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How to cure common cold in infants

How to cure a baby's runny nose, it didn't hurt, of interest to many parents. The first indications that a baby has a runny nose, is the appearance of the nasal discharge, in addition, it gets very hard to breathe. A runny nose is not a very serious disease, but leave everything as it is impossible. You need to start to treat a cold in infants for the early detection of symptoms. To treat newborns need very carefully, bearing in mind that the treatment of infants is significantly different from therapy of adults. The sooner you get rid of a runny nose in a child, the better.

problema nasmorka u grudnogo rebenka

I have the baby stuffy nose. Normal breathing is disrupted because the baby has not yet formed the habit of breathing through the mouth. The result can be problems with sleep and nutrition, because the child is very difficult to perform these procedures without fully breathing. Due to the presence of runny nose baby becomes irritable, looks tired, doesn't want to play, refusing to take food.

In the absence of treatment of the common cold pathogens can get into the bronchial tubes that will cause the development of bronchitis. As practice shows, with timely treatment to get rid of problems is quite possible in a short time. To date, there are several effective methods of treatment of rhinitis in a newborn. You can use both traditional methods and medicines. But it is worth remembering that the body of a small child is very sensitive, so even in the treatment of rhinitis physician consultations should be mandatory. There are certain methods of treatment of rhinitis in infants.

Drug treatment of runny nose

akvamaris dlya lecheniya nasmorkaHow to cure common cold in infants below the symptom passed for a few days? For this purpose you can use the drugs sold in a pharmacy and are intended for the little ones. Very often specialists can prescribe drops "Akvamaris".

They are soft, they need several times a day to wash out newborn's nose. This drug belongs to a number of preventive.

In that case, if there is a stuffy nose and breathing problems, effective drops Vibrocil" or "the", which is fast enough to help cure the baby. Drops of this type have a mild effect on the delicate mucous membranes of the child's nose and, very importantly, they can be used simultaneously with breastfeeding.

Treatment of the common cold in newborns can be performed by the drug "Cold". It is a vasoconstrictor, so it can't be used more than 3day. Experts recommend burying these drops just before bedtime, but use other means that treat as effectively but safer.

3 times a day a newborn it is possible to bury such drugs as "Teva", "Vitaon" and "Laferon". Good reviews received children's series drugs "Clean nose", which can be found in the form of drops and sprays.

General recommendations on how to treat a cold in infants

nazivin dlya lecheniya nasmorkaTo treat such common problems like runny nose, you can use other methods, but it is very important to implement the recommendations. Newborn baby feet should always be warm.

The room where the child spends a lot of time, should not have drafts. Feeding breast milk you need to carry out as often as possible - it will help to strengthen the immune system.

When the kid observed a runny nose, it is recommended to drink plenty of liquids. It is especially important to observe this rule in the presence of lures or when feeding different kinds of special mixes and cereals. As a disinfectant you can use garlic. To do this in a child's room put a few slices that will eliminate the infection in the air.

You can use to combat snot a special device - my. He looks like a pear of small size with a small tip. Despite the fact that the device is incredibly simple, it is very good at helping and you can use it for a month or more, it will not hurt the baby.

To relieve symptoms with a cold, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rhinitis

maz dlya smazyvaniya nosaRunny nose a little child is the irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. To develop this problem not only under the influence of infection, but also as a result of mechanical damage. In addition, numerous factors (dust, Allergy, smoke, etc.) can cause the appearance of nasal discharge of the newborn, the body which has not yet been able to fully adapt to a new environment.

National recipes of treatment of the common cold in its basis contain only herbs and plants, are therefore considered as safe for babies. Of course, before you start using still need to consult with your pediatrician. Most often for the treatment newborns using the following tools:

  • oil, water solutions for instillation;
  • liquid herbal designed for washing of the nasopharynx;
  • decoctions of the roots;
  • infusions for ingestion on the basis of medicinal plants;
  • oil or ointment to lubricate the nosechild.

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of recipes, but only a specialist will tell you which recipe is best to use in your case. In this case, remember that all teas, tinctures and other remedies should have less concentration than, for example, for the treatment of the older child.

Nose drops: folk medicine

luk i chesnok dlya lecheniya nasmorkaDrops against the cold in a newborn you can make yourself from natural ingredients that are in every home. Very very good solution of common salt (0.5 tsp.) with boiled water (100 ml). These saline drops should be warmed to body temperature of the child.

In addition, the nose drops that will kill the germs, can be prepared from onion and garlic. To do this, mix the garlic juice with the onion juice. Due to the fact that such a remedy has a fairly aggressive action on mucous membranes, it should be mixed with boiled water in proportion 1:25.

Many parents have used to treat cold juice from the leaves of aloe Vera or Kalanchoe. These plants are just there in every home. In order to prepare a drop, you need to take a few leaves of a plant, wash them, then pour boiled water and carefully squeeze the juice. Such drops should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Water should be boiled and to be at room temperature. Prepared drops can be instilled newborn baby about 5 times a day 2 drops in each nostril.

Drops against common cold is the most effective treatment in the case of infants.

Take the juice of carrots or beets and mix it with sea buckthorn oil, add a few drops of juice of garlic or onion. This mixture is dilute with boiled water and drip in a nose of the child 2 times a day. If the baby normally reacts to the med, you can prepare special mitigating drops based on it. Honey is a good antiseptic that helps get rid of many problems of a catarrhal nature.

Warming up for a newborn with a cold

Effective enough method of treatment of rhinitis in very young children is considered to be warming. To use this method cautiously, because there are some contraindications. Do not warm up if:

  • the child has a fever;
  • rhinitis in the acute stage;
  • there are symptoms that indicate the development of sinusitis or inflammation in the middle ear.

Pay more attention to traditional medicine in the treatment of runny nose in infant. Antibiotics can harm the baby's health.

How to treat a runny nose in a newborn, in the firstall you need to know at the children's doctor and in any case not to self-medicate.