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Effective treatment of folk remedies vasomotor rhinitis

Many people hear the diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis, treatment of folk remedies which gives good results. Rhinitis is a common definition, which is used in inflammatory processes in the nasal membranes. This phenomenon can be caused by various factors. In this case the patient is experiencing problems with the sense of smell. In addition, breathing through the nose has a protective function. Thanks to this light will come clean, moist and warm air.problema rinita

When vasomotor rhinitis type of breathing is not nasal, and oral. This will lead to pharyngitis, bronchitis and laryngitis. In addition, when breathing through the mouth will flow enough oxygen for the normal functioning of every cell in the body.

Because of this, gas composition of blood fluid will begin to change that has negative consequences. Due to swelling ventilation nasal cavities violated. The outflow of mucus will also be incorrect. This will lead to the development of polyps, cysts and sinusitis.

Treatment vasomotor rhinitis

If you use pharmaceutical drugs, in most cases, the patient develops habituation. Then the medicines do not give a positive result. However, the disease is also prohibited. Otherwise, the rhinitis will become a chronic condition with which to cope will be much harder.
Also, there are various additional diseases of a nasopharynx.

konsultaciya vracha pri riniteFirst and foremost, you should not self-medicate. You should consult with your doctor, who will establish not only the correct dosage for medication (traditional therapy), but will also give tips on recipes of traditional medicine.

By the way, the doctor will establish the exact diagnosis, since vasomotor rhinitis has the same symptoms as allergic rhinitis. To determine vasomotor rhinitis can blood. This disease is a reflex, so that the blood will not be detected by a variety of allergens.

You can also do x-rays. The patient will be observed the pathological changes in the physiology of the nasopharynx and nasal cavities. Appear cysts, polyps. You can see the deviated septum.

Treatment vasomotor rhinitis type focused on stabilization of the reflex operation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the treatment should reduce the frequency of attacks rinorei.

Lavage of the nasal cavity

Treatment of folk remedies involves the use of decoctions for oral and nasal lavage, lotions and compresses.

promyvanie nosa pri riniteYou can prepare a weak brinesolution. Best suited sea salt, but if it does not, you can use ordinary table salt. It dissolves in water. In a glass of lukewarm water take half teaspoon of salt.

In addition, you can buy at the pharmacy saline. Most often it is recommended to use syringes to wash procedure. However, you can buy a set Akvamaris or Dolphin. Lavage should be carried out twice a day.

In addition, the pharmacy sells a variety of systems that help irrigate the nose. For example, a very effective Humer, Nasal and Throat. They can be used to facilitate well-being in rhinitis, and for prevention.

If chronic rhinitis, you can use a calendula tincture. You can buy ready-made at a pharmacy or make your own. Per Cup of boiling water will need a spoon of dry inflorescences of calendula. Means you need to insist until then, until the broth has cooled. Every day nasal wash twice. If you use the finished alcohol tincture of pharmacies, then you need to dilute in a glass of water a spoon means.

For nasal lavage and suitable decoction of chamomile. A spoon of raw materials, pour boiling water and wait until the vehicle rises. This decoction will help relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. Besides, chamomile has sedative properties.

otvar iz romashki pri riniteFor washing, you can use normal honey. A spoonful of bee product you just need to dissolve in warm water. Washing is carried out twice a day. This tool is safe, even if it is used by a pregnant woman. Instead of honey you can use tincture of propolis.

When rhinitis helps mint tea. It should be drunk morning and evening. Mint has soothing properties, so it will reduce the irritability of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. This tea can be used not only for ingestion. It is perfect for nasal irrigation.

Walnut leaves can be used for preparing ointments. Ointment 10%. Its membership will include the vaseline. Ointment can be prepared on the basis of oil. In this case, the leaves of the walnut for a long time boiled in oil. It is best to use vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, corn, Flaxseed, etc. This ointment can be stored in the refrigerator. This means you need to lubricate the walls of the sinuses 3 times a day.

Drops and ointment for rhinitis

Treat vasomotor rhinitis using various ointments, you can use drops. For example, very popular are the drops on the basis of beet juice. To do this, the beets must be washed and clean. Then grate. After thatall flesh folded in cheesecloth and squeezed. The obtained juice should be instilled into the nasal passages 2 drops. By the way, you can make a lotion with this juice. Cotton swabs soaked in the fluid and puts in the nose for half an hour.

preparat dolfin pri riniteVery useful in the treatment of rhinitis peppermint oil and honey. Both ingredients are taken in proportions 1:2. After thoroughly mixing, get the ointment. It should be applied on the inner side of the nose.

By the way, you need to understand that honey refers to allergenic products, because it almost always contains pollen. It is in some people cause allergies. So it is better to consult a doctor before using this product medicinally. But honey helps due to the fact that it has antibacterial properties.

Birch SAP is also make a good drop. This means you need to bury your nose 3 times a day.

In addition, it is possible to prepare the decoction on the basis of the horsetail, dandelion, centaury, corn silk and Hypericum. The excellent broth is obtained with the use of oak bark, fruits of mountain ash, leaves of sage, horsetail and mint.

Massage and exercises for the nose

To cure rhinitis not only medicines and decoctions. Developed special exercises and massage for the body that will help to quickly restore normal breathing.

It is very important to train constantly the nose, so that it is less responsive to various stimuli, such as changes in temperature, dust, various liquids. For this to the nose you need to make a compress with plain warm water. Gradually, the water temperature will decrease. But keep this poultice should be no more than 5 minutes. Once removed by a wet napkin, nose to grind.

Massage should also be performed daily, since the reception of medicinal herbal concoctions. Massage is that person lightly taps his fingertips on the nose, wings, forehead and around the nose. After these simple exercises mucus is easier separated. You can not only tap on the nose, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. For massage it is recommended to use fir, eucalyptus or lavender oil. But you need to make sure that the substance does not impinge on the eye. Oil when rubbing will quickly absorb into the skin.

Treatment vasomotor rhinitis folk remedies gives good results. Various herbal teas and tinctures can be used both for ingestion and as a gargle, lotions, compresses.

Infusions and decoctions on the basis of natural components you can use to apply as a standalone treatment or as adjuvant to drug therapy.

In this case, the patient is curedmuch faster.