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Is it possible to walk on the street with a baby with a cold?

Is it possible to walk with a baby with a cold? This is a topical subject of interest to all young parents. Many viral, bacterial, colds can cause a runny nose in a child. It should be understood that the common cold is a protective reaction of an organism to a stimulus, in this case a virus, bacterium, any allergen.

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Physiology of acute rhinitis

Acute rhinitis, called rhinitis, is a manifestation of the inflammatory process, a violation of the functionality of the nasal mucosa, reduced local immunity, hypothermia or overheating of the child. Results in the development of pathogenic microflora, because the sinuses filled with phlegm, which removes the germs from the nasal mucosa. More often, a runny nose occurs in infants than in adults children. This is due to the improvement of the immune system of the baby physiological features of nasal cavity thermoregulation of body temperature. A runny nose may appear in the period of teething. The cold helps dry the air, because the nasal mucosa begins to hydrate profusely. The baby is not able to remove mucus from the nose, blow your nose, making it difficult to position. Accompanied by swelling of the sinuses, clogged Airways, changes in body temperature, General weakness, nervousness and mood swings child.

Air baths and runny nose in a child

polza progulok s detmiIs it possible to walk with your child with a cold? A definite answer to this question is no, as you need to individually take into account the state of each of the children and characteristics of a particular disease. Air baths are useful for enhancing General immunity, activation of immune function, nervous system, oxygen saturation, hardening to a sharp temperature changes. You can take air baths. It all depends on the time of year and weather conditions. But there are principles walk at any time. The main thing is not to overheat and not to overcool your pet child. In the period of the disease, which is accompanied by runny nose, increased body temperature occurs a spasm of the blood vessels of the skin, therefore even a gentle breeze can cause discomfort. It is important to dress your child.

When you need to walk and when to wait? We should not deny the children in a walk, if:

  • the child's body temperature not exceeding 37,5° C;
  • he is physically active;
  • he has a normal appetite;
  • he has interest in the walk;
  • the respective weather conditions.

You need to dress for the weather, not tooverheating of the child and he's not sweating, but not SuperCool. Clean the sinuses from accumulated mucus that the baby was breathing freely and there was not enough air through the mouth.

temperatura - protivopokazanie k progulkamReduce physical activity to prevent sudden changes body temperature. With all the recommendations fresh air will only benefit the children. It is better to give preference to walks in the Park, the woods, far away from the busy traffic. So, the child will be able to breathe freely and that time heals. If a baby while walking cough, it suggests that the nasal mucosa be wetted and cleaned. And this is a direct proof of the strengthening of protective functions of organism, immunity. For walking it is necessary to control a runny nose from time to time to clean the sinuses, observe the mood of the child.

Walks should be postponed to those children who have been epidemiological disease, as they can be contagious (depending on the incubation period of the virus). In acute diseases of the respiratory tract, high pain, weakness, temperature, lethargy, poor appetite, absence of mood, desire to stroll and something to do to protect children from air baths. It is necessary to periodically ventilate the baby's room, to play or just sit on the balcony. In warm time of the year will be helpful for NAPs in the fresh air. It is time to clean nose from mucus and to ensure that the child is not breathing through the mouth. In the cold season sure that the air in the nursery was not dry, it will only aggravate the disease. Moist, cold air will help the child's body faster to cope with the illness. You can get some fresh air with baby when he is asleep and continue to monitor the nasal sinuses.

Allergic rhinitis in children

allergiya - prichina rinitaChildren is and allergic rhinitis. Manifested abundant mucous secretions, sneezing, itchy eyes, eye redness, itching, swelling, and burning nasal passages. Shortness of breath in a child causes General irritability, poor sleep. Allergic rhinitis may occur from dust, fungi, insects, food, chemical, cosmetics, medications, plants, Pets. It happens year-round and seasonal (it depends on the type of allergen). Of great importance are the environment, the location of industrial facilities and residential zones. In this cold you should limit trips to those placesto meet a particular allergen. For example, in the period of pollination of the flowers to exclude walks in the arboretum and greenhouses. The Park or forest plantation near the plant or other industrial complex is not suitable. Avoid tobacco smoke, time to clean house dust, to limit the use of chemical agents (powders to hygiene).

Physiological common cold in infants is only possible because of the adaptation of the organism, including the respiratory system, to environmental conditions.

It happens during teething, when the nasopharynx is irritated copious secretions of saliva and mucus.

It is important to fight illness, as possible a number of complications.

Frequent, prolonged, uncontrolled use of drugs against the common cold could trigger the addiction, which developed antibodies to them. Special care must be taken to vasoconstrictor drops, not to use them for more than 5 days, as this leads to spasms of blood vessels of the brain, swelling of the nasal passages, feeling constantly downtrodden of the nose. In this case, you should follow the instructions to the drug.

konsultaciya vrachaTo improve the health of the child with a cold, you need to constantly moisten the nasal mucosa with saline solution, which is antiseptic.

Periodically clean the nasal passages of mucus, to keep it from drying out. The drying of the mucus exacerbates the disease, as triggered by its accumulation in the bronchi, causing a cough.

A very important timely diagnosis and treatment of rhinitis. It is impossible to prevent chronic disease and complications, the development of asthma. Modern devices for the removal of sputum in infants will help to get rid of excess mucus. Their use is not limited and is harmless when used correctly. When the baby will be able to vyskakovaci mucus, it should teach you how to do it. Need to close alternately one and then the other nostril, do not overdo it. This procedure is carried out with opened mouth whenever necessary.

So, when cold to walk in some cases. You need to avoid especially crowded places to prevent fatigue of the child, to monitor his health, to control the mucous discharge from the nose.

In allergic rhinitis to refrain from the places where there is a specific allergen. In the healing process to gradually increase the duration of walks. It must be remembered that they can both harm and benefit to child.