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How to cure a lingering runny nose in a child?

Question about how to cure a lingering cold at the child, begins increasingly to wonder many parents with the onset of cold weather. Children's bodies are highly susceptible to various kinds of respiratory diseases, rhinitis is often not an independent disease but a mere symptom of viral infections. If you see a long nose in a child, an urgent need to begin to treat it. Neglected infectious diseases can threaten not only cold, but also inflammation of the Airways.

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Lingering runny nose and its danger

Prolonged rhinitis is the most common disease, which, as a rule, do not attach much importance. Meanwhile, the prolonged cold in the absence of proper treatment can lead to serious complications. Need to know what the presence of any inflammatory processes in the child's body in itself is not good.

allergicheskaya priroda zatyazhnogo nasmorkaLong cold can indicate the presence of viruses and other pathogenic organisms via the nasal passages into the trachea and bronchi, and trigger the inflammatory process is already there. If the time to start to treat a runny nose in a child, the disease will be consequences.

Prolonged rhinitis is a chronic rhinitis that is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. The hallmark of rhinitis, or prolonged cold, as you can see from the title, is that the disease is characterized by a prolonged period of flow. If the cold lasts more than ten days, we can speak of a chronic form.

Prolonged rhinitis often occurs in children during autumn and winter, in cold and wet weather. This disease can have an infectious, viral nature. Agents in this case are the viruses of influenza, other respiratory diseases.

In the case of waning immunity in children may develop bacterial rhinitis. Protracted bacterial rhinitis occurs because of changes in the composition of the microflora of the nasal mucosa. In addition, the prolonged cold pathogens can be staphylococci, streptococci.

Quite often protracted rhinitis is allergic in nature. Allergens that cause a lingering cold, a lot. But still among them are the most typical and common. A major irritant is the dust and the contained dust mites, in addition, the reaction can occur at animal fur, feathers, pollen of various plants.

Causes and symptoms of prolonged rhinitis in children

The reasons that the child came a long cold, infections, allergens and pathogenic microflora. Of course, thisenough, generic classification, it may not cover all the factors which lead to the fact that the child suffers from a constant runny nose. The most common causes of chronic rhinitis the following:

pereohlazhdenie kak prichina zatyazhnogo nasmorka

  1. A weakened immune system. Since most viruses and infections enter the body through airborne droplets, i.e. when you inhale, the weakened General and local immunity makes the child particularly vulnerable.
  2. The lack of proper treatment simple coryza. Untreated, the disease is unlikely to disappear by itself, it just escalates into a more serious form.
  3. Permanent hypothermia undermines the protective function of the child's body.
  4. The presence of any infectious diseases. In this case, a lingering cold, is simply a symptom of another disease. It is particularly important to choose the correct treatment of the underlying disease and ease its symptoms.
  5. The presence of deformation of the cartilage or bony structures of the nose. A very serious disease that can be treated only in a hospital. In the absence of treatment raises a number of serious complications, including covering the hearing. To determine the presence of pathologies can only be a specialist.
  6. The presence of concomitant infections. Basically we are talking about respiratory diseases.
  7. The presence of allergens in the house. It can be animals, old furniture and some plants.

The main and most common symptoms that will help to determine if a lingering cold, include:

  • prolonged course of the disease (more than 10 days);
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • the presence of mucous or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • nasal congestion, which is particularly marked during the night;
  • headache that is not accompanied by fever;
  • possible severe cough: mucus into the throat, causing coughing and sometimes vomiting;
  • loss of sleep;
  • common drowsiness and fatigue.

If you notice such protracted symptoms appear, your child in the presence of an allergen (dust, pollen, fur or feathers), it is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact with him.

Medical treatment of persistent rhinitis

primenenie sosudosuzhivaushih kapel pri zatyazhnom riniteWhen the baby begins to torment attack lingering cold, every mother trying to find the answer to the question of how to cure a lingering cold at the child.

Since the problem of rhinitis is very common, andof cure available today there is a huge number. All funds are divided into two groups: medical and homeopathic, herbal. Both tools have their advantages and disadvantages, so the choice here should have for their parents.

Traditionally, rhinitis local treatment is the application of vasoconstrictive drops. The treatment it is important to observe the proportions and duration of use of drugs. Overdosing can cause unwanted side effects. In case of prolonged use, the agents of the common cold, viruses and bacteria lose their sensitivity to the active components of the drug. In any case, the treatment of local drugs must approve your pediatrician.

The choice of means of medical treatment depends on the causes of the disease. In most cases, runny nose is just a consequence of the disease. Paying all the attention only to the treatment of the common cold, you can alleviate only the symptoms of the disease. Thus, the child's treatment should be based on addressing the causes of the disease.

If the cause of rhinitis is allergic, the child is shown taking antihistamines. In addition, parents have to worry about that the child was protected from contact with allergens. Lingering runny nose caused by bacterial infection, treated with antibiotics. Runny nose caused by flu and acute respiratory diseases treated locally: the drops along with taking antivirals.

For the purposes of treatment, contact your pediatrician and get tested to accurately determine the causative agent of the common cold. This will help in the choice of means of treatment.

Prolonged treatment of folk remedies runny nose

morskaya sol dlya promyvaniya nosaThe main goal, which is calculated for all the folk remedies is washing purulent, mucous discharge from the nose or penetration of the mortgaged nostrils.

Thus, most of the folk remedies are different solutions, tinctures and lotions.

Prolonged rhinitis is treated by washing or punch the nostrils. Folk remedies and herbs in the process of rinsing give a good result, you only need to remember that such manipulations should be carried out regularly.

Rinsing is done with warm boiled water. For greater effect, add some table, and even better sea salt. Lavage - a procedure not from pleasant, especially for children.

In the process of washing the child has to draw saline nostrils and try to release it through your mouth.

After washing drip into both nostrils of the kid aloe Vera juice. Instead of salt you can also use chamomile. Chamomile is a great antiseptic, it has anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies in protractedcolds are not limited only to the solution of salt and herbal infusions. Successfully applied and drops are homemade. If this is strictly adhered dosage for children.

Another means of folk medicine in the treatment of chronic rhinitis is warming up. Traditionally, the warming pouch is used with preheated salt. Thus watch that the salt was not too hot and a child received burns.