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Severe cough with phlegm in the morning

There is often a cough in the morning with phlegm. This is a fairly common phenomenon. It is a reflex act that occurs when contraction of the respiratory muscles and the sharp jolts emits air. Cough occurs during irritation of sensory receptors located in the respiratory tract. Even the body clears the Airways of accumulated mucus and liquid, harmful microorganisms, and foreign bodies through coughing.

problema kashlya s mokrotoj

What causes morning cough with sputum?

The first thing you need to remember that the morning cough is not a disease. Cough, especially in the mornings, a sure sign of the inflammatory process that occurs in the respiratory tract. This inflammation leads to the emergence of the so-called mucus, which is deposited in the trachea and bronchi.

And what is this so-called phlegm? This kind of mucus, containing a large number of products of interaction of the organism with various pests, such as viruses or bacteria. Sometimes the sputum may be blood. Mostly it is not due to serious problems.

But why does this cough in the morning? What are the reasons? They can be set. The main reason is Smoking. When a person smokes, his airway produces a lot of mucus, which in the process turns into phlegm. Smoking also contributes to the paralysis of the finest hairs in the respiratory tract. Because of this, the sputum appears only with the morning cough. Other reasons:

vospalenie legkih - prichina kashlya s mokrotoj

  1. Inflammation of the lungs. There is a dry cough, turning into a cough with discharge of sputum. The color of sputum may change. It depends on the bacteria that are in it.
  2. Cold. When the common cold occurs the expectoration. It is worth noting that it often contains pus and mucus.
  3. Asthma. In the initial stages of the disease there is a dry cough, sometimes hoarseness of voice. Further increases in voice hoarseness and dry cough goes into a cough.
  4. Bronchitis chronic. In bronchitis the Airways are blocked, forming phlegm. Sometimes it may contain pus.
  5. Lung cancer. In the beginning of the disease cough with blood streaks and a large amount of sputum. This cough slowly becomes chronic.
  6. TB. The disease is accompanied by cough with a small amount of purulent or blood sputum.

Of course, it's not all the reasons can be a cough in the morning. And it is better not to self-medicate. It is always safer to consultspecialist. Causes a doctor must determine, using the examination and comparison of the received data. When all the data is collected and studied, it is possible to construct a treatment plan and to choose necessary medicines.

Many people have a question: does it happen that the cause of the cough the doctor is unable to install? It happens, but very rare. This is mainly mistakes and failures in the determination of dry cough. Coughing with phlegm any of the survey methods and diagnostics without problems allocate real cause of the disease. Although there are cases that the attending physician could not diagnose.

Causes of coughing in the morning

obrashenie k vrachuMorning cough with secretions is largely a consequence of bronchitis or sinusitis, but do not forget about bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis (an inherited disease).

Specialist before receiving all test results to determine the cause of such a cough. But it needs to assign a mandatory examination, which will confirm or refute the arguments.

The man himself can determine his illness. Bronchitis and sinusitis stands out quite a lot of phlegm and expectoration easy. Bronchitis and sinusitis are not accompanied by high temperature. If it's bronchiectasis, the cough more painful and long, until the end of cough does not always work.

Treatment for cough with phlegm

In the treatment of cough with phlegm it is necessary to take medicine with expectorant action. These are medications such as Bromhexine, ambrohexal, Mucosolvan and others. Additionally, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs that promote expectoration. Made the decoction of Hypericum or Ledum is also often used by breast collection.

Don't forget about the hot compresses. Very popular in folk medicine, mustard or banks, and grated black radish. You can also use its juice, mixing it with honey or sugar. Doctors advise to do inhalation with the addition of ventolin or Ambrobene to be carried out at least 5 times per day.

polza ingalyacij pri kashleTreatment should be prescribed by a doctor. To treat yourself is impossible. Sometimes it happens that the doctor diagnosed, the patient is prescribed the treatment, but the cough persists. What to do in this case?

The first thing you need to re-apply to the doctor. It needs to write new recipes. This is the most reasonable that a patient can do. But in most cases, people prefer traditional medicine, stubbornly ignoring the traditional methods of treatment.

Indeed, mostrecipes of traditional medicine is very effective. Although not all of these recipes are universal. Some infusions can help the patient, others no effect, and still others will harm a person. For example, people's allergies prohibited drug, includes licorice root and marshmallow. And even with herbs you have to be very careful.

Often advised to breathe over the potatoes and put the compress on the chest from the same potatoes, with the addition of sunflower oil or honey, vodka or beer (it must be hot), propolis. The patient can choose what suits him and not be able to hurt him. But do not forget that in severe cases, traditional medicine will not give the desired result. Most importantly in search of the true means do not to turn to friends for help. What worked for one need not necessarily help the second.

Treatment of cough with phlegm during pregnancy

Treat moms-to-be a very hard and difficult, but extremely important and necessary. Need to make sure that they really cared about the health at the early stages of pregnancy. But even that often will not save them from mokronog cough. The question arises: what to do if the cough?

Cough for pregnant women is very dangerous. He is able to cause miscarriage, if a woman increased tone of the uterus. Besides inflammation - the cause mnogonogie. To avoid this, you need a special therapist, who monitors the treatment of pregnant women. It can be found in any antenatal clinic.

Cough in a child

Bronchitis children get sick very often. A similar cough in children rarely causes serious complications. But just in case you need to check on the baby and eliminate all diseases hereditary nature. For this we need to see a pediatric pulmonologist to understand the causes of the disease.

If necessary, a pulmonologist involved in the inspection of other specialists.

You need to trust the doctors and not to self-medicate. If the treatment will be carried out at home, it is necessary to act strictly according to instructions of doctor. If the doctor told me to put a baby in a hospital, you should not abandon it.

In the treatment of a child can turn to folk medicine, but only with the permission of the doctor. You can breathe over a saucepan with svezhesvarennogo potatoes so that the steam penetrated into the bronchi. At night it is necessary for the child to wear tights, and over - socks, poured them in the mustard powder.

In addition, if the cause of the cough is bronchitis, then such warming would be very useful. Follow the doctor's recommendation and be healthy!