of several groups:

  • orthomyxovirus provoking influenza type a, b, C;
  • paramyxoviruses, parainfluenza leading to;
  • coronaviruses;
  • picornavirus;
  • adenoviruses;
  • the reovirus.

Mentioned viruses most often cause of influenza and SARS. It is recommended prophylactic administration of antiviral drugs and family members of the sick.

Antiviral drugs used for colds

Clinically proven synthetic antiviral drugs is considered to be 2 groups of funds.

Blocker of M-channels to prevent the penetration of pathogens into cells of the respiratory tract, which makes impossible the reproduction of viruses. The drugs of this group as Amantadine and Rimantadine have been known for a very long time.

tamiflu dlya lecheniya grippaMost effective, their use in the early stages of the disease, and also as a preventive measure for family members sick. In other cases, a high risk not to guess the type of virus that critically reflects on the effectiveness of treatment. This property makes these drugs useful during epidemics of influenza.

Inhibitors inhibit the enzyme responsible for the replication of the virus, making the drug is particularly effective against influenza viruses of groups A and B. To this group of drugs include Tamiflu and relenza.

Drugs in this group should begin to take within 2 days of onset. These medicines are inherent to numerous side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache, are not excluded from impairment of consciousness.

Of non-synthetic tools used interferon and preparations containing it. Drugs of this group are protein substances produced by the body in response to infection by the virus and strengthen the body's resistance to the action of the virus.

The spectrum of action of the drugs in this group is much wider than the synthetic drugs, but their effectiveness is not recognized by all practicing physicians. The best-known drugs of the group are Amixin and Cycloferon.

Which drug to choose?

src="/respiratory/images/13-4.jpg" title="Rimantadine for treatment of influenza" alt="Rimantadine for treatment of influenza">Fair in evaluating the testimony to the use of drugs for colds and flu, it can be argued that simultaneous reception of both groups will bring the best result possible. However, the scheme of medication not always possible.

Most of the interferons well used as a preventive measure. But the use of preparations of group of inhibitors causes a lot of side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and other manifestations. Therefore, the inhibitors are assigned by doctors to treat only severe forms of the disease.

A pharmaceutical company, knowing about a similar issue that recently began to offer the drugs for colds and flu, which, inhibiting the enzymes and stimulating the body's production of interferon, have virtually no side effects. An example of such innovation can be After. The basis of funds was the extract obtained by complex technological from the stems of several species of alder.

The appearance of the drug made possible by the latest research data, according to which the stems of alder possess the desired properties, combining the ability to inhibit enzymes and to accelerate the production of interferon. These qualities of alder are making products based on it very promising direction of development of pharmacology in the production of antiviral agents suitable for preventive purposes.

The effectiveness of antiviral drugs in influenza and SARS

Regardless of antiviral drugs to one group or another, they all unite characteristic features: the maximum efficiency of these drugs is achieved using in the first 2 days after the first symptoms of influenza or SARS.

Prophylactic administration of antiviral drugs should be combined with various methods of passive protection of the body from infection, including the application of oxolinic ointment on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, the wearing of masks, strict personal hygiene and cleanliness of the room. With proper execution of these simple rules the probability of a successful transfer of the epidemic increases dramatically.