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The use of tea tree oil from a cold

Tea tree oil from a cold, like other essential oils, is very often used by people to treat symptoms of colds and runny nose.

problema nasmorka

A little bit about the common cold

A runny nose is a problem that is familiar to absolutely everyone and is found in children and adults. A runny nose usually appears not only in winter but also in spring or autumn, when the temperature drops, on the street in windy weather or rain. Possible occurrence of the common cold, even in summer, the result of the same cold, drafts or viral infection.

Essential oils are used for a long time and show good results. Aromatherapy is not only a great way to get rid of a cold, but also very effective prevention of colds.

stroenie nosaEverything seemed to be so accustomed to breathing freely, do not even think about how this is a complicated process. To appreciate our ability to breathe normally and speak, to feel the smells we start only after the body attacks the flu and we are faced with a runny nose.

Most people know that the mucous membrane of the nose is a filter, cleaning the air of dirt and all sorts of substances that can harm human health. When there is a runny nose to breathe through the nose not, and we breathe with the mouth, respectively, all harmful substances easily enter the lungs. If time does not begin to treat a cold and runny nose, then very soon, the disease may become chronic, and over time can cause quite serious health problems.

A bit of historical facts

Scientists in ancient times noted the fact that in the area where it grows a lot of pine trees, people get sick much less often, especially the common cold and the common cold.

None of the indigenous people of Australia have never even heard about cold. This is due to the fact that in Australia eucalyptus forests. These trees not only fill the air with nutrients and are a source of eucalyptus oil which is excellent for colds. It is interesting that the eucalyptus product, in the same way as tea tree, cures for the common cold very quickly. Many medications have these ingredients, they are widely used in folk medicine.

Essential oil cure runny nose

efirnoe maslo chajnogo dereva ot nasmorkaA lot of the essential oils can relieve a person from colds and runny nose. It is interesting that such treatments do not have anycontraindications, well, except for individual intolerance of one or another essential oil or its individual components.

Essential, the product can be used by children and adults, because the treatment of this type does not cause side effects. Many experts argue that it is better to prepare a remedy of the disease to a young child on the basis of the tea and eucalyptus oil, than to buy synthetic drugs. They can help much faster, but they consist of many chemical elements, which can have a very detrimental affect on other organs of the child.

How to treat a runny nose in a child with the help of tea oil

In order to save a child from a cold, you don't even have to use drops. Simply mix equal amounts of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, lavender or mint. In this mixture soak a cotton pads or cloth and place in the baby's room in several places. The aroma from these oils will gradually fill all the space, the child will begin to breathe more freely, and his sleep will be more restful.

If the disease is not accompanied by fever, you can make for the child a kind of inhalation. Dial into the bath water and add essential oil. The kid will be very pleased buying and at the same time to inhale the healing vapors.

evkaliptovoe maslo ot nasmorkaLiterally in 15 minutes you can remove the stuffy nose, and a few procedures will take place and the cold. It's enough to add in a bubble bath or directly into the water mixture of oils of eucalyptus, peppermint, cypress and tea tree. You need to take a few drops of each product, this will be enough. The same method is highly efficient and for adults. In addition, the use of essential products in the bath or sauna, which will only speed up the recovery.

As soon as the first signs of a cold, you need to immediately begin treatment. For example, can be immediately applied to the area under the nose a few drops of tea tree product. Then the problem will be eliminated even before its full development. In addition, oil can be massaged nose or dilute the ether product with a small amount of boiled water and instilled into the nose when cold.

Treatment of a cold tea oil

As a rule, for the treatment of rhinitis is common to use a mixture of several oils. This will allow faster to get rid of the problem. To make an effective remedy for the treatment of rhinitis should be taken as the basis of olive oil. Next to it add essential oils of tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary (just 5 drops) and 2 drops of peppermint oil.

Effective and a slightly different recipe: take 30 golive oil, add to it 5 drops Clary sage, 2 drops of pine oil and 4 drops of eucalyptus, geranium and tea tree oil. Use this mixture to massage the forehead, sinuses and nasal wings.

Inhalation with the addition of tea oil against the common cold

ingalyaciya ot nasmorkaQuite effective when the disease are considered to be inhalation. In order to carry out this procedure, you must very carefully mix a few drops of oil of bitter orange, black pepper, rose oil, and of course, a few drops of tea tree product. To wash it down with a small amount of boiling water and breathe the steam for 5 minutes.

You can mix the oil of black pepper with eucalyptus oil or tea tree. Throughout the day several times to breathe this mixture, preheating it is not necessary, this recipe is a cold inhalation.

Some experts recommend to use a balm homemade. It can be used to treat runny nose for about a week, and all this time the medication stored in the refrigerator. To prepare the balm you need to take a tablespoon of vaseline and melt it in a water bath. Further it is necessary to add a few drops of eucalyptus and mint. Eucalyptus is product also use tea tree oil or thyme. In applying balm is also incredibly simple: just 2-3 times a day to lubricate the wings of the nose, and in severe cases the mucous membrane of the nose.

To make a therapeutic steam inhalation for the treatment of disease, and that they were the most effective, always use a mixture of several essential ingredients.

As a rule, combine lavender, pine, lemon oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint, thyme.

A small amount of this mixture need to add to 0.5 liters of hot water. It will be enough a few drops of the mixture. Then lean over a bowl of water and cover your head with a large dense towel. Inhale the steam for about 5 minutes. The procedure should be repeated per day up to seven times and just a few days from nasal congestion will be gone.

You can add a product with tea tree in the bath with hot water and a little lie down in it, thus it is also desirable to inhale the vapors by the nose. This method of treatment is perfect for an adult and small child. The only difference will be to what adult need to use 2-3 times more essential the product to the result was noticeable as soon as possible.

As soon as you notice the first signs of a cold, immediately begin treatment. This will stop the progression of the disease. To cure the common cold at the initial stage is much easier than running.