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Allergic rhinitis in children: diagnosis and symptoms

This disease, like allergic rhinitis in children, the symptoms and treatment needs to be carefully examined.

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At the onset of runny nose, nasal congestion, many parents in the first place comes the idea of cold. However, colds and rhinitis are two different diseases that do not have almost nothing in common. The occurrence of allergic rhinitis precedes close contact with the allergens, among which are:

  • dust that enters the nose of the child when cleaning;
  • pollen;
  • mites that may be in household dust;
  • some types of antibiotics, vitamins;
  • exotic fruits, chocolates, seafood;
  • scales, insect legs;
  • genetic predisposition.

The symptoms, which distinguish allergic rhinitis

When rhinitis appear:

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  • itching in the nose;
  • paroxysmal sneezing, runny nose;
  • nose are constantly oozing clear watery liquid;
  • the nose of the child laid down, especially at night during sleep;
  • labored breathing, the child begins to breathe through the mouth;
  • the eyes become red, slattach;
  • swollen face, eyelids.

Studies have shown that this form of Allergy are most susceptible to the children (infants and adolescents). As manifestations of the above symptoms of rhinitis can be mild, moderate or severe degree. Mild symptoms of minor sleep and performance are not violated. When the average degree decreases significantly the activity of the children, disturbed sleep, the child becomes lethargic and passive. If more severe, any possible symptoms characteristic of this disease.

What are the forms you can recognize rhinitis?

Allergies are seasonal or year-round in shape. Seasonal rhinitis occurs in spring (flowering period of plants, the impact on the nasal cavity of pollen). Stimuli can be:

  • pollen of maple, hazel, oak, alder, elm;
  • pollen of cereal crops (rye, bluegrass, bonfire, fescue, ryegrass, foxtail);
  • the pollen of weeds, sagebrush, pigweed, ragweed;
  • pollen sporysha fungi (Alternaria, Cladosporium).

Usually exacerbations occur annually, approximately at the same time, accompanied by mucus from the nose, constant sneezing, runny nose. When rhinitis is often observed and conjunctivitis of the eye. Year-round rhinitis can occur regardless of the time of year, the reasons for its occurrence be house dust, certain types of rodents, cockroaches, harvest mites, mold bacteria Candida, penicillin, Aspergillus.

src="/respiratory/images/569-2.jpg" title="Allergy to pollen - the cause of rhinitis" alt="Allergy to pollen - the cause of rhinitis">in children under 1 year Allergy may appear after drinking the milk, chocolate, eggs. This clinic, i.e. nasal congestion, may occur throughout the year.

Possible exacerbation of rhinitis when injected into the body of infections, viruses, tobacco smoke, cold air.

If you have any of these symptoms should consult an allergist or immunologist, as the disease to be treated and an accurate diagnosis is not always possible. Similar symptoms have other types of rhinitis: atrophic, professional psychogenic, hormonal, drug-induced, infectious.

How to diagnose rhinitis?

Sometimes difficult to recognize the allergens that are leading to this disease. Pathology is often accompanied by cough, sore throat, so the initial visit to the ENT doctor will not be superfluous. Diagnosed rhinitis in two ways:

  1. Take skin samples by applying scratches on the skin of a patient, who inject the allergen. The method is effective, but during periods of acute illness, and for 5 days after taking antihistamines it is better not to use it. Disease is fraught with the aggravation, intensification of existing symptoms, deterioration of General health. You also cannot use the method during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Method of diagnosis applied to children and adults up to 50 years.
  2. The second method is taking a blood test for immunoglobulin E. Take the blood for the presence of allergens efficiently in the period of exacerbation of the disease. Other contraindications. The method is convenient, but sometimes erroneous.

How to treat rhinitis?

konsultaciya vrachaIn the first place measures are taken to eliminate the inflammation, swelling, then is allergenic therapy through the appointment of antihistamines. Many Allergy medications are sold in pharmacies freely, but keep in mind that many of them can be applied for a long time. They affect the heart. Vasoconstrictor drops first make breathing easier, then dried nasal mucosa.

Well established Herbal on the basis of cellulose, which coats the nasal cavity with a thin microfilm that prevents the penetration of allergens inside. In the period of exacerbation of the Very inefficient, so use it only as prevention. Success in the treatment uses specific therapy aimed at removing the allergens. The procedure is effective, they are introduced into the body at first in small doses, then gradually the concentration of injected material is increased. As a rule, the body after the procedure becomes moreresistant to allergens, after which complete recovery and elimination of symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The use of surgical methods is allowed only if there are concomitant ENT diseases. When allergic rhinitis, exacerbations, especially in infants, you must consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

Also parents should know and remember simple rules of prevention, which will greatly reduce the outbreak of such appearances.

What you need to know to prevent?

You need more frequent wet cleaning of the room, ventilate it. To dry clothes in the fresh air. Avoid contact with pollen of plants during their flowering, with the wool of animals. When allergic reactions after eating sweets, citrus is better not to have them, to choose other substitutes.

It is good to use in apartments an air purifier. In case of suspected outbreaks of allergies dry food for aquarium fish is better to give Pets in good hands. At the seaside, in the mountains, the Allergy is manifested much less frequently. A runny nose will happen if overnight to attach to the soles of the child's mustard, wrap her legs with a soft cloth. You can drip a few drops of Kalanchoe juice will relieve the itching and runny nose. Thoroughly chewed a clove of garlic will cure the common cold in the period of exacerbation of allergic rhinitis.

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis in children sometimes act on them irritating, not give freely to breathe. The child becomes nervous, irritable, itchy and sore nose, constant sneezing, congestion does not give sleep, play, stop bothering and torturing kids.

If you suspect rhinitis you need to see an allergist, there may be problems of the immune nature.

It is important to eliminate the interfering allergens, since outbreaks of this disease may become permanent, sometimes long and tortuous, especially for young children.

A very important atmosphere in the room. Wet cleaning should be constant, dust the place, especially in the nursery where the child sleeps, plays, and sometimes pulls in the mouth dirty toy, the debris from the floor. Knowing all the causes of this form of rhinitis, it can be avoided, that is to protect your child from exposure to allergens, leading to this ailment.