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Why is nausea after flu?

The offseason and the cold faces of influenza, respiratory infections and their consequences. If worried about nausea after influenza, what it means and what is dangerous? Consider the features of the disease.problema grippa

Influenza - an acute infectious and highly contagious disease that is caused by RNA-containing virus (type A, b or C). A feature of the virus after a certain period to change their antigenic structure presents a difficulty in its identification. The disease is distinguished by a particularly acute form, which is characterized by General intoxication, lesions of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, fever, headache, nausea, aching joints. Among the infectious respiratory diseases (including influenza) are the most common. Disease is inherent in the epidemic and pandemic spread, and propensity for complications.

The disease

tipy virusov grippaIn the normal course of the disease acute febrile period lasts up to 4 days, on day 10, the disease mainly takes place. In the following post-infection period (20 days) possible weakness, fatigue and headache.

Flu viruses are unstable, but the resulting intoxication significantly affects the circulatory, autonomic and Central nervous system.

The damaged epithelium of the upper respiratory tract loses its natural protective function and attacks the pathogenic bacteria by accumulating them. This can lead to the most frequent bacterial complications to the respiratory system.

Severe forms of the disease may be accompanied by serious complications and even result in death (due to pulmonary edema or brain).

Complications and their causes

Feature of influenza is the ability to be foci of infection in the body, worsening the condition of the patient and causing complications in these weak areas. Any untreated illness can weakened immunity during flu lead to complications. Causes of illness can be different. The impetus for the emergence of complications can become even a trivial failure to comply with bed rest, lack of water for excretion of toxins, refusal of prescribed treatment. Especially dangerous is the flu with a high fever, transferred to the legs.

The flu can provoke not too frequent, but very dangerous complications:vysokaya temperatura pri grippe

  • on the respiratory system (bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and especially dangerous pulmonary pneumonia);
  • on the cardiovascular system (pericarditis, myocarditis, are more characteristic of elderly people);
  • on the urinary system (myoglobinuria,cystitis);
  • on the Central nervous system (radiculitis, polyneuritis), the brain (arachnoiditis, encephalitis, flu, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Reye's syndrome), occur most frequently in childhood.

What can cause nausea?

Founded as a relapse 2-3 weeks after the flu, headache is a common phenomenon. But the bouts of dizziness and nausea after the disease if they are not caused by intestinal diseases or poisoning, should really worry. In this case you need emergency treatment, as these symptoms may indicate serious complications in the nervous system, in particular, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

Nausea, dizziness can be a symptoms such lesions of the Central nervous system, such as:toshnota - odin iz simptomov grippa

  • serous inflammation that affects the arachnoid of the brain or spinal cord;
  • flu-like encephalitis (often species - restricted meningoencephalitis) focal lesions of the cerebral cortex;
  • meningitis - inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain;
  • Reye's syndrome (hepatic encephalopathy), inflammation of the brain, accompanied by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver;
  • the Guillain-Barre syndrome - an autoimmune disease of the peripheral nervous system.

Consider these diseases in detail.

Complications of the disease

Arachnoiditis is a common complication of influenza in the Central nervous system, which experts qualify as a kind of serous meningitis. The cause of this disease is the presence of foci of infection in the area of the sinuses, cavities of the ear. Bacterial infection, listed in the adjacent to the lesion of the meninges that affects them, forcing you to stick together, forming filled with CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) cavities. Inflammation affects limited some areas, not fully covering the brain. Symptoms usually appear when a person considers himself healthy even after 14 days after the start of the flu. Can vomiting (often the condition is accompanied by vomiting), dizzy, and ache in the forehead or the bridge of the nose head, observed the effect of flies before the eyes, to show lethargy and sleep disturbance. Symptoms in acute form. Severe disease may lead to hydrocephalus of the brain, can lead to disability.

konsultaciya vracha pri toshnote posle grippaAny kind of flu affects the nervous system, flu-like encephalitis can be caused by viruses of type A1-A3, V. Toxic effects of the virus on receptors in the blood vessels of the brain causes neurotoxicity. There is an increased blood-filled vessels in the brainappear foci of hemorrhage, as small focal and extensive edema of the brain substance and meninges. Manifested flu-like encephalitis usually at the end of the influenza in the form of a muscular and strong headaches, nausea and dizziness, weight loss, sleep disorder, visual and auditory hallucinations. Distinctive symptoms, such as pain in the muscles of the back and limbs, eyeballs at their slightest movement. Possible seizures, paresis, paralysis, coma. When severe lesions of possible death.

Serous meningitis, triggered by the flu, less dangerous than the other forms. Occurs as a result of infection in the brain of the already existing lesions. Begins on the background of rather low temperature, appears a strong headache, vomiting, decreased activity movements. Characteristic pose - lying on its side, drawing in to the abdomen feet and strong throwing back his head. Disease, in turn, may lead to serious complications, requires a long and intensive treatment.

Almost always the occurrence of Guillain-Barre syndrome is preceded by a respiratory attack that causes malfunction of the immune system mistakenly perceiving neurons as pathogenic infection. As a result of failure of the immune system makes white blood cells to destroy nerve cells of the upper layer, which affects the structure of neurons and transmission of their signals in tissues and organs. The defeat of the peripheral nervous system causes failure of organs and partial paralysis.

Main symptoms: fever, aching joints and weakness of the limbs, catarrhal process and difficulty swallowing, visible abdominal enlargement, urinary incontinence may be paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles. Possible symptoms such as nausea, disruption of the gastro-intestinal tract, tears and sweat, headache, General fatigue.

A complication of this type is typical for children. A mild form of the disease is expressed in the muscle pain, the disruption to the work of the kidneys. Prerequisite - admission. The average duration of treatment - 4 weeks.

Reye's syndrome associated with treatment of influenza And drugs with salicylic acid. The disease occurs almost exclusively in children under the age of 16. It is dangerous, is life-threatening, as it can lead to swelling of the brain. There are the first symptoms in the recovery period in the form of a sudden and violent vomiting, then growing nervous agitation, aggressiveness. The disease develops quickly, several hours later, possibly falling into a coma. Progressing encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of the liver without going into jaundice, disturbance of lipid and amino acid metabolism.The disease is characterized by high mortality (50%). Possible consequences: damage to the brain, slowing mental development, a disorder of the peripheral nervous system.

The only possible conclusion from the given descriptions: nausea after flu - alarming, very dangerous symptom and unconditional reason to immediately seek medical help.