The symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children
Laryngitis in children, the symptoms of which first can not detect a dangerous disease. And only the doctor can accurately diagnose this form of inflammation in the throat, setting him colds or infectious nature.
The main causes for laryngitis in a child speaks through the mouth of the polluted or cold air, and viral infection or fungal infection, excessive tension of the throat, hypothermia. The manifestation of the acute stage of the disease is possible infection or hypothermia. Chronic stage disease occurs in connection with long flowing inflammation of the throat and nose, of the paranasal sinuses. The inflammatory process affects the larynx, the upper parts of the trachea. The voice disappears or becomes low. The signs of laryngitis in children supplemented with dry cough, difficulties in breathing and swallowing.
The degree of laryngitis in a child
The severity and stage of the inflammatory process will determine where, what and how the treatment baby.
To treat laryngitis of 1 degree possible at home. For this the child needs to provide full rest. Treatments: mustard and hot foot bath. A great help to cope with inflammation of the throat inhalation. Do not use warming ointment with a strong smell because the odors can aggravate the disease.
Treatment 2 and 3 stages of laryngitis involves the finding of the baby in the hospital. This is because childhood is a predisposing factor for sudden worsening of health. Showing inhalation, IV drips, antibiotics and fever reducing medicine.
Stage 4 of laryngitis can be treated exclusively in the departments of reanimation and intensive therapy because of the threat of cessation of respiration as the result of the closure of the glottis.
Classification of types of children's laryngitis
Laryngitis can take one of several forms. However, the most common in children, it is customary to distinguish two forms of the disease: catarrhal and hypertrophic.
Symptoms of catarrhal forms of child diseases:
- regular cough;
- voice wheezing;
- throat burns and sore.
Signs of hypertrophic forms of child laryngitis:
- the appearance of the characteristic nodules of small size;
- throat discomfort expressed greater;
- rude and very hoarse voice.
The occurrence of laryngitis in a child can indicateapproaching SARS, scarlet fever, whooping cough.
Just started treatment contributes to successful relief from signs of disease. The first thing to do is to create for the baby of the conditions of peace and to explain to him that not a lot of talking, especially whispering, as if whispering ligaments are experiencing significant stress. Despite the discomfort, to breathe the baby need spout in order to protect the larynx affected from the influence of undesirable factors.
Detection of the acute stage of laryngitis in children
In the acute stage of illness in infants can be characterized by the stenosis. Throat while it swells, there is a narrowing of the breathing opening and difficulty in breathing. In other cases, the acute stage of laryngitis in a child can accompany an infectious disease or be a consequence of allergic reactions.
Stenosis (acute laryngitis)-1st grade children manifest fairly quickly - within a couple of hours. The baby suddenly starts to choke, his voice becomes hoarse, the breath loud, barking cough occurs. When the throat narrows during inspiration, there is the ceasing of the depression on the rib cage and intercostal gaps. The child's face and the nasolabial area can turn blue. The development of acute forms of laryngitis promote rapid temperature swings, humidity in the atmosphere, viruses affecting substances-allergens. The period of the attack: a day or two.
The second degree of stenosis is characterized by more marked symptoms of laryngitis. Shortness of breath becomes permanent. The kid is excited, sleeps badly. The skin is pale, around mouth skin is blue. Blue increases at the time of cough, heart beating a sick child often. This degree of stenosis lasts 3 - 5 days and takes permanent or paroxysmal in nature.
In the third degree of stenosis observed abnormal breathing and increased work of the muscles of the respiratory organs. The child is sleepy and lethargic state, he is restless and afraid. Although the voice gets significantly, absolutely it doesn't disappear. Shortness of breath accompanied by small patient constantly. The heartbeat is strong, the colors in it are muted, ripple is uneven. Perhaps a sharp decrease in pressure.
Asphyxia is the final degree of stenosis. Heavy phase may lead to seizures and falling into a deep coma. The readings on the thermometer closer to normal or drop to critical. The heartbeat slows down. May develop morning sickness and other complicated condition.
Symptoms of laryngitis in children
To understand that there is an inflammatory process, it is possible in the clinical picture. Characteristic features of children's laryngitis is considered to be:
title="fever is a symptom of laryngitis in children" alt="fever is a symptom of laryngitis in children">
- the hoarseness in the voice;
- barking cough;
- wheezing at the time of sleep;
- unreasonable anxiety and tearfulness the condition of the baby;
- possible temperature rise.
A loud cough frequently occurs. It irritated mucous walls of the larynx. Catarrhal stage (less dangerous) Chiprovtsi voice accompanied by infrequent coughing, burns in the throat. Hypertrophic laryngitis detects increased symptoms with the formation of nodules on ligaments. Atrophic stage laryngitis is accompanied by a painful cough. His seizures can result in a discharge of bloody crusts from the inclusions.
The treatment of infantile laryngitis
The slightest suspicion of the presence of laryngitis in a child should prompt a thorough the reason for seeking medical help. On the exam, the doctor will choose an adequate case treatment and prescribe suitable medicines. It should not be assumed that only traditional treatments can cure the disease. Because chronic laryngitis is often influenced by viral microorganisms. Also laryngitis may indicate emerging influenza, SARS, scarlet fever and several other infections.
Methods of folk treatment must be recommended by the attending physician. It is important to create an environment for treatment, to protect the patient against harmful odors (tobacco smoke, for example) and vapors. Parents need to take care of nasal breathing child, namely: not to allow him to speak, to give to drink plenty of liquids (herbal teas, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, mineral water without gas) - it helps to restore the health of the baby. In the menu you can't include food with aggressive laryngeal ingredients: spices, severity and roughage.
Treatment with medicines is reduced to the reception of antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and drugs, mitigating the mucosa of the larynx and reduces its swelling and inflammation.
Drug therapy should be accompanied by inhalations and warm water treatments for the feet.
The use of inhalation for laryngitis kids
The effects of inhalation in the treatment of the disease has a beneficial health effect. To conduct inhalation to the child at home is possible through a special device (inhaler) or any kitchen container with hot water. In a wide bowl with water, add medicinal plants or drip a few drops of eucalyptus oil. It also makes sense to put a spoonful of soda drinking.
Take the child on hands and keepit at a safe distance from the water. But the pair must be captured in the child's nose. Evaporation will act as a microbicide. The dishes with the outgoing pairs can hold next to a sleeping child. Inhalation of vapor normalizes the patient's state of health. Child years, conscious breathing taught to do the procedure independently.
Prevention of disease is the hardening of the child's body, in taking balanced food, in strengthening the immune system and physical development.
If in a young patient diagnosed with acute laryngitis, you need to hold treatment to the end, otherwise the acute phase can become chronic.