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Possible heart complications after influenza

Heart complications after influenza pose a serious threat to human health. What complications may result transferred the flu? The question is very ambiguous. The flu is one of the viral diseases, occurs, as a rule, in the acute form and is localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract. If the immune system is weakened, the flu poses a serious danger.

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Unlike other acute viruses, patients tolerated this hard. The flu shot is not save as there is a mutation of the virus every year. Complications can occur in any person after a hard illness. Medical statistics says that the main part of the complications have at heart.

Basically this:

  • myocarditis;
  • pericarditis;
  • heart failure.

Myocarditis and its features

With a quick diagnosis and professional treatment of the disease pass without consequences and fast enough. But if it is not time to start treatment, there may be complications in the form of heart failure. Depending on the severity of the leakage, there may be different degrees of severity of heart disease.

odyshka pri miokarditeIt is worth noting that some patients even after a light spread of flu can be allergic destruction of myocardial cells of the heart. Therefore, if a person is sick with influenza, it is necessary to comply with bed rest and convalesce until the end. Children with myocarditis risk of arrhythmia.

To find out whether influenza complications on the heart in the form of myocarditis, it is necessary to pay attention to certain symptoms:

  • when a passive condition is abnormal heart rhythm;
  • when mild physical activity, for example, during walking, dyspnea;
  • chest pain felt;
  • high temperature;
  • on his legs appeared edema;
  • there is increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • the patient tires easily.

If you notice signs of myocarditis as soon as possible to get on reception to the cardiologist. A specialist will be sent for an electrocardiogram, an echocardiogram, will give directions for tests. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis, the recommended treatment in hospital.

But if the obvious symptoms of an exacerbation were not observed, and the person had heart problem before flu, it is still recommended to consult a cardiologist.

vysokaya temperatura - simptom miokarditaPatients with myocarditis require treatment under the supervision of medical staff in the hospital. Theyprescribe bed rest and a salt-free diet. Drugs are used depending on the disease that caused the myocarditis. Also carried out antibacterial therapy and prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. Herbal medicine can not be used as the primary method of treatment and has auxiliary character.

Dispensary observation of patients is carried out in the course of the year. Treatment in sanatoria of a cardiological profile is assigned in the absence of major clinical signs of the disease. It is necessary to visit the therapist once a month, take urine and blood tests every six months.

Prevention of acute myocarditis takes into account the underlying disease that caused complications. In this case it's the flu. Therefore, during epidemics of this disease need to apply all the prevention. At the first symptoms is to reduce physical activity and to call the doctor at home.

Pericarditis as a complication

This files most often on the suspicion of pericarditis can say, if the patient has pain in the chest and the severity of the pain increases with cough, deep breathing or with change of body position.

Also symptoms can include shortness of breath and fever.

The disease is very dangerous and requires hospitalization. In advanced cases develops into heart failure. There may be blood clots in the cavities of the heart. When pericarditis is inflamed, and the serous membrane of the heart. Blood vessels dilate in the tissues observed accumulation of leukocytes.

analiz krovi pri perikarditeThere are primary and secondary pericarditis. The location of inflammation is limited (at the base of the heart), partial or exciting the entire area of the serous membrane.

Acute disease occurs quickly and lasts for a maximum of six months. Chronic develops slowly, over 6 months.

It is imperative to timely diagnose the disease, as it threatens the life of the patient. It is important to differentiate pericarditis from other diseases such as acute infarction, myocardial infarction.

Diagnostics consists of the following activities such as:

  1. The medical history of the patient.
  2. Listening and tapping of the heart.
  3. A blood test.
  4. ECG. Performed for detection of rhythm disturbances and conduction.
  5. Phonocardiography. Notes diastolic and systolic murmurs.

Acute pericarditis involves bed rest.

sobludenie pravilnogo pitaniya pri perikarditeChronic pericarditis can be transported without bed rest, but restricted activity, depending on statuspatient.

Prescribed diet: power fractional, but diverse, with a reduced intake or complete rejection of salt. In acute pericarditis prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, analgesics to relieve severe pain, potassium-containing drugs.

The forecast recovery in non-running stage of the disease is usually favorable. To prevent relapse, you need to consult with a cardiologist and rheumatologist, to hold regular ECG.

Heart failure

Occurs because the heart muscle weakens and loses its function to ensure normal blood supply of the body. Distinguish right-sided heart failure and left-handed (depending on the ventricle - the left or right).

The nature of the disease is divided into:

  • chronic;
  • sharp.

After the transferred flu can occur acute heart failure.

She breaks out suddenly. Acts signs of rapid breathing, blue skin, high blood pressure, the lips may appear frothy sputum. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Drug therapy facilitates the patient's condition. Prescribe drugs that widen blood vessels and normalizes heart rhythm.

In heart failure use:

  • inhibitors;
  • anti-anginal agents;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • b-blockers and diuretics.

Can also prescribe medications containing magnesium, carnitine, coenzyme, creatine and amino acids.

But herbs to treat can be used as adjuvant therapy with extreme caution. We must first study the side effects and their interaction with each other. Necessarily need to consult with a cardiologist.

Basically permitted to apply hawthorn, Goldenseal, berberine. Follow the recommendations and be healthy!