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Effective folk remedy for the common cold

In many families from generation to generation is used successfully means of a cold popular, helping to heal safely and effectively. It should be remembered that in acute colds should first establish the cause of the disease, referring to the ENT doctor. Most often, a runny nose occurs when polyps, sinusitis, adenoiditis, deformity of nose, increase in lower shells.

problema nasmorka

When the cause of nasal congestion is installed, you can start a traditional or folk treatment. During exacerbation of rhinitis often apply a hot and diaphoretic treatments, foot baths and other methods that are helpers of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rhinitis in children

About the health of the nose in children should be taken care of carefully. Many mothers believe that the best action has him warming up, a foot bath with mustard, hot wrap chest.

For older children traditional medicine offers the following options for the treatment of rhinitis and common cold:

koren alteya dlya lecheniya rinita

  1. The marshmallow root. Is anti-inflammatory, eases breathing. You need to pour 15 g of root in 0.5 liters of water, insist night, take a warm infusion, 4-5 teaspoons per day.
  2. With a cold and stuffy nose perfectly a decoction of viburnum with honey (you can add lemon). In a Cup of boiling water brew 1 tablespoon of the fruit of viburnum. After cooling, the decoction is filtered and it gives the child three times a day one teaspoon.
  3. Radish juice. The fruit make an excavation that is filled with honey and closed with the "cap" of the radish. Obtained after 4 hours of infusion juice give your child 3-4 times a day on a teaspoon.
  4. Well will help to clear the nasal passages and bronchi potatoes. You need to boil potato peels and give 3-5 minutes for the child to breathe over a saucepan.
  5. To get rid of rhinitis and the common cold to help garlic. In a glass of milk you need to boil 3-4 cloves of garlic. Accepted solution three to four times a day for 1 teaspoon.
  6. Bay leaf gives a strong disinfecting effect. On the side of the nose, apply the lotion of the present sheet. You should not do them before going to the cool air outside.

Folk remedies for the common cold for adults

In acute or chronic rhinitis adults can use one of the many recipes:

kalina s medom dlya lecheniya rinita

  • need to inhale the vapors of garlic;
  • 3 to 4 times a day can be instilled into each nostril 5 drops of the aloe juice;
  • several times a day you should rinse the nosean aqueous solution of baking soda with the addition of two drops of propolis;
  • folk techniques is recommended for adults to rinse 3-4 times daily nasal passages with a solution of 5-7 drops of iodine solution and 100 ml of boiled water;
  • when a cold is recommended to sniff the flowers and leaves of the herb oregano;
  • at home you can smell every half hour grated fresh horseradish;
  • treatment of rhinitis includes chewing 2 - 3 times a day with fresh calamus root;
  • colds traditionally helps tea with raspberry;
  • in the nose instill 2 - 3 drops of camphor or menthol oil;
  • if prescribed medicines has resulted in the lost sense of smell, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of crushed roots of bergenia crassifolia and listewnik; need to take 2 times daily 1 tablespoon.

Inhalation and fees

Against the cold, well help of various infusions, decoctions and fees. Worth a try the infusion of:

  • calendula (10 g per 200 ml of boiling water);
  • mother-and-stepmother (15 g per 200 ml of boiling water);
  • walnut leaves (10 g per 200 ml of boiling water);
  • black currant leaves (20 g per 200 ml of boiling water);
  • raspberry leaf (20 g per 200 ml of boiling water).

redka dlya lecheniya rinitaTraditional methods of treatment include administration of decoctions from the leaves of BlackBerry (20 g per 200 ml of boiling water) or oak bark (10 g per 200 ml of boiling water).

Acute and chronic rhinitis, diseases of the respiratory tract is possible to prepare the following fees:

  1. Take equal parts of peppermint, chamomile pharmacy, medicinal sage, letter. Grass chop, pour 500 ml of boiling water. After insisting for one hour to take a hot infusion with honey.
  2. Lime blossom and black elderberry mix in equal parts, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture 200 ml of water, boil for five minutes. Make the collection of hot several times a day.
  3. Tablespoon St. John's wort, a tablespoon of willow bark, two tablespoons of oak bark and two tablespoons of peppermint pour 200 ml boiling water and infused for two hours, then added to the solution fir oil (5 drops) and buried them nose 3 times a day 5 drops. The resulting solution can also be used for inhalation.
  4. Linden flowers and fruits of viburnum mixed in equal parts, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture 400 ml of water, to insist within an hour, take the night collection hot.

Herbal tampons

There is the following prescription for the common cold: nose may be rinsed with the present and the fermented decoction of red beet. To do this, it must be washed, peeled, cut into small slices and pour boiling water. After a few days, the fermented mixture is filtered and kept in the refrigerator for 4 days.

when rhinitis">Folk remedies for the treatment of the common cold contain this recipe: to rinse nose with a composition of glycerin and boric acid alcohol (1 teaspoon). Rinse used solution leaves of calendula or eucalyptus (for 500 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of leaves).

Popular recipes include rinsing nasal sea water in the absence of which can be mixed in 200 ml of water iodine (5 drops) and 1 teaspoon salt.

A possible method of treatment in which three times daily nose buried celandine juice (2 drops in each nostril), and a one-time process implies the introduction of drops twice, with an interval of one minute.

It is recommended to mix 10 g of the root of wild ginger, 10 g medicinal letters and 1 g of Rue. Herbs are ground into a fine powder inhaled through the nose several times a day. Folk remedies for colds include the introduction of nose swabs soaked with extracts of medicinal plants or their lubrication of the nasal mucosa.

For these purposes:

  • swab soaked leaves of a plantain: is inserted into the nose for 10 minutes;
  • a swab soaked in a mixture of peach and eucalyptus oils as well as carotene: is inserted into the nose twice a day.
  • a tampon impregnated with a mixture of vaseline, lanolin, cartolina and rose oil.

The elimination of "dry" nose

In the treatment of the common cold folk or traditional means may be a feeling of dryness of the nasal mucosa.

In this case, use the ointment of a mixture of vaseline and dry walnut leaves.

Dryness of the nose efficient use of propolis and how to use it there are various from alcohol solutions to turundae, which is placed in the nasal cavity.

Remember that even knowing how to cure a runny nose folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.