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Useful beet juice from a cold

There are many folk remedies for the treatment of symptoms that occur during a cold, but the beet juice from the cold is a great addition to the basic therapy. It is very important to know how to apply it, in order to achieve the desired result and to recover. You need to take into account all the side effects from the use of this vegetable.

problema nasmorka

How effective is beet juice from a cold?

Some experts claim that this home remedy is powerless against the common cold. It only moisturizes the nasal mucosa. However, beet juice from a cold today assigned very often, and usually, it concerns children.

But if this ingredient doesn't do any good, then why use it?

polza svekolnogo soka pri nasmorkeIndeed, a positive result from the instillation of beet juice in the nose is almost impossible to achieve. At the same time, the beet has the following positive effects: antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Therefore, the use of beet with a cold will bring a much stronger result, if the patient will consume her inside. In this case, the human body will be filled with all the necessary nutrients that are biologically active. If the beet juice just to dig in his nose, these healthful components of any effect will not have. Thus, they will not support the body as will not get directly into the blood.

However, according to those who used this popular drug, beet from a cold helps because it moisturizes the nasal mucosa, thins snot, removes excess mucus located in the respiratory tract.

But using this means you have to be very careful because the juice can cause an allergic reaction in a rash, so first we need to check if the child is allergic to this drug.

For this reason, beet juice should not be applied too often and although it really moisturizes the mucosa, it is better to alternate it with saline solution or plain salt water, which have similar action.

stroenie nosaIt is important to understand that beet juice is usually recommended in folk medicine, but medicines prescribed by a doctor, so without medical intervention home remedies will be very hard to permanently eliminate a runny nose or other symptoms of illness. At the same time, doctors say that from beets and other vegetables are much more benefits when takingthem inside.

Therefore, starting from the foregoing, it should be noted that beet juice even as disease prevention is better to use in a healing drink because it is full of many useful minerals and other components, and it includes antioxidants. All of these components positively affect the immune system.

Moreover, it should be noted that in many countries, beetroot is widely used because it has 18 treatment effects. As for the common cold, then it can be affected by 3 of them (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action).

And dripping juice is almost meaningless because it would not address the causes of the common cold, this is very important when the disease.

How is the treatment of the common cold beet juice?

svezhaya svekla dlya prigotovleniya sokaIf you decide to be treated with the help of this method, the juice from beets to quite easily. Enough to squeeze it from the roots and then dilute with water to obtain the desired concentration.

Before using such tools it is important to start to consult a doctor, because, as noted above, beets can cause an adverse reaction in the form of allergies, or because its effects can occur exacerbation of bacterial infection.

You should also know that treatment of cold beet juice should be no more than 7 days after the onset of the disease. In that case, if after that time the symptoms have passed, it means that a folk remedy before this disease turned out to be impotent and should seek the assistance of more effective medicine.

Besides, if the disease lasts more than a week, it will indicate possible complications, and the presence of infection. To cold has not led to such serious consequences as otitis media, sinusitis or even bronchitis, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

But if the patient does not threaten any complications, it is possible to complete the course of treatment beets. If you still decided to bury the juice in the nose, you need to start to check if someone is allergic to this vegetable.

zakapyvanie soka svekly v nosFor this it is necessary to drip a little liquid in the place where the elbow bends (it can be land, which is located above the upper lip), and gently RUB in. If by the time the juice was not followed no adverse reaction (e.g. a rash), the tool can be used for the purpose.

Especially this check needs to take if we are talking about the treatment of the child.

Juicebeet can only be used for 3 days and only if all this time he was kept in the refrigerator. Before you drip it in the nose, the liquid should be slightly warm, but the juice's temperature should not exceed body temperature of the patient.

After that it is necessary in each nostril drip 2-3 drops, in this case repeat the procedure no more than 2 times a day.

What else you need to know about the treatment?

It is also important to understand that beet liquid should dig in your nose in its purest form.

Before use must be diluted with water in proportion 1:1. At the same time one drop of the pure juice will not cause side effects, so if a dose is sufficient, the tool can not be diluted.

By the way, an allergic reaction can occur immediately, but after prolonged use a drug, so if any rashes or poisoning the treatment should be immediately terminated.

In addition, it is necessary to know that the use of beet juice with other ingredients (e.g. honey) is forbidden, otherwise, the side effect cannot be avoided.

A runny nose may have a different character. It can be allergic, and bacterial. In both cases, the drug may not be used. In allergic rhinitis getting rid of secretions from the nose will happen naturally (without any drugs), and the beet means not just not bring a positive result, but can itself cause allergies.

If rhinitis is bacterial, the bacteria will be able to use in the beet sugar for your diet so the infection in this case will only improve.

For this reason, in the treatment of rhinitis should not be resort to folk remedies, because it does not mean that they are able to cope with the disease. It is always important to promptly seek the assistance of a specialist, which for a start will conduct a thorough examination, make a diagnosis and then prescribe medicines for the treatment. If you do not heed this advice, then the cold can go to the complication, cure which will be much harder.