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The use of aloe cough

The use of aloe cough is very popular and has long been positively proved. It is one of the most effective folk remedies. Ordinary houseplant on the windowsill, which helps in the healing of virtually all diseases of the human respiratory tract. The plant is also called century plant.

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Causes of cough

The cough is dry and wet. Dry cough is a symptom of acute respiratory diseases, laryngitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the throat. A wet cough indicates that infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Its cause can also be cold. Mucus from the nose enters the throat and causes a cough. This cough is usually easily treated.

But sometimes a wet cough is indicative of serious disease:

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  • asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • problems with digestion;
  • bronchitis;
  • allergies;
  • Oncology.

Therefore, the appearance of cough, especially a child, should immediately contact the doctor.

The agave and cough: the use of plants approved

Treatment common cough that is causing a cold, sore throat or virus, along with the assigned pills and syrups can be combined with folk remedies.

One of the most effective is the use of aloe cough. This is not surprising. Plant, or its juice, has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial, antiviral properties.

konsultaciya vracha pered primeneniem aloe ot kashlyaPenetrating into the tissues of the body, aloe Vera juice acts as a pain reliever.

In contact with a sore throat, mucous disinfects its surface for a few hours kills viruses. The agave destroys pathogenic microorganisms, improves the immune system, dampens the inflammatory process in the throat. But at the same time cures and cough.

Efficacy of aloe Vera juice, cough are recognized as official medicine. Academician V. P. Filatov admitted that the use of the plant reinforces the body's defense mechanisms. Now many therapists have a positive attitude to the treatment of cough with aloe.

Its juice is part of many medical preparations, including antiviral and cough.

Aqueous extract of the plant sold in many pharmacies, are shown during epidemics of influenza, acute respiratory diseases. It is successfully used for the treatment of pneumonia and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system of the body. Also popular alcohol tincture of aloe juice.Inhalations help with her bronchitis.

Popular drugs based on aloe

aloe dlya lecheniya kashlyaStill, for the treatment of cough better fresh juice of the plant taken at home. For making it suitable only aloe leaves in the third year of growth. Cut is more succulent lower growing closer to the root. With the collected leaves, cut off the skins through cheesecloth squeezed juice.

Popular drugs for cough, including plant, used for a long time. In connection with other components they gently reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract, make it the disease.

Here are the most effective ones.

Recipe 1. To connect Linden or buckwheat honey with aloe juice in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture was taken up to six times a day. After use do not drink or eat for half an hour. Relieves cough, colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, inflammation of the throat.

Recipe 2. Cough angina helps the liquor from the leaves of plants. To do this, they must be washed thoroughly, cut into pieces and cover with sugar. Allow to stand three days in a dark place. On the fourth day, pour pot, which is a sweet mixture to the brim with vodka. Cover and insist in a dark place for another three days. The resulting liquor to drain. Adults take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, children - 1 teaspoon Consumed before a meal.

Recipe 3. For the relief of dry cough mix 3 tbsp of aloe juice, 1 tbsp. l. Linden honey, the juice of 2 lemons, a quarter of raw onion, crushed to a pulp. To take every two hours 2 tbsp.

It is important to know when using plant

Aloe Vera juice is not a panacea for cough. Besides the fact that it can cause human allergies, in some cases, treatment of the flower must be very careful. In addition, there are some cases when it is contraindicated.

Diabetes, ulcerative colitis, as well as people taking diuretics or corticosteroids must be strictly dosed medications, which include components of the plant. They are not recommended during menstruation, especially abundant. Because al increases blood flow in the body. It is strictly forbidden to pregnant women treated juice, as can cause miscarriage.

Aloe is contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis with hemoptysis, people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys.

It can not be used in exacerbations of severe chronic diseases, inflammation of the organs of the peritoneum and gastrointestinal tract, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis, cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, internal bleeding.

Don't overuse aloe Vera juice even for the treatment of cough and in cases where health is all right. Modern studies of the effectplants are living organisms suggests that the excessive taking it internally can cause cancer.