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The first signs of flu: how to resist disease?

The first signs of flu are decreased appetite, weakness, malaise, fever and fatigue when performing routine cases. Colds, and the flu is easy to catch in the cold season.

problema grippaMany people try not to pay attention to the symptoms of influenza and SARS in the belief that ailments will be themselves, that is, the body will be able to cope with them. This approach to disease is unacceptable: one should not think that the disease can not be treated. Ignoring the first signs of the flu can lead to complications, which will get rid of difficult.

In order to avoid serious consequences you need time to see a doctor.

How to identify the flu: the first symptoms of the disease

vysokaya temperatura pri grippeIf the person contracted the disease, he has a temperature of 38°C, usually it lasts for 4-5 days, along with the patient may be chills and fever. When there is fever, man throws hot, then cold. The flu is a severe headache, which makes itself felt during sudden movements, there is a fear of light, but this symptom is not manifested in every case. The patient flu can increase the pressure, with the result that the person becomes painful to look at extremely bright objects, including lamps. One of the first signs of the flu is shortness of breath: it happens even when the person continues to work in a familiar rhythm. In influenza appears aching joints and muscles, the patient feels weakness.

Often the appearance of this disease, lost appetite, there is a scratchy sore throat in the morning, gradually it turns into a dry cough. When influenza by hemorrhage can present with redness of the eyes may be bleeding from the nose, facial flushing, blanching of the skin of the body. You should know that not all symptoms listed above are manifested at the same time. Some patients have no shortness of breath and fear of light, but the weakness and excessive fatigue is still there.

stroenie virusa grippaThe manifestation of the flu very often depends on the severity of the disease. If a person has a mild form of influenza, the body temperature will not be more than 39°C: in this case, the patient has a small weakness and slight headache. If a person has a more severe form of influenza, the body temperature will be higher - about 40°C. In such a situation, the patient will experience nausea, may cause vomiting, hallucinations, loss of consciousness.

Influenza is a disease with a short incubation period. After getting the virus inthe human body can sense weakness in a few hours; often through the day. The first signs of flu appear quite clearly and acutely - they simply cannot be missed. Cold symptoms are manifested not so clearly and deliver less discomfort. If the person contracted the flu during the week it is a source of infection to others. A particular danger is infected in the first 3 days. The patient should be treated, and not to infect other people, he needs to wear a mask and limit contact.

Preventive measures against the flu

vakcina ot grippaTo avoid catching the flu, you should follow preventive measures. To date, to distinguish between 3 types of prevention. To protect yourself from disease by using vaccination, intake of antiviral medications and compliance with simple hygiene rules. Prevention through vaccination is a reliable tool in the fight against flu. The vaccine can strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. Vaccination is carried out for the protection not only of influenza, but also from infection with measles, diphtheria and other dangerous diseases. Annual vaccination against flu helps to reduce the mortality rate.

The purpose of this procedure is the complete elimination of influenza virus, but only a reduction in morbidity and mortality from this serious disease. Vaccination is a measure to protect against influenza, which can be applied not in all cases. There are a number of exceptions based on where the vaccination cannot be carried out. If the patient is allergic to components of the vaccine, the procedure is contraindicated. If the person has a heightened chronic disease, it is also possible, particularly if you have a fever. If you are allergic to chicken protein is a component of the vaccine vaccination is also possible.

provetrivanie pomesheniya dlya profilaktiki grippaTo protect yourself from the influenza virus, it is necessary to observe non-specific prevention, which involves strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that when coughing and sneezing, the patient produces a large number of germs into the air, these germs can get into the upper respiratory tract of people who are close by. Infected small children, unlike adults, are more dangerous.

As mentioned above, an infected adult is a danger in the first 3-4 days, the child is a source of infection to 10 days. The flu virus can live in the environment up to 8 hours, and under the influence of temperature 100°C, it dies. These viruses are also killed bythe influence of soap, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. Effective in dealing with the disease are antiseptic preparations, made on the basis of iodine. To reduce the risk of infection with influenza, it is necessary to observe simple rules of hygiene that will help prevent the spread of infection.

A healthy lifestyle and use of drugs

To avoid being infected with virus try to avoid contact with the infected, and if you are in contact with them, wear protective mask. After contact with the sick person are advised to thoroughly wash hands with soap and water or using an antibacterial solution to prevent the spread of infection. When you sneeze or cough, it is recommended to cover your mouth and nose, you can use simple disposable wipes. To avoid contamination, you should avoid places with high concentration of people, and if your hands are not washed, try not to touch nose, mouth and eyes. An important role in the prevention play an active lifestyle, a balanced diet.

Prevention of influenza can be achieved by administration of specific medications, the most common are "Arbidol", interferons ("Alfaro"), drops Grippferon", ointment with interferon. Use of plant drugs are obvious, they are used for the prevention of influenza for many years.The most common and popular are garlic and onions, consisting of a large number of volatile and other antimicrobial components. Mint and pine can be used for inhalation. Infusions of lemon, rosehip, cranberry, cowberry, sea buckthorn saturate the body with vitamins and help to fight off infection.