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From which there is fever, runny nose, cough, and how to deal with them?

Fever, runny nose, cough - constant companions of influenza, acute respiratory infections and other common colds. The main problem with these symptoms is to determine the cause. Only after diagnosis can you start treatment. By themselves, temperature, runny nose and cough are not diseases. Together they act as a protective mechanism so the body fights hit it with a virus or bacteria. Doctors do not recommend immediately to bring the temperature down and fight the common cold, it is better to give the immune system time to cope with pathogens.

problema povyshennoj temperatury

Fever, runny nose and cough in children

The cause of the child all three symptoms can be associated with both the flu and teething. In the latter case the symptoms are observed in a child no more than 3 days, after which the temperature decreases.

In children, the flu usually begins with a cold. It is the result of contact with the nasal mucosa of the virus. In some cases, a scratchy or sore throat. The child is restless, coughs, breathes heavily and often swallow saliva. Regardless of what starts the disease, treatment should begin immediately, until the temperature rose.

Before proceeding to treat the child, you should consult with your doctor, as all three symptom individually can indicate a development in the body other serious diseases. If the doctor found that cough, runny nose and temperature were the signs of acute respiratory infections, must adhere to the following guidelines:

sirop ot kashlya

  1. Constantly moisten the nasal mucosa with saline solution, preventing its drying. Physiological solution can be replaced with a tincture of chamomile, it will not only moisturize, but will also soothe irritated nasal passages.
  2. Monitor the temperature in the baby's room: it must not be below 20°C. But the room should be several times a day to aerate, to purify the air from harmful bacteria.
  3. The appearance of dry cough a child can be given to thin phlegm syrups and lozenges.
  4. If the temperature rises, you should not knock it, but to observe the condition of the child. Runny nose, temperature 37°C and above in good health show that a child's body can cope with the disease and without medication. Antipyretic drugs are advised to take, if the body temperature reached 38°C.
  5. It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids. Instead of water you can use a herbal tincture, tea with lemon, honey or raspberry jam.

Immediately contact your doctor ifthe above methods of treatment do not apply.

Fever, runny nose and cough in adults

Reason of such state can be set. To determine the cause should pay attention to the primary symptom. For example, a runny nose and cough at normal temperature can be a symptom of an allergic reaction to any pathogen. The cough is usually dry, and the nasal discharge is clear.

obilnoe pite pri temperatureIn some cases, the absence of the temperature may indicate weak immunity and inability of the body to resist infection fully. In this case, you need medication and strengthening the immune system.

Cough without fever and runny nose can be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • chronic bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • allergies.

Associated symptoms

You should pay particular attention to associated symptoms: chest pain, weakness, shortness of breath. For colds in the initial stages of the disease they are absent. The appearance of these symptoms may indicate the development of pneumonia. In this case, the temperature is usually high (more than 38°C).

Vomiting and nausea can talk about advanced forms of colds, when the gag reflex occurs in response to severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

ponos pri temperatureVomiting can be a symptom of undertreated and bronchitis that threatens the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

A combination of symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose and diarrhea, may indicate the presence of adenovirus infection. The disease is dangerous complications in the form of inflammation of the lungs, pneumonia, and croup in children.

Diarrhea can be a symptom of food poisoning because of weakened immune system during respiratory disease. In these cases, the danger is the risk of dehydration, so you need to drink plenty of liquids.

Depending on how long the patient's symptoms, we can distinguish several types of the disease:

  1. The acute form. Duration of the disease state does not exceed 1-2 weeks, and the symptoms are pronounced.
  2. A prolonged duration. The duration of the disease can reach a month, and the symptoms can then escalate, then subside.
  3. Relapsing course. The symptoms get worse and stay on for 2 weeks. Most typical threat of ENT diseases.
  4. Chronic. Symptoms are present continuously, can disappear for a while. Most actively manifest themselves only cough and runny nose, and temperature is missing. Because of the latent period of the disease it is often confused with longrecurrent.

Accurate diagnosis can put only a doctor.

Basic tips and treatment

postelnyj rezhim pri temperatureIf, however, the disease is not prolonged or chronic, and the symptoms themselves are expressed softly, it is enough to adhere to the following guidelines so that the treatment was successful:

  1. To stay in bed. It is especially important to adhere to this rule when the first signs of the disease, when all the power and energy of the body goes to fight off the infection. Bed rest is also important for the prevention of complications.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids: this helps to prevent dehydration - a serious consequence of viral infections. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps to withdraw toxins from the body.
  3. Constantly monitor body temperature. If it does not exceed 38°C, you should not start taking fever-reducing drugs so the body fights pathogens.
  4. Rinse nose with saline. Most effective the Council is in the early stages of disease development when temperatures have not increased.

If the runny nose is not more than a week, should be resorting to drugs. To combat the disease have high effectiveness in moisturizing products such as “Phrase”, “Aqua Maris”, “Dolphin” and others.

Preference should be given drugs, which include sea water. She has a calming and disinfecting effect.

In the fight against cough is not recommended to take medicines, whose action is directed on suppression. It is better to use expectorant drugs that help to translate a dry cough in the wet, and then clear the bronchi of mucus.

It is not recommended to engage in the selection of drugs without consulting a doctor, as the cause of the common cold, cough and temperature can be not only infectious diseases.