Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic laryngitis
Chronic laryngitis is a fairly common disease in which the inflammatory process affects the recurrent nature of the mucous membrane of the laryngeal region. Often the disease is accompanied by the development of repeated inflammation, extending to the upper respiratory tract.
Causes of chronic laryngitis
The progression of the disease such as laryngitis, observed after prolonged exposure, prolonged mouth breathing too cold air, exposure to aggressive environmental factors or elements toxic nature.
Causes of chronic laryngitis may be the following:
- frequent cases of acute laryngitis;
- the spread of chronic infectious foci, with different localization and presented with sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis, or caries;
- formation in the oral cavity microflora of the opportunistic nature;
- comorbidities care quality provided to nature;
- diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
- exposure to dust, food or chemical allergen;
- repetitive high loads on the vocal apparatus;
- the work or residence environment, which is characterized by severe pollution and dusty air;
- sudden temperature changes;
- Smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages;
- the weakening of the protective functions of the body.
The main category of patients diagnosed with chronic laryngitis are men who regularly cope with harmful occupational and living conditions.
In children this disease occurs so often and is the result of recurrent adenomegaly. Development of chronic laryngitis is exposed to individuals who are:
- chronic diseases affecting the digestive system;
- disorders of the liver;
- impaired functioning of the organs that compose the cardiovascular system;
- allergic reactions that trigger circulatory, immune, trophic abnormalities;
- endocrine abnormalities are presented, for example, dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- vitamin deficiency;
- chronic infectious diseases.
The symptoms of chronic laryngitis
Chronic laryngitis symptoms causes non-specific, and their expressiondirectly depends on the severity of the pathological changes was subject to the voice box.
Common symptoms of chronic laryngitis consist of:
- hoarseness;
- quick voice fatigue;
- the occurrence of irritation, itching or burning in the throat;
- the appearance of dryness in the mouth and persistent cough.
Osiplosti can be of varying degrees. Some patients face this symptom only in the morning and say reducing osiplosti throughout the working day. But in some cases, patients with marked permanent dysphonia. The degree of hoarseness can be influenced by some factors, in the form of adverse weather conditions, menopause, menses or pregnancy in women.
For people involved in vocal development, even a slight dysphonia can cause severe stress. Such a condition only exacerbates the broken quality of the voice functions.
Cough occurs as a result of stimulation of tactile receptors located in the laryngeal region, or the formation of inflammatory lesions in the trachea and bronchi.
It is customary to distinguish several forms of chronic laryngitis, namely:
- catarrhal;
- hypertrophic;
- atrophic.
The above forms of the disease differ in the severity of lesions of the vocal apparatus and certain symptoms.
So, the development of the catarrhal form of the disease is accompanied by disorders of blood circulation in the laryngeal region, inflammation, redness and formation of oedema in the region of the vocal cords. This patient complains of problems occur during the pronunciation of words and Chiprovtsi voice.
For hypertrophic forms are characterized by a persistent lesion of the larynx, accompanied by the formation of minor seals that prevent normal closure of the glottis. A patient is having cough and severe hoarseness.
In atrophic chronic laryngitis were observed on the mucosa of the larynx of secretions, reminiscent of viscous mucus. The development of this form of the disease affected mostly elderly people whose immunity is greatly weakened.
Diagnosis of chronic laryngitis
The diagnosis of chronic laryngitis involved physicians, otolaryngologists. At the reception, a technician carefully examines the patient's complaints and makes palpation of the neck to determine the existing inflammation that affected lymph nodes.
For setting finaldiagnosis is necessary to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies.
Details to explore the area of the larynx during an indirect laryngoscopy, involving the use of a special mirror. The specialist can see how narrowed lumen and at what stage is the development of the inflammatory process.
Laboratory study provides a General analysis of blood, giving the opportunity to study the number of leukocytes and levels of ESR.
On the basis of the examination and of the results of research specialist and will diagnose chronic laryngitis.
Treatment of chronic laryngitis
Chronic laryngitis refers to the category of those diseases fully cured which is impossible. Therefore, the treatment of disease aims to combat the disturbing symptoms and improving the General condition of the patient.
Treatment of chronic laryngitis is primarily from the use of non-pharmacological methods are presented:
- Smoking cessation;
- voice rest;
- gentle power, in which the preference should be given warm, and soft food;
- fluids;
- prevention of hypothermia of the body;
- regular airing of the premises;
- adequate microclimate in the room, which should follow a certain level of temperature and humidity.
Curing chronic laryngitis adopted some components of traditional therapy.
So, the patient sanitize chronic infectious foci and adjust the level of glucose in the blood.
Each form of the disease involves the use of specific treatment methods.
Catarrhal laryngitis is mandatory to assign the patient antiviral, multivitamin preparations, oil and alkaline inhalations, antitussives and expectorants. In some cases it may be necessary to receive systemic antibiotics.
In the treatment of atrophic form of chronic laryngitis use all of the above methods, supplementing them with inhalation of proteolytic enzymes in aerosol form.
Hypertrophic form of laryngitis is the most difficult, so in many cases conservative treatment is not enough. If the patient's condition is quite severe, he may prescribe surgical treatment. During the operation the surgeon removes giperplazirovannom tissue or growths formed on the vocal folds. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
After surgery, the patient is recommended to refrain from eating during the first twohours. You should also refrain from coughing, which may cause mechanical trauma to the wound area.
About a week the patient should follow a regime of absolute voice rest, sparing diet, and to renounce any physical activity and Smoking, also avoid staying in dusty or smoky areas.
Be healthy!