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What to do if a runny nose is not a month?

If the treatment does not help and a runny nose is not a month what to do? You can drink pills, drip the nose, and this attack does not leave.

neprohodyashij nasmork

It is clear that the problem in the form of rhinitis does not appear by itself. Usually it is triggered by a virus and is exacerbated by hypothermia. Walking in the rain, get your feet wet, dealing with sick people, we risk to get a fever, stuffy nose, and General malaise.

The disease is called acute rhinitis. It delivers to a sick person in trouble, but not a particular risk. In this situation, it is important to start in time a cure, otherwise there may be swelling of the maxillary sinuses. With proper and timely treatment, the problem can go during the week. In children and people with weak immune system recovery can occur in a fortnight.

When ordinary cold, it is desirable to avoid the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Relieving from the problem of stuffy nose for a few hours, they are able to use atrofiroval nasal mucosa, and the inflammatory process will begin without obstacles go to other organs.

konsultaciya lora pri dlitelnom nasmorkeIf a runny nose at the time started proper treatment in a week has not passed, then you need to sound the alarm. For further pre-diagnosis, you must consult a doctor who will find out, why not pass a cold. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable, it can lead to chronic disease. There are several options for this disease:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis.

You may need additional tests for setting the most accurate medical conclusions. According to the results of the medical examination the specialist will be assigned the necessary treatment.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Do not abuse Naphazoline and other vasoconstrictors. If the dripping nose, these drugs often than in the recommendations to the drug, can achieve the reverse reaction, in which a runny nose for a long time does not pass.

This condition is called vasomotor (false) rhinitis is the most common form of chronic rhinitis. The reason for his overly large reaction vessels of the nasopharynx.

The symptoms of this disease are the following:

  • when changing temperature from warm to cold person begins to involuntarily "darting" nose;
  • by nerve strain, "lays" the nose;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • throat mucus accumulates;
  • I get headaches.

One of thethe main manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis is nasal congestion alternating each nostril. This is especially true in the lying position: she laid the side of his nose where the man lies.

stress kak prichina rinitaIn addition to the abuse of pharmaceutical drugs, about rhinitis can develop for the following reasons:

  • the abundance in the inhaled air irritants such as smoke, dust and intense smells.
  • sudden change of weather when a weather sensitivity;
  • stressful situation;
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels, impaired function of the thyroid gland, the use of contraceptives;
  • food facts: the abuse of alcohol and spicy seasonings very hot food.

About rhinitis, which lasts for months, can trigger the growth of polyps in the nasal cavity, inflammation of the middle ear and chronic sinusitis. Treatment is to eliminate factors that can cause exacerbation of the disease, a General hardening of the body, the ability to respond to stressful situations, avoiding harmful habits and proper nutrition.

Allergic rhinitis

If you have problems with rhinitis with proper treatment, an otolaryngologist not diagnose sinusitis or sinusitis, you may need to seek the allergen. Should draw the appropriate blood test to check the level of immunoglobulin. Any allergic diseases are the result of failures in the immune system. A healthy immune system, leaves no chance for Allergy.

allergicheskij rinit ot shersti zhivotnyhIf in the course of the tests will be an increased level of immunoglobulin, it is necessary to do samples for allergen. They can be the most mundane things:

  • wool Pets;
  • household dust;
  • used home cleaning products;
  • the smoke of cigarettes;
  • cosmetics;
  • the pollen of flowers etc.

This persistent runny nose is called allergic rhinitis, seasonal pollinosis, hay fever. It has the following symptoms:

  • constant watery mucus from the nose;
  • redness and watering of eyes
  • stuffy nose;
  • frequent sneezing.

Mainly allergic rhinitis manifests seasonally, but can sometimes be permanent (rhinopathy). If you have allergic rhinitis consultation of allergist.

In this disease it is important to respect preventive measures. Due to allergies it is better to abandon Pets, Hobbies, floriculture, use of cosmetics with herbal ingredients. It is advisable to attend annually appropriate treatment. Thoroughlyto strengthen the immune system. If you ignore the therapeutic measures, we can begin to develop bronchial asthma.

When developing sinusitis

One of the most threatening consequences of rhinitis is sinusitis.

povyshenie temperatury pri sinusiteIt varies according to the location of the inflammatory process.

The disease develops as a result of penetration of infection in the paranasal sinuses. Most often, the inflammatory process occurs with the sphenoid sinus (between the eyes). The symptoms of the disease:

  • stuffy nose;
  • discharge from the nose and throat of the fluid is green or yellow;
  • the loss of the ability to distinguish odors;
  • pain in the facial bones place;
  • coughing at night.

May increase body temperature and General malaise. The most terrible danger of the disease is that inflammation can dramatically shift in the brain.

The treatment is done at home and is in strict compliance with the recommendations of a physician. Be sure to cure to observe the drinking regime. Large amounts of ordinary drinking water will help flush the mucus out of the nasopharynx. Drinking alcohol and beverages containing caffeine prohibited.

When unfair treatment may develop this kind of sinusitis, as the sinusitis. In some cases, urgent medical intervention, which consists in the puncture of the nasal septum and the pumping pus through it. This procedure is performed in a hospital.

Signs of sinusitis following:

  • increasing the temperature to 38 degrees;
  • pain in temporal areas and the bridge of the nose;
  • stuffy nose;
  • headaches;
  • the loss of smell;
  • increasing pain in the nasal area.

By evening, the pain can be amplified, the patient may lose the feeling of being pain centers. The nose can be laid alternately: that one nostril, then the other. Worsens memory, and increases the discomfort.

Ignoring the treatment of sinusitis in the initial stages, the patient is at risk of Contracting meningitis, which may be fatal. This is why it is important to seek medical help, if you don't pass a cold.