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Adverse effects and possible complications of flu

Adverse effects of influenza in the form of various kinds of complications arise from untimely, incorrect or incomplete treatment of the mentioned diseases. The flu is commonly understood as an acute lesion of the respiratory system that have a viral nature. The susceptibility to the effects of the virus persists in people of any age. The disease is very contagious and spreads annually to the state of the epidemic. Adverse effects after influenza can be extremely serious, even fatal outcome. According to statistics, during the seasonal epidemics in the world die on average about 300-500 thousand people, whose bodies are unable to cope with the disease - this situation is most typical for the underdeveloped countries without the resources to provide proper medical care. Along with this, even without the fatal complications of flu can be extremely unfavorable. About them you are invited to learn next.

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Basic information about the dangers of flu

As noted, the flu most affected the respiratory system. Along with this, the toxic effects of the virus can be subjected to all systems and organs. In accordance with the place of complications, the most dangerous consequences of influenza are classified into several major groups:
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  • pulmonary complications. This is often the following diseases and disease: lung abscess, empyema, pneumonia;
  • complications affecting the cardiovascular system: myocarditis, pericarditis;
  • complications respiratory tract: tracheitis, and otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis, etc.;
  • complications in the nervous system: neuralgia and neuritis, encephalitis, meningitis, etc.;
  • muscular disorders, etc.

In addition, influenza can lead to exacerbation of asymptomatic diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Then you are invited to view more detailed information about dangerous complications from the flu.

Possible complications of flu

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  1. Pneumonia. One of the popular complications. Usually develops as a secondary infection caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Rarely there are cases of combination of pneumonia, caused by both bacteria and viruses. Even more rarely diagnosed primary viral pneumonia. For this dangerous disease characterized by high levels of deaths. Develops whenthe defeat of the person with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. At risk include patients with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. With the defeat of the virus, is a violation of the integrity of blood vessels providing blood flow to the lungs, which causes pulmonary hemorrhage and can lead to death.
  2. Complications of the cardiovascular system. On the background of infectious-toxic shock there is an increase in heart rate, the pressure can drop to critical values. Complications especially characteristic of the elderly. More rare are the consequences, expressed in the form of diseases such as pericarditis and myocarditis. On the background of pericarditis can develop heart failure.
  3. Complications, affecting organs ENT system. In the context of fast multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract, a marked violation of the processes of cleansing the respiratory tract from dust and other third-party inclusions. In addition, the flu can lead to the development of various secondary infections, for example otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis and other Complications such as otitis or rhinitis may result in inflammation of the brain.
  4. Complications affecting the nervous system. The flu can cause an exacerbation of diseases before occurring without symptoms: hypotonic or hypertonic kriz, neuropsychiatric diseases, sciatica, and other neurological disorders. When this virus, the pathogen is able to penetrate through the blood-brain barrier. This, in turn, may trigger infection of the meninges and cerebral vessels. The risk group includes patients who have suffered head trauma, a concussion, and suffering from alcoholism. The result of these lesions are often diseases such as encephalitis, meningitis, etc.
  5. Complications in the muscles and the kidneys. Feeling aches in muscles is one of the characteristic signs of flu. A similar condition can be observed and for some time after recovery, indicating the presence of myositis - an inflammatory process affecting skeletal muscles. Often such disorders are diagnosed in young patients. While may be the increase in the concentration of myoglobin in the urine that indicates the presence of all prerequisites to the development of acute renal dysfunction.
  6. Reye's Syndrome. A rare complication diagnosed mainly in young patients after infection with influenza type B. Is the consequence of improper treatment of influenza with drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid. The disease is classified as acute encephalopathy, accompanied byswelling of the brain and infiltration of the liver. To eliminate the risk of development of this complication, high fever in young patients "strays" drugs of paracetamol, but not aspirin.

The consequences of influenza in pregnancy

neobhodimaya profilaktika grippa During pregnancy women are particularly sensitive to the state of their health and developing inside the fruit. It is important to understand that to give a 100% reliable answer on the question of the destruction of a child with the flu will not any one person. We can only say that the most dangerous to the fetus, the flu is within the first 12 weeks - this period includes the formation of tissues and organs of the developing baby. After completion of insertion, the child simply grows, therefore, the flu is not able to cause significant damage to the processes of formation of structure of organs.

In General, the statistics are not comforting: if after suffering the mother of flu in the fetus originated a substantial deviation development and formation, specialist can offer termination of pregnancy. If pregnancy after influenza persists in the normal state, and during the ultrasound does not reveal any significant violations to bother with likely about.

If a viral disease characterized by very severe and was accompanied by complications, the risk of infecting the baby is saved. In such circumstances, one usually resorts to the use of "triple test", which determines the content of estriol, HCG and AFP.

Along with this, the results of the diagnostic measures often are not reliable, because the numbers depend on many factors. In accordance with the survey (usually the test is given several times for more confidence), the expert makes a conclusion that there is no risk to the child or appoint additional examination. During the additional surveys performed a procedure called amniocentesis.

The procedure of amniocentesis is to fence of amniotic fluid for research on various pathologies in the fetus. Before scheduling the procedure, the doctor carefully examines the patient to determine the probability of subsequent complications is 1-1. 5% of cases there is a threat of premature delivery or miscarriage.

In case of detection of pathology of the ultimate decision on the fate of the fetus is up to the parents.

How to avoid complications: recommendations for patients

First, do not engage in uncontrolled self-treatment. Second, do not carry disease on their feet - strictly bedmode. Third, do not try to "bring down" the temperature less than 39 degrees, if it does not cause you significant discomfort. Antipyretic drugs exclusively take on medical advice. Fourth, drink plenty of fluids - the body will be easier to remove toxins and other harmful substances.

Promptly contact your doctor, follow his recommendations and be healthy!