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How to determine which drops are best from a cold and how to take them?

What drops better from a cold? This question is raised by many with the onset of cooling and the first signs of a cold.

problema nasmorka

Colds and fight it

Every year, with the arrival of autumn or spring, the human body weakens. This is natural, because summer is ending, fresh fruit disappear along with them, the body lacks vitamins and it is sick. Along with cold weather comes colds, runny nose, cough and other traditional attributes of the cold autumn.
There are no people who do not get sick. The human body is very fragile, in spite of external force. And at one point he just stops fighting.

What are the drops?


Nose drops can be of three types:

  • drops traditional - those who sell in pharmacies
  • folk remedies: juice of Kalanchoe, aloe, all the drops that you can prepare yourself
  • combined drops prepared at home using drugstore products.

In addition, nasal drops differ in the effects they have on the body. For example, a traditional, bought in a drugstore drops are divided into vasoconstrictive, moisturizing, antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.

ispolzovanie uvlazhnyaushih kapel pri nasmorke

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops is necessary in the first stage, when a large amount of clear mucus. Used to combat inflammation and narrowing of the blood vessels. Quite effective drops. Pros: best help. For some time.
    Cons: headache, loss of sleep, increased blood pressure. Not intended for treatment. More suitable in emergency situations to facilitate breathing. Strict dosage. Examples: Naphazoline, Galazolin, Naso, Tizin, Rinorus, Nazivin, Ksimelin.
  2. Rewetting drops as a vasoconstrictor do not carry medicinal properties. Clearing the nasal mucosa longer than the previous one, but the harm from them is less as they consist of relatively natural ingredients such as sea salt. Pros: it's Hard to overdo it with the dosage. When you use these drops as it passes itself. As people say: “If treated, takes place over a week, not treated for 7 days”.
    Cons: Cold as it was, and is. Faster than a week, it doesn't. Examples: Aqua Maris.
  3. Antibiotic drops that contain antibiotics. Kill germs completely, but reduced immunity. Used in sinusitis, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Pros: Help in those caseswhen other drugs are powerless.
    Cons: Like all antibiotics, they kill everything on their way: and viruses, and useful microorganisms. Examples: Polideksa.
    Suitable for children from 3 years.
  4. Antiviral agents - used in SARS. Are considered safer all the others.Pros: treatment of allergic rhinitis. Have no contraindications. Shows people who have a runny nose - a state of mind. If every fall and spring you have flowing nose, then drops this category for you. Fits all, except for people with hypersensitivity to a certain type of protein. Before use, do the tests on whether you have allergic reactions to the protein. Cons: They need time to kick in and clear the nose. Examples: Grippferon, Interferon.
  5. Immunomodulatory drops are used to strengthen the immune system and in order to give your body strength to fight germs.Pros: Shown to apply to all categories of people, including newborns. Can be used as prophylaxis. One of the safest.
    Cons: their effects are visible only on the fourth day. The rest of the time until then will have to endure the cold. More suitable for disease prevention than for treatment.Examples: Derinat, IRS 19
  6. Anti-inflammatory drops - mixed category drops. It is not recommended independently to assign and, moreover, to choose the first available anti-inflammatory drops at the pharmacy.Pros: Act quickly. As a vasoconstrictor. Reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
    Cons: do Not cure the cold but only alleviate the disease. After some time, the runny nose will go down, but may at any time be renewed again, since the human immune system is still weakened and has not been stimulated by immunomodulatory drugs.
  7. Anti-allergic drops. This group will consider in more detail than the others, because an increasing number of people acquire allergic reactions to certain components of drugs. Whether the environment is changing, whether this occurs because of the rapid and proper food, nevertheless the fact remains. According to statistics, every 5 people in Russia suffer from chronic allergies.

immunomoduliruushie kapli dlya ukrepleniya immunitetaSo. Anti-allergic drops, as is clear even from the title - deliver us from allergies that can manifest as a reaction to flowering plants, dust, household cleaners, and other pathogens. Good save from the investigation, however, do not treat the root cause.

