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The recipes for cough using radish and honey

Colds everyone tries to be treated with their proven methods, one is using drugs, other people's ways. However, the recipe Radish with honey cough" is still very popular and along with this effective technique. The healing properties of its natural ingredients have long been known and applied with success worldwide. About the beneficial properties of honey been said and written already very much. Only to say that he must be of good quality, bought from a trusted seller or store-bought. This recipe is perfect honey lime, but if not, you can use the one at hand.

problema kashlya

What is the radish is useful?

You should start with the fact that the black radish is used to treat a very wide range of diseases: jaundice, urinary disorders, skin diseases, kidney and gall bladder and many others. But the most widely used radish cough as a means of helping to get rid of it. This root vegetable contains a variety of essential oils, vitamins a, D, C, it is also high in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. Contained in the radish sulfur has an expectorant effect and helps to eliminate mucus from the lungs. Volatile help in the fight against bacteria and viruses, their action is similar to antibiotics. Thus, radish, and honey stimulates the immune system, fights inflammation and bacteria.

Varieties of radish are many, the root can be black, white, brown, red, purple, green. To treat cough it is better to use the black radish. It will help with the cough of different origin: tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and even diseases such as tonsillitis, whooping cough, pneumonia and tuberculosis are treated by radish. Black radish though, and has a sharp and bitter taste, but is full of the most useful components. Its antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulatory effects are more pronounced in comparison with other radish varieties, it is higher than that of garlic or onion which has a long and well deserved recognition.

Recipes "radish with honey cough"

konsultaciya vracha pri kashle

  1. Take the average of the root and give him a good rinse.
  2. Cut the top of the radish, which can then be used as a lid.
  3. Take a thin and sharp knife to remove part of the flesh of the radish in the form of recesses while maintaining the thickness on the sides about 3 inches. If you cut too much, the vegetables will give enough juice.
  4. In the deepening put 2 teaspoons of honey. If the fetus is large, you can use a little more honey, if small -less. The main thing to remember is that honey should not fill all the deepening need space for juice, which will highlight radish. Take a cut off the top and cover her vegetable.

It now remains to insist the medicine. Should wait about 12 hours, so prefer to cook this recipe in the evening to the morning start treating the resulting mixture of honey and juice. One radish will last for a period of about 3 days, as long as it will stand out juice of the root. As necessary you can add honey. Then you need to prepare a remedy using the fresh root.

Application of juice of radish and honey

To take radish juice with honey for cough should be 3 to 6 times a day depending on the severity of the condition. It is advisable to use a received medication before meals. For adults use a tablespoon, if the treatment is designed for a child up to 12 years: teaspoon, but not more often 4 times a day. Children are usually happy to accept a sweet drug, but it is worth checking the child's reaction to this treatment, giving at first only a few drops and gradually increasing the dose.

It is worth to note that expectorant effect and helps with wet cough and dry only if sputum is thin, not thick. If it is poorly separated, the cough may become heavier and the treatment will be ineffective. Therefore, the use of radish with honey, as in the case with other drugs and medications with similar effect, is to consume plenty of fluids and increase the humidity to 40 - 60%.

chernaya redka pri kashleDo not use this treatment longer than 21 days for adults and 7 days for children. Wet cough usually passes quickly, in a few days, and the notorious "dry", or, as it is called, "barking" cough treated kids for about a week.

If the recipe seems too complicated, and treatment should start faster, there are a few more simple and quick, but not less effective ways to prepare cough drops from the radish and honey:

  1. Take all the black radish, but the larger vegetable. Clean it and cut into small pieces, add about 3-4 tablespoons of honey. The juice will stand out faster, will only press it and the drug was ready.
  2. There is a more economical method of preparation of medicines for this recipe. You need to take three medium-sized vegetable, wash and peel them, then cut into small wedges or cubes, place in a container, e.g. a pot, a jar, a plastic container and cover with honey. After 10-12 hours of juice will be a lot to consume as well as in other cases. Plus of this method is that the vegetable does not dry out, while in a closed container.
  3. In this way it is possibleto prepare the medicine from ARI, only not to close the jar tightly with a lid and cover with a napkin or gauze, to insist 1-2 days. In viral diseases with normal cough apply 1-2 teaspoons a day.
  4. You can RUB a radish on a grater and immediately squeeze out the liberated juice, mix it with honey in the proportion of 100 gr. honey 200 ml of juice.

polza meda pri kashleThis recipe will be useful to many pregnant women, because the majority of drugs are forbidden in this period, as it can harm the fetus. This recipe does not contain any potentially dangerous ingredients, if you are not allergic to its ingredients from the mother. However, here you can find a way, substituting honey for sugar. One has only to remember that the essential oils contained in the radish, can lead to increased tone of the uterus, so do not apply the medicine more than 3 times a day, the duration should be limited for 3-4 days.

Again, if you are allergic to honey you can bake the roots. For this you need medium size of vegetable wash, peel, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and put in a container for baking (perfect pot). Closing the lid, put it in the oven and at a temperature of 100-120 degrees bake for about 1.5-2 hours. Take out from the oven and set to cool. When the radish will be cooled enough, drain the juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, the pulp is no longer needed. Take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day. Still good allies radish and honey in combating cough will be carrots and beets. Mix 100 gr. carrot or beet juice and 100 gr. radish juice, add one tablespoon of honey. Such a medicine you can drink 6-7 times a day, one teaspoon, and at night you can drink two teaspoons. Store it in a glass jar.

Is it possible to use other types of radish

Despite the fact that the black radish with honey cough helps better, do not forget that varieties of this vegetable many and they all have useful properties. Red radish, perhaps even better suited to the child, because the juice more pleasant to the taste, not so bitter and sharp.

Red radish also contains many components that help support the immune system and fight viruses and bacteria. And experts say that this vegetable is fast enough helps with cough in children, so it is in demand, to make a medicine is same as of black radish. If you only have the now very popular green radish, grate the fruit on a grater, add 2 tablespoons of honey and leave for 2 days. This variety has bactericidal properties are somewhat lower, but its application is also effective in the treatment of cough of different origin.

Adults can use a poultice of radish.A cotton towel to soak the vegetable oil and then the juice of radish, oil will reduce the burning sensation. Put this towel on the breast area, avoiding the heart area. Cover with waxed paper (you can use a baking sheet), and then wool product (here comes the scarf or scarf) and leave on for a period of about hours. The compress should be slightly tingling, if the pain is noticeable, take it off earlier, avoiding skin burn. When the poultice is removed, wipe the spot overlap and brush means on the basis of panthenol or moisturizer. Do not use this remedy to young children, their skin is too sensitive.

Despite the safety of this treatment, you should consult with your physician, this is especially important if you have diseases of the stomach, because the juice of radish is rich enough and can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have an arrhythmia or other heart rhythm disorders, hepatitis, gout, and kidney disease, be sure to consult a specialist before applying any medicines prepared with radish. Should not exceed the stated dose, it can lead to disruption in the functioning of the liver. This is especially dangerous if the radish juice combined with alcohol, so the period of treatment to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages. As pharmaceuticals, traditional medicines are effective if they apply all the rules and taking into account individual characteristics.