How to choose baby nasal drops?

Nasal drops, children or adults, should be prescribed by a doctor.

Adults are characterized by their endurance and ability to easily transfer even the most difficult and unpleasant disease. Will they get sick or refuse to comply with its domestic duties only under the condition that the temperature would go for a mark 39. But babies is different.

problema nasmorka u rebenkaEven if we ignore the discomfort that is a constant companion of a cold, this is not disturbing (at first glance) the symptom can lead to complications and serious issues. But there are special drops from the common cold for children.

The causes and consequences of the emergence of a cold

First, it is infection. Simply put, the common cold. It is easy to determine because, in addition to the common cold, manifested multiple symptoms. For example, cough, sore throat, fever.

allergiya, kak prichina nasmorkaSecond, allergies. It can be caused by flowering plants, dust, eating certain foods, animal dander or cigarette smoke.

The danger of children's rhinitis is manifested primarily in heightened discomfort. Infants are unable to eat normally because they have to breathe through the mouth and periodically break away from the mother's breast. Not surprisingly, with such diet, the child may become more irritable.
It is also worth to remember about this disease, like sinusitis, which is frustrating even for adults. It's rarely guessed by their appearance and it is mainly determined on advice from the doctor. By this time, sinusitis may develop and to condemn the child to such unpleasant procedures like wash the sinuses with saline (in common - "the cuckoo") or even a puncture.

If time does not stop the disease, the inflammation may go on the ears, developing otitis media, down to the bronchi and also trigger the overgrowth of the adenoids.

Identifying the cause of this symptom, you can proceed directly to the selection drops. Baby nasal drops is more gentle, but still their choice should be approached wisely.

Drops against allergies

obychnaya prostuda rebenkaAbove we have listed the factors which the child may be allergic. If the doctor confirmed the fears of the parents, it may be prescribed following drops:

  1. Zyrtec. Is assigned to a child after 6 months. The dose is prescribed depending on age. Clears symptoms of allergies is allowed under the dermatosis, without prescription.
  2. Nasonex. Slows down and has a calming effectthe foci of allergic reaction. Prescribed to children 2 years and older, while improvement can be seen already after 10-12 hours after the first application.
  3. Allergodil spray designed for extended use. But to use it more than 6 months is not recommended, in order to avoid side effects as nausea, fatigue and deterioration of General health. Prescribed to children 6 years and older.

It is worth noting that the mucous membrane of children is very sensitive, because it is necessary to control her constant humidity. There are a number of drops, which does not desiccate it, and therefore are the most optimal for use during the period of childhood. They are the basis of sea water, the benefits of which is legendary. Effective nasal drops for children:

zirtek pri allergii

  1. Aqua Maris. Their composition is water from the Adriatic sea. Famous for the fact that this is the only drop with a similar feature in the composition. They not only remove the symptoms, but also enhance the overall immunity where applicable. They can be used even by infants, which once again proves the versatility of this drug.
  2. Aqualor Baby. Is produced in the form of drops and spray. The composition includes isotonic sea water, which also prevents the infection to spread to the ears, thereby protecting the child from otitis media. This drug is a good are no contraindications, i.e. it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Salin. Prevents swelling. As Aqualor Baby, has no contraindications. Softens dry crusts, makes thick mucus more liquid, thus facilitating its exit.

Drops for colds

There are types of droplets and sprays, which not only relieve symptoms, facilitate the excretion of mucus, slow down the development of infections, and boost immunity. They are called combination products. The best according to many doctors:

akva maris pri nasmorke

  1. Derinat. In addition to the above properties of nasal drops, accelerates the regeneration, and has wound healing properties. Quickly absorbed by the skin coverings, and immediately goes into action. Administered to children 2 years and older.
  2. Interferon - a drug without contraindications and side effects. Improves immunity and thereby accelerate the healing process of the body, thus preventing recurrent disease.
  3. Grippferon. Modulates the immune system, causes the body to resist inflammation and viruses. Contraindication is allergic reaction to the components of the composition or individual intolerance. Itapplies to all of the above drugs.

How dripping nose?

When buying drops, it is important to pay attention to whether the bottle is a special device, allowing to drip the nose. If not, you should purchase a pipette.

On arrival home, it should be rinsed with hot water several times to collect and drain the fluid. It is important to note that every time new is used a new batch of liquid, getting rid of used when deployed. When typing in a medicine dropper to keep upright.

If a child is naughty, it is better to get a helper that will fix the head and limbs, that the child has not made it worse. But such extreme measures should go only when persuasion and games do not help.

For example, many children want to feel older and independent, therefore willing to accept treatment, when the mother, instead of trying to bribe your child with sweetness, speaking to him like an adult, more affordable trying to explain that the medication will help him feel better and this is a necessary measure.

Some children are proud to be able to heal yourself, but this is to the older. But do not forget about control, as the drops overdose may lead to unpleasant consequences. That is, in any case, this process should take place under the careful attention of the parent.

Often mothers go to clever tricks. For example, say that tasteless the cure - a potion that gave the child the character of his favorite stories that he slept well and he dreamed pleasant dreams. If the child is a girl, she can say that it is the elixir that she grew up beautiful if the boy is strong.

But absolutely not under the promise of sweets to give the child a bitter pill. Children are very vulnerable, because it is not necessary to develop a distrust of himself from the first years.

Depending on the child's age and size of the nose, the number of drops may vary from 3 to 8. It should be noted that it is important to treat it both nostrils, otherwise the healing process will be subjected to imbalance. To drip in each nostril need at intervals of two to three minutes. The child should lie on his back, slightly tilting her head backwards to drop faster into his nose. If first drip in left nostril, you then need to rotate your head to the right. The same steps with the right nostril, only to turn his head to the left.

Before the procedure, instillation of the nose to remove the mucus. This can be done by using special tools (a rubber pear) or to give the child to blow his nose himself, if he already knows how to do it.

After dripped, the nose needs a few minutes to lie down in the same position, and then squeeze the wings of nose andslowly to sit down.

Baby nasal drops prescribed by the attending physician, which takes into account the individual characteristics of the child that the course of his illness and possible side effects. Children's immunity is very fragile, because in the first year of life do not neglect medical advice and to go to the hospital on all matters of concern.