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Treatment of a cold Kalanchoe juice at home

In case of cold can always help the common cold, the juice of Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe juice from a cold is safe for both adults and children. But more effective medicinal properties of those plants, whose age not less than three years.

problema nasmorka

How to choose a Kalanchoe for the treatment

In the world there are over two hundred species of Kalanchoe. This plant is fairly widespread in almost all continents of the globe. But, unfortunately, not all types are suitable for use in medical purposes, as not every one of them has healing properties.

Nature has given us two kinds of Kalanchoe, which are suitable for treatment:

  • bryophyllum;
  • Kalanchoe pinnate.

vidy lechebnyh kalanhoeThese plants are quite easy to grow at home on the windowsill. They are unpretentious and do not require excessive care, as it is often necessary other potted plants.

Bryophyllum is a plant that has dense grayish-green leaves, elongated shape. Such an unusual name in Greek means “sprouting leaf”. And this is no coincidence, as the sides of the leaves are in the shape of denticles, each with a brood Bud, and it is a subsidiary plant. It should be noted that at this time the plant has the most medicinal properties. Therefore, bryophyllum very easily and quickly propagated: “kids” this plant already have a small one, but a formed root system. Therefore, shattering and falling on the ground, then take root and rapidly grow. This plant with good care, moderate watering and feeding fertilizers grows from 30 to 70 cm And sometimes up to large size.

Kalanchoe pinnate, like the previous plant, belongs to the genus of Crassulaceae, but slightly different color leaves, on it they lighter shade. And this plant is not so intensively propagated, unlike bryophyllum, but in the healing properties of anything he does not agree. Its effectiveness will increase if 1-2 days before the application cut the leaves to put in the fridge.

How useful Kalanchoe?

sok kalanhoe dlya lecheniya nosaThis flower is a real healer. Medicine he is familiar as disinfectant, wound healing and hemostatic agent. Add finely chopped leaves of Kalanchoe lettuce normalizes the immune system. You should not be afraid that it will give the salad an unpleasant peculiar taste, because in this plant there's no bitterness, and there is only light acidity. If not, Kalanchoe grow at home inthe windowsill, it can easily be replaced by drugstore means. But the drug gives no guarantee that it this plant is indeed present. Therefore, it is better to use freshly squeezed juice from the leaves.

In folk medicine is very often used Kalanchoe with a cold in children and adults. Its juice, getting in instillation into the maxillary sinus, cleans and disinfects them.

Do not forget that the juice irritates the mucosa of the nose, causes sneezing and there is a plentiful allocation of slime.

Therefore, before beginning this procedure, instillation you should have a few handkerchiefs. And always treatment Kalanchoe juice should be approached with caution and follow the rules:

vred kalanhoe dlya novorozhdennyh

  1. Newborns instilled into the nose juice of Kalanchoe is strictly prohibited. Only use a decoction of the leaves, which cause sneezing and thus clear the maxillary sinus that a child could not do independently.
  2. When there is a runny nose in toddlers are older, you can use the following method. In equal proportions to combine the juice with boiled water in the resulting liquid to dip a cotton swab and wipe the inner part of the nose of the child.
  3. Adults can drip into the nose pure juice of Kalanchoe.

There are other recipes in which Kalanchoe to combine with other ingredients, which gives a good result. If you mix the juice of Kalanchoe with aloe juice in equal proportions and bury the part in the nose about two times a day, the result will be noticeable after several treatments. In folk medicine, there is another equally useful and simple to prepare recipe. You will need to mix 2 parts of Kalanchoe juice with 1 part juice of onion. Instilled into the nose this composition to not more than 3 times a day, not to overdry and not to burn the walls of the nasal passages.


Although the use of Kalanchoe juice from the cold is one of the most harmless methods of treating it like any other healing tool, has side effects.

The reason may be as follows:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. The manifestation of allergic reaction.
  3. It is not recommended to use this tool hypotensive, people with low blood pressure.
  4. You cannot use this method of treatment for weak blood vessels, as sneezing may in this case cause a little bleeding.
  5. Doctors restrict the use of Kalanchoe juice during pregnancy because of intensive, frequent sneezing contributes to strong tension of the abdominal muscles, and this can adversely affect the fetus.

Inin other cases the treatment of rhinitis Kalanchoe juice will never harm your health.

Because everything vasoconstrictor medications that we buy in pharmacy for treating the common cold, not safe, especially for children. Very often, these drugs can cause headaches, and worse still, addictive body. Treatment folk remedy - juice of Kalanchoe - the test of time and is more safe.