Pros: Impact on disease symptoms. Aftertheir use within 3-4 days is a cold.

Cons: only Help if you are allergic. Not used to boost immunity. If you, at its discretion, without consultation with a doctor, bought nose drops to treat allergies, and you the cold of another type, for example colds, you are just a drop will not help. Examples: Vilozen, Allergodil, Fenistil, Levokabastin, Kromaggs, Zyrtec.

What medications are most effective?

zirtek - antigistaminnye kapli pri nasmorke

  1. Vilozen.
  2. Allergodil - reduce inflammation and itching. Powerfully act. It is recommended to use no more than once a day. Out, as a rule, in chronic rhinitis. Taken within six months. Then change for the same. Relieves Allergy symptoms within 5 minutes. Contraindications: it is Forbidden to use for pregnant women and children up to 4 years.
  3. Fenistil - kapli less powerful when cold than Allergodil, however, also relieve swelling and inflammation, but for a longer period of time. Suitable for all, including children babies and pregnant women. Relieves the symptoms within 15 minutes.
  4. Levokabastin - like allergodil, is assigned for chronic rhinitis. Used for six months, then replaced by a similar. Goes well with Allergodil in the transition from one to the other. Contraindicated in children up to 6 years. The drug Levocabastine is part of the known vasoconstrictive drops Tizin, Alergi.
  5. Chromeexe - assigned 5 years. Can be used as a preventive measure. The usage period is not less than a month. With prolonged use, there is improvement of health and blocking the allergic receptors that slows down allergic reactions in the body, can not hurt. Not helpful in severe cases and in chronic rhinitis.
  6. Zyrtec - antihistamine drops in the cold. Used for: cold allergies, seasonal rhinitis, urticaria, angioneurotic edema and atopic dermatitis. Can be used for children from one year, relieves symptoms for 24 hours

Traditional medicines

Folk medicine is famous for the fact that in most cases, has no contraindications, no children, no adults. A list of these drugs is very wide:

primenenie limona pri rinite

  1. Lemon. Effective when rhinitis. Mix lemon juice with water, draw in the nose and then blowing it back. We perform several times. Then take half a Cup of warm water and 1 tbsp of baking soda, mix, and wetted in a solution of 2 cotton swab, and the swab inserted into each nostril. Repeat several times duringday and passes very quickly. Important: the method is only suitable for adults, children are hurt, in view of the hypersensitivity of the mucosa.
  2. Iodine against the cold. Spread on the night of the foot with iodine, wear wool socks and go to bed. A couple of days and a runny nose capitulate. Suitable for children and adults. The procedure is not painful.
  3. Bow. Peel the onion, remove the transparent film, cut 2 slices and lay them in the nose, but not deeply. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. Within 2-3 days, the runny nose disappears. This happens due to the inhalation of the vapour of onions, which kill bacteria. Suitable for adults and children.
  4. Kalanchoe. If you have a window of growing Kalanchoe Bush, tear off the sheet and catch the juice of the leaf into a small container. Take the dropper and drip the nose 3 times a day. Helps good and fast at any stage of the common cold. A little burn, but tolerable. Such a drop is very good and active.
  5. Aloe. The same case as with Kalanchoe. Tear sheet, make the drops, mix and drips. A runny nose is.
  6. Inhalation. Grate horseradish on a grater. Neatly placed in a jar. Leave for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes open the lid and breathe over the jar. To repeat the procedure more often, the better. From 3 times a day. The pair enter the body. The result: a healthy nose and in a good mood. Suitable for children and adults.
  7. Mixed medical drops. You mix them yourself at home using medications purchased at a pharmacy. Can be quite effective in the accurate dosage, which is very difficult to calculate without the aid of a specialist.

To choose drops that are right for you - not an easy task, so if you have the first symptoms of the disease are still advised to consult a doctor.

But if, for some reason, it is impossible, after reading this article, you already know what drops from the common cold better.