Effective antibiotics for coughs in adults
Antibiotics for coughs in adults help to remove the symptoms of the disease. To get effective result of the treatment, it is necessary to take antibiotics in combination with other medicines, for example, at the end of treatment do not forget about vitamins. It is known that in addition to the harmful bacteria, antibiotics can kill the useful elements, which in the future should be filled in certain food products and specialized complexes with trace elements and minerals to restore the intestinal flora.
The benefits and harms of antibiotics
In modern medicine, antibiotics play an important role. However, taking them should be strictly after a doctor's prescription, in any case not to self-medicate since it may cause serious health complications. Under such lung ailments as the common cold or a headache, it is better to refrain from taking antibiotics and take a more gentle plant-based medicine.
According to recent research, people abuse antibiotics, and bacteria have developed immunity to many medications. By 2016 most of them will simply cease to positively affect the human body.
To take an antibiotic for cough for children with SARS is highly undesirable, as they are in viral infection of no use in itself does not carry. They can be applied only for serious bacterial infection and are used in the 6 - 8% of children's cases.
With antibiotics can cure diseases such as:
- pneumonia (acute form);
- sinusitis;
- otitis;
- infection of the lungs;
- sore throat, etc.
Antibiotic Flemoksin Soljutab
One of the most popular antibiotics is "flemoksin Solutab". It is designed by the Japanese firm Yamanouchi". Its use in infectious-inflammatory processes of organs of hearing and breathing, gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system. The main active substance is the amoxicillin. He consistently destroys aerobic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
Indications for use:
- infection in the respiratory tract and the ear;
- cystitis, urethritis and other urogenital infections nature;
- inflammation in the digestive tract;
- infections and wounds on the skin.
- it is forbidden to accept patients who are prone to allergic reactions to penicillins and other components Flemoxin appointment;
Children from 1 to 3doctors prescribed the dosage depending on the body mass.
Children from 3 to 10 years - 250 - 370 mg 3 times a day.
Children from 10 years and adults - 375 - 700 mg 2 - 3 times a day.
The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days. When all the symptoms pass, you need another 2 days to take the drug.
Side effects were detected in few cases and consisted of nausea, diarrhea, changes in taste in mouth, abdominal pain, rash on the body.
Antibiotic Erythromycin
The equally well-known drug is Erythromycin, which has a negative effect on Staphylococcus, pneumococci and other pathogenic bacteria. He is less weak, in contrast to the "Flemoksin appointment, as they are not penicillins, therefore, better tolerated by patients.
Indications for use:
- inflammation of the lungs;
- the presence of harmful microbes in the blood;
- inflammation of the bone marrow;
- purulent otitis;
- pustular skin disease.
- mastitis;
- inflammation of the eyelids.
Children under 14 years old, doctors calculate the dosage 20 - 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
For adults, a single share is 0.25 g in mild form of the disease and 0.50 g in severe.
Side effects are rare, mostly it's an allergic reaction to components of the drug, diarrhea and vomiting. With a long reception not possible the disturbance in the liver, which can lead to jaundice.
Antibiotics and Amoxiclav Augmentin
Well-proven antibiotic cough Augmentin". It effectively combats infections of the upper respiratory tract, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the urinary tract, with skin infections, bone and soft tissue.
The course of treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks.
As an antibacterial combination drug is distributed "Amoxiclav". It is prescribed if the patient has discovered otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis chronic, infection in the urinary organs, gonorrhea, or infections of the skin.
The drug can only be used for adults.
Contraindication is individual intolerance to clavulanic acid containing drug amoxicillin and other components. It is forbidden to take with hepatitis or jaundice.
Antibiotic Sumamed
For adults and children assign a pretty generic antibiotic called Sumamed". Active element in it is Azithromycin. He struggles with diseases such as sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, pustulareruptions, inflammation of the urinary organs, etc.
Usually the course of treatment is 3 days, then the specialist makes recommendations for further treatment.
Not prescribed to women during pregnancy, patients with disorders of the liver and kidneys.
Folk remedies for the treatment of cough
It is possible with antibiotic treatment to resort to folk remedies. Effective in cough take raspberry. It has a pleasant taste, has healing properties: it lowers the temperature of the patient due to its content of salicylates, actively fights bacteria with in it of tannins. It also has a lot of vitamins A, C, E, b group, sucrose and fructose. All this has a positive effect on the functioning of the human body and suppresses colds.
Tea with raspberries since childhood everyone is familiar. For its preparation it is necessary in the teapot pour 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaves and pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover with a lid. After the tea brew, pour into Cup and add sugar, better honey. This tea warms the sore throat and is able to bring the temperature down if it is not above 39 degrees Celsius.
The most loyal assistant in the treatment of cough the garlic. The easiest way to do the following: cut a garlic clove in half and during the day, to inhale its aroma. If a person has overcome a dry cough, you can chop the garlic until the consistency of porridge, spread it on a cloth and wipe of the foot. After this procedure immediately wear wool socks. You can use another recipe: in a saucepan grind a few cloves of garlic, add a couple of tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture should insist night, preferably in warm, then drink 1 tablespoon several times a day.
With a strong evening paroxysm of coughing should take a glass of hot water and whisk it with 3 drops of iodine. To drink before going to bed.
During the treatment of cough with antibiotics and other medicines to effectively drink fresh fruit juices.
For example, carrot juice in equal proportions mixed with warm milk. This curative mix should take from 5 to 7 times a day.
Well help when cold various herbal preparations. You can mix 40 grams of marshmallow root and mother and stepmother with 20 grams of oregano. Then take 2 tablespoons of the resulting collection pour a liter of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours, it is preferable to use a thermos. After this time infusion should be filtered, add to it 2 tablespoons of honey, stir. Need to drink warm 100 g not less than 4 times a day.
If the doctor prescribed youantibiotics for cough, it is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden during treatment to drink alcoholic beverages because there is increased load on the liver. In addition, you can't mix antibiotics with absorbents, drugs that can thin the blood, for example, "Aspirin".
It is better not to combine the intake with other antibiotics as it will further poison the already sensitive during illness the body. Medicine should not appoint themselves, after hearing the commercials on TV. Only a specialist can make a proper recommendation after examining a patient.