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What you can treat chronic

Many people wonder what to treat chronic. To answer this question easily, but remember that the important thing is not only to cure chronic rhinitis, but also to prevent its formation.

problema hronicheskogo rinita

Basically, as you know, quite often people suffer from a runny nose, it can appear for different reasons. If not treated, it may be that the rhinitis will develop further. This disease is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It can take place in different forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • hypertrophic;
  • vasomotor;
  • allergic.

The symptoms of chronic rhinitis is known to all: a feeling of stuffiness of the nose, the appearance of mucus, in some cases, fever. Despite the fact that in all forms of the symptoms are almost identical, the self to do not need. Methods of treatment of chronic rhinitis there is a lot of, you should first contact your doctor to determine which form is present in the patient.

The treatment of catarrhal rhinitis

vysokaya temperatura - simptom rinitaYou first need to determine the cause of. Because if you don't remove the inflammation, then no amount of pills will not help. Quite often that after removing the cause of the disease, the patient is recovering fast enough.

In rhinitis this form of excellent means are considered to be vasoconstrictors, such as drops or spray. They will help to get rid of the swelling and to establish breathing. But we must remember that they cannot be taken for a long time, as their exposure can lead to deterioration. To vasoconstrictor drugs include:

  • naphazoline;
  • sanorin;
  • ksimelin;
  • Otrivin;
  • nazivin;
  • nazol and many others.

In addition to this kind of medicines the doctor should prescribe an antihistamine, antikongestanty and, if necessary, glucocorticoids. Do not immediately resort to antibiotics, because they greatly harm the body.

Along with drug therapy can be used physiotherapy methods. For example, laser and ultraviolet irradiation. To resort to surgical treatment is necessary only if there is a large area of chronic infection or anatomical changes in the nose.

obrashenie k vrachuSome are inclined to believe that in addition to the medical treatment of catarrhal rhinitis you need to use folk remedies.

One of the most effective folk methods for treatment for long-term rhinitis is considered a solution of salt water. For itprepare you need one Cup of salt water, a teaspoon of tincture of eucalyptus, calendula or Sophora.

You can also mix the mummy and honey, take this mixture inside. In addition to her positive influence mixes with the oils of peppermint or TUI. All this has a positive effect on the mucous membrane, and plus everything comes to normal blood circulation.

Treatment of hypertrophic rhinitis

Cure hypertrophic rhinitis by using medications, which are used in the catarrhal form. But most often patients with hypertrophic form suitable surgery. This treatment is based on a variety of effects on the exaggerated places (mechanical, thermal, surgical).

If you notice the disease in the initial stages, it is curable with the galvanocaustic (cauterize tissue), or cryosurgery (freezing the tissue).

If necessary during cautery use a special "chemistry: nitrate of silver, chrome or trichloroacetic acid.

The treatment of atrophic rhinitis

preparaty dlya lecheniya rinitaFunds from chronic rhinitis atrophic forms are divided into local and operational. In General the treatment used different kinds of therapy that help restore the mucous membrane of the nose and improve microcirculation:

  • UHF-therapy;
  • vitamin.

To improve the flow of medicines and vitamins in atrophic zone, prescribe special medications such as pentoxifylline, dipyridamole, and many others. In the local treatment apply nourishing creams that contain glucose. They are perfectly stimulate the metabolism and regeneration of the epithelium.

Plus, the lining of the nose need to treat twice a week with Lugol's solution, instilled into the nose isotonic solution or tincture of herbs. If done comprehensively, the mucosa will be much better, and secretory function begins to operate serviceability. In this form of surgical intervention are practically not assigned.

Treatment vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis can be cured medically and operationally. In the first case, use of vasoconstrictor drugs, anti-allergic drops, saline solutions. Also, the patient must use steroid medications. These include fluticasone, beclomethasone, mometasone, and budesonide. All the sprays, which are very easy to use. The dosage must be prescribed by a doctor as self can harm your health.

If the disease is severe, then apply vnutritrekovye blockade. For them to use the novocaine. In addition to medications you need to use physiotherapeutic procedures:acupuncture and electrophoresis.

kapli v nos pri riniteBut for surgical intervention will need the presence of anatomical irregularities. Basically it increased the bottom shell.

With this treatment the shells are reduced, it becomes much easier to breathe.

Of course, in this form of applied folk medicine. But remember that this treatment only accompanies the medication. Great benefit is having a gargle with honey solution and instillation of pine oil. Last resort soothes and disinfects.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis has many differences from other forms. For treatment using histamine antagonists. Thanks to them can significantly relieve the itching in the eyes and nose, reduced amount of mucus, sneezing. These drugs are divided into three groups:

  • diphenhydramine, suprastin, diazolin and other;
  • zyrtec, simplex, klariti and kestin;
  • xyzal, Telfast, aerius.

The higher the group, the fewer contraindications. Again, do not take medicine independently. Plus, the histamine antagonists cause swelling and nasal congestion, so you need to take vasoconstrictor drugs.

It is very important with this form to carry out the desensitization is the impact of the allergen on the body. But remember that if the patient has asthma or heart problems, the allergen it is contraindicated.

If in allergic rhinitis there are complications, then you need to use steroid therapy to avoid bronchial asthma.

No less important are physiotherapy, for example, magnetic, dynamic current, and ultraviolet irradiation. With significant respiratory complication of surgical intervention.

Despite the fact that there are many different drugs for treatment (tablets, etc), this should not lead to self-medication, because only the doctor has the right to appoint the dosage and the right medications.

Summing up

Chronic rhinitis is a fairly common phenomenon in modern times, as its appearance can affect everything from the environment to physiological characteristics.

The most important thing is to determine exactly what form develops in a patient, the result of which it was formed, and only then prescribe treatment. It is not necessary to do hasty conclusions and to engage in self-treatment.

Take care of yourself and your health! If necessary, contact doctors.