At what temperature kills the avian and swine flu?
In order to successfully fight off colds, it is necessary to know at what temperature killed the flu virus?
Illness comes suddenly, when the body is unable to cope with the attack of pathogens:
- influenza A;
- H1N1;
- parainfluenza.
The influence of thermal environment on the virus of influenza
The destruction of the causative agent of the disease is achieved through natural means. Thermal behaviour of each season contribute to an environment in which influenza viruses are unable to continue existence.
At a temperature of 20-22°C, the pathogen spreads quickly, if the humidity reaches 20-35% or it gets to around 65%. Reduction in the incidence of "Spanish flu", occurs when humidity of 50% and the air temperature is close to room.
The parameters of the medium affects the speed of spread of the pathogen. The reason for the start of the epidemic can be indicators equal to 5°C when non-cellular particles are particularly stable in the environment. The body reacts violently to the introduction of the pathogen if the humidity is quite low.
By lowering the settings to 15°C is the destruction of non-cellular shell structure, and the pathogen becomes highly resistant to environmental factors. The destruction of the particles occurs at a temperature above 15°C: sheath strain becomes liquid.
The necessary conditions for the destruction of the pathogen "swine flu"
The H1N1 pathogen has a high sensitivity, is transmitted via the selection of the patient with coughing and sneezing at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. It has a high susceptibility to mutations and antigenic structure similar to the parameters of "seasonal king" of the epidemic.
The H1N1 strain has high variability, is retained in sub-zero parameters. The probability of infection when ambient temperatures close to 0°C and in the presence of a bacterial infection in the nasopharynx, larynx or trachea is very high. Pathogenic particles are easily implemented in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and spread to the trachea and bronchi.
The H1N1 pathogen is very aggressive, causing the patient adverse consequences: alteration of immune responses, lung damage. For prevention of swine flu infection and destruction of the pathogen is needed in case of negative parameters and high-humidity environment to protect mucous membranes against the penetration of pathogenic particleswear a mask, wash hands frequently.
Given the temperature, protect the body from hypothermia or overheating, reducing the likelihood of spreading the influenza.
Influence of fever on non-cellular structures
Important help the body has an increased heat generation, there is a suppression of the reproduction of dangerous particles and their invasion. When the fever reaches 38°C, there is a considerable production of interferon.
Fever with figures 39-40°C, dangerous for the patient and should be kept under control. Low settings of the environment and serious condition of the patient sharply increases adverse outcomes. Intensive formation of antibodies the patient has high fever, but the disease is much harder if the thermometer only 37,5°C.
The patient's body susceptible to the virus if the patient is in cold conditions down to 15 °C. the Fever suppresses the replication of the pathogen, enhances the protective properties of the organism, the production of antibodies and interferon.
A weak immune system and low-grade fever give feedback: increases the sensitivity of many of the target organs to the action of toxins and non-cellular structures.
Features of the survival of strains of the flu
Pathogens have a high virulence, infecting the cells and causing a dangerous infection. Pathogenic particles adapt to different temperatures, changing the structure of the antigen, undergoing mutation and developing in your part of the protective properties by replacing several amino acids.
The pathogen dies rapidly in the open air and lingers long in the warm, moist environment. Low viability of infectious particles is observed at high temperatures, on paper, soft tissue, metal objects.
In the cold air of the pathogenic structure will live no more than 15 min UV radiation kills pathogens serotype B. At temperatures above 60°C the particle serotype And dies pretty quickly.
Doctors say the inextricable link between the virus, host and environmental conditions.
Environment settings for the development of serotypes A or B can be critical. Pollution, bad environmental conditions, sudden changes in temperature reduce immunity of the patient.
Inactivation of the pathogen increases at high relative humidity, keeping it active on items for up to 7 days. Non-cellular structure again coming into the air, quickly spreading into the environment.
The relationship betweenmutations of the causative agent of influenza and the ambient temperature
Modified infectious agents appear every 2-3 years. They arise by chance, particularly dangerous to humans new strains of H1 and N1. Modified particle becomes more resistant to thermal processes, a part of the host cell, disrupting its function and structure.
The disease is easily transmitted in conditions of a cold from a sick to a healthy person. Genetic changes of the particles of H5N1 avian influenza allow them to get on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat of the person as the pathogen can tolerate a cold environment.
The mutated H1N1 strain is maintained at 33°C, continuing to proliferate. The immune response may provoke further changes in the structure of particles of non-cellular structure, making it very contagious. In the cold produced avirulent variants of the virus.
Acute response of patients to infection manifested by fever and may lead to the emergence of new strains.
Inactivation of a modified form of the pathogen subtype A1 occurs at a temperature of 70°C for 5 min.
Simulators flu and fever
At what temperatures killed influenza virus, scientists have found through numerous research.
There are imitators of the flu, have similar properties along with the pathogen. Parainfluenza WPGC-1 and WPGC-5 destroys human red blood cells, has hemolytic activity, causes viremia.
The causative agent is unstable in the environment. At 20-22°C, it dies within 4 hours. Increased to 50°C leads to the destruction of the strains for 50-60 min.
With the development of the disease the pathogen causes the appearance of low-grade fever in a patient that reaches 37-37,5°C. Particle "intestinal flu" are a long time in the environment, withstanding low settings, right down to freezing. At rates equal to 4°C the pathogen persists for 7 days. Disease caused by a strain of the intestinal flu, occurs with fever, reaching 38-39°C, with gastric disorders. Ether, chloroform, ultrasound does not destroy the structure of the pathogen, and the repeated freezing preserves all its properties.
Change of heat production and the virus influenza
To cope with intoxication arising as a result of life non-cellular structures, help techniques that contribute to the change of thermoregulation in the body of the patient.
The patient masters the special technique of breathing, increasing the body's resistance. Feverensures stable functioning of the organs in the disease. Internal temperature regulation is provided by defined external factors. As a result of meditation on the special technology, the patient is able to change the parameters of heat transfer to 38.3°C.
An important role plays the power of imagination and special breathing. The process includes the oxidation of fat in the pulmonary vesicles to the state of water and carbon dioxide. The resulting release of heat, warming the blood. The strain dies at a temperature higher than 38°C, and a powerful thermogenesis in the lungs contributes to the rapid process of destruction.
Helping the immune system to build a reliable protection with the use of internal reserves of the organism and the temperature of the environment, the patient is unable to quickly cope with the strain of influenza.