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What is purulent rhinitis and how to treat it in children?

One of the common diseases that afflict children, is a purulent rhinitis, which is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. The main signs and symptoms: sneezing, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell and shortness of breath. In common this disease is called cold and is often found in children on the background of colds.

problema gnojnogo rinitaRhinitis may occur as an independent disease, but also as one of the manifestations of acute infectious and viral diseases. Despite the fact that this disease is not considered severe, it can have complications that seriously affect the General condition of the child, his physical activity and development.

Varieties of the disease

shema rinitaThere are several types of rhinitis: rear, acute (purulent), vasomotor, allergic and drug. Each of his forms has its own symptoms, characteristics, peculiarities of development and methods of treatment. On the severity of the occurrence of rhinitis are acute and chronic.

Rear coryza (nasopharyngitis) begins with an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx and gradually the tonsils and lymphocele. If you do not start timely treatment, the disease can become very serious phase: the start of swelling of the lower parts of the respiratory system. If you are diagnosed with this type of rhinitis, the doctor will prescribe medications that can clear mucus from the nose and thereby cure the common cold in children. These may be children's nose drops, antiseptic solutions.

The main indicator of vasomotor rhinitis is a violation of the tone in the blood vessels of the turbinates. As a rule, in children, this type of rhinitis provoked by viral infections. If you run the disease, it can become chronic and thus cause a number of complications. Often when vasomotor type increased adenoids and bent nasal septum that can be corrected only by surgical grafting. Treated this kind of runny nose washing with salt solutions or readjustment, which holds only a doctor. To protect the child from infection can be reduced by staying in public areas.

vazomotornyj i allergicheskij rinitAllergic rhinitis occurs as a result of contact of children with the causative agent, the allergen of vegetable or animal origin (e.g. wool cats), removing which you can get rid of a cold. But there are times when it's hard to do, and then the child continues to suffer. In such situations, are appointed antihistamines (claritin, Zyrtec and others),vasoconstrictor, anticholinergic agents and stabilizers of the fat cells. In severe stages of the disease is assigned the use of hormonal means.

Drug-induced rhinitis occurs after prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs that help to treat nasal congestion. When you deny them an alternative that improves the state of the child, will the use of inhalation, a drop of propolis and pumped salt solutions.

Acute form of rhinitis

Purulent rhinitis, which is a inflammation of the mucous membrane at which it begins to pus, classified as acute rhinitis.

miramistin pri riniteIf a baby has a weakened immune system, this disease can occur sometimes up to two months. If the immune system is in order, up to 9 days. Treatment of acute rhinitis is accompanied by consumption of large amounts of drugs, among which classic drugs and antibiotics and traditional medicines. What period of time will be treated and what medications depends on disease and its stage.

As in the pathogenesis of this form of the disease the main role is played by microbial and viral pathogens, based on its treatment includes the use of anti-infective and antibacterial agents: ointments, nasal sprays, warm antiseptic solution for rinsing the nose (Miramistin, Dekametoksin).

Define the three stages of purulent rhinitis in children. When the first irritation is accompanied by sputum, the General condition of the child painful: headache, fever, respiratory distress and decrease of smell. In the second stage appear serotine and mucus, having in its composition ammonia, table salt - the main irritants of the delicate skin of the baby. The result is painful cracks and redness under the nose. This stage is characterized by sneezing and watery eyes. The main symptom of the third stage, - eye-catching, the pus. But the child's condition improves: go head spasms, the amount of discharge decreases, it becomes easier to breathe.

Drug treatment of rhinitis

medikamentoznoe lechenie rinitaWhen any kind of rhinitis you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. At the beginning of the disease children should be given vitamins and improve their diet.
  2. Medicines to give the baby strictly prescribed by the doctor doses, so as not to provoke vasodilation and not to aggravate the child's condition.
  3. The air temperature in the room where the patient must not be above 22°C.
  4. Need to watchthe nose cavity the child was cleaned.
  5. A sick baby should be given plenty of fluids, preferably vitamin and herbal decoctions.

Contraindicated use for the treatment of rhinitis in children, especially young children (under 10 years), drugs for the treatment of adults who causing a lot of headaches (for example, Polideksa).

Along with medication, rhinitis is assigned restorative therapy and physiotherapy activities. In any case it is impossible to warm up the nose - it can cause the spread of infection to other organs.

One of the important points is how to bury your nose baby. The only correct is the way in which the child is placed on his back, throws back his head and drop the medication so that it fell on the roof of the nasopharynx. In the complex, it is useful to inhalations and rinsing with medicinal fees, furatsilina solution, normal saline.

At the first sign of illness parents must show the child the doctor. In any case be self-medicate, even if at first glance it seems that the common cold is not serious.

Traditional treatments

narodnye sposoby lecheniya rinitaThese days, many moms-to-use pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of purulent rhinitis in a child wary. Not wanting to burden the child's body drugs chemical production, they use traditional methods of treatment. In some cases it gives positive results, but only for the earliest manifestations of the disease. When purulent rhinitis herbal used only as accompanying, and also to prevent disease.

Young children under one year of age at a cold nose buried in a beet or carrot juice diluted with water in equal proportions.

A good purifier of the nose is Kalanchoe. Its juice, zakopany into each nostril 5 - 8 drops, causing a severe bout of sneezing, which helps to release the nose from purulent accumulations. Good effect gives daily instillation for 3 - 4 times. Recommended for children after 5 years.

Popular blends of essential oils that are used in the cold. The drug Pinosol is a mixture of vegetable oils of eucalyptus and mint, it relieves congestion and facilitates breathing.

It is difficult when the waste discharge from the nose is recommended is instilled into the nose fresh onion juice or garlic mixed with honey in proportion 1:1.

Bactericidal effect in purulent rhinitis have fir and eucalyptus oils, which are used as inhalations.

Aloe Vera juice, diluted in proportion 1:10 with boiled water or 1:1 with honey, gives a beautiful therapeuticeffect. The only condition is the use of aloe, which is at least three years. The juice has more healing properties. Bury it in each nostril 3 to 5 times a day.

Small children to give drugs based on essential oils is not recommended, so the best way would be the use of aromatherapy. Suitable oils of peppermint, lemon, fir, eucalyptus tree. The esters of these oils have disinfectant, antibacterial and soothing effect. It is useful to aromatherapy with tea tree oil and peppermint at night. Exhausted by sickness the baby will sleep soundly.