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How to use hydrogen peroxide from a cold?

Recently people started to use hydrogen peroxide from a cold and achieved a stunning effect. However, before you apply any treatment for colds, it is necessary to consult a doctor who can quickly and accurately select the highest quality medical drug.

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Treatment of a cold with a solution of peroxide

It is important to start the required treatment as soon as the first symptoms of the disease. However, keep in mind that the tool has certain contraindications, that is why you need to consult with your doctor. During the treatment with hydrogen peroxide at the beginning of the development of a cold, usually, just one treatment. If there is a constant runny nose, you may need to instill this tool several times within a few hours.

The use of peroxide can help not only when cold, but sinusitis, some allergies and different kind of virus rhinitis. The flu, a bad cold and viral rhinitis, you can only use 3 percent solution, which is sold in the pharmacy. His need to breed, because otherwise you can burn the mucosa inside the nose.

protivopokazanie ispolzovaniya perekisi pri povyshennoj temperatureIt is not necessary to use solutions that are observed:

  • fever;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intolerance to this drug.

Treatment bad cold with a mild peroxide solution gives quite good result and did not allow him to go to a running sinus. In addition, this robust product protects from intense head pain that is primarily manifested as a result of very strong pressure of a large amount of mucus accumulated directly in the sinuses.

How best to treat a bad cold peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide may quickly cure different diseases. It is widely used in infections and various diseases and, moreover, perfectly protects the body from many bacteria, pathogenic viruses and fungi formed. Thanks to this excellent drug has the ability to strengthen the immune system. Using peroxide solution the body can resist different diseases and some infections.

Treatment using peroxide solution is especially helpful in combination with vitamin C, it is therefore very important during colds to take extra vitamins or have a usefulproducts with a lot of their content.

promyvanie nosa perekisu vodorodaWith lavage of the sinuses might be very quickly to cure even the most severe cold. This will take just half a glass of water. In this water it is necessary to add only three drops of the peroxide solution. To wash your sinuses to those obtained a weak solution we need in the mornings and evenings. In addition, the same solution additionally it is possible to rinse the throat, however, it is best to consult a doctor.

This method is not suitable in case of hypersensitivity or individual intolerance.

If you need to treat the sinusitis with the help of peroxide, dilute approximately 15 drops of this medicines one tablespoon of water, then dial the prepared concentrated solution in a dropper and carefully drip into each nostril. After a while the secreted mucus will certainly need to thoroughly blow out the nose.

Treatment itching will certainly need to be under the supervision of a doctor initially to ensure that this remedy does not cause side effects. If you have any doubts concerning the safety of use of the substance, it is necessary initially to apply a few drops of it in those parts of the body where the skin is most thin and sensitive. If for some time no irritation and redness, this remedy may safely be used for instillation directly in the nose.

Contraindications to treatment of the common cold with hydrogen peroxide

oblasti vozniknoveniya gnoya pri nasmorkeTreatment itching do not need to carry out using a peroxide, if the cold is very quickly turned into the most advanced forms, when some anatomical features of nose, and intolerance of this drug.

A separate issue is the use of medical peroxide solution for treatment of strong colds in young children. Before carry out such a procedure, you need to consult with your doctor. In most cases, the use of such tools is strictly prohibited.

However, it should be noted that minimal doses of the drug to the desired effect of treatment may not occur. In addition, there is a danger that the child may instill to swallow a certain portion of solution used. It threatens a very strong burn of the digestive system and the stomach, various disorders of normal digestion, some other threatcomplications.

Rhinitis in young children - is a signal of ingested infection. Thus, the immune system of children does not allow infection to penetrate directly into the body, that is why many doctors don't recommend treatment of strong colds in young children. Very small children significant relief for breathing additionally it is necessary to carefully wash the nose with saline or sea water.

Treatment is not recommended for a bad cold with a solution of peroxide pregnant. Do not use peroxide solution to people who had organ transplants. You need to immediately discontinue the treatment of severe runny nose with peroxide and in the case that immediately after instillation of such medicines in the nose are observed different kinds of allergic reactions. In addition, may in some cases experience side effects. That is why such remedy should be applied with extreme caution and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The application of the peroxide solution with pronounced sinus

Sinusitis is a fairly common disease, which may seriously affect one or both maxillary sinus. Inflammation when one begins to immediately experience the intense headache, greatly raises the body temperature.

At the initial stage of the disease, the required treatment may be performed at home using peroxide.

For instillation into the nose need to take 10-15 drops of a weak solution of peroxide and dissolve them in a spoonful of water. Some time after the direct instillation is necessary to clear the nose from mucus and accumulated a large amount of pus.

Instillation of a weak solution of bleach will not only perfectly rid of a severe cold and purulent accumulations, but also effectively eliminate headaches.

For direct nasal lavage it should initially be cleaned thoroughly, because it gives you the opportunity to greatly improve the quality and efficiency of the procedure. Rinsing is carried out with a mild peroxide solution. Some time after washing in the nose I read the most appropriate drops.