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The symptoms and folk remedies for children cold

Folk remedies for children runny nose effectively cope with a common problem. Rhinitis or coryza is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The disease is an unpleasant character, as the child cannot breathe through the nose, no sensitivity to smells.

problema nasmorka

Rhinitis is one of the first signs of colds or allergic diseases. Striking both adults and children. If the child has a runny nose, you need to seek treatment. Not all parents want to use medications, many trust folk medicine. Correctly to begin treatment, you need to know the cause that has provoked the cold.

Causes of rhinitis in children

golovnaya bol - sledstvie nasmorkaAmong the root causes of child rhinitis noted infectious and non-infectious rhinitis.

That is the cause of illness in the first case can be hit on the mucous membrane of the nose of bacteria and viruses that cause rhinitis.

In the second case is a foreign body that got into the nasal passage.

Children often play with different things and can simply shove the bulb into the nose, and the reverse reaction, this process begins to flow from the nose.

Possible injury of the nasal cavity, from which there is a runny nose.

The symptoms of rhinitis in a child

Typical signs of the common cold in baby it:

  • shortness of breath;
  • swelling of the mucosa of the nasal cavity;
  • reduction charm;
  • itching;
  • sneezing;
  • allocation from the nose of different consistencies;
  • headaches.

Rhinitis in children, types of diseases

allergiya - prichina nasmorkaRhinitis can be of different types depending on the causes of the disease. What gives this symptom may be of different nature:

  • infectious;
  • allergic.

Depending on the underlying cause diagnosed first or the second type. If allergic rhinitis, is an independent symptom, but evidence of infectious respiratory disease. Running disease of one and the other kind leads to a number of other symptoms.

Infectious rhinitis provoked a variety of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Runny nose is accompanied by such diseases as scarlet fever, influenza, colds and others. First, the child there are unpleasant sensations in the nose, burning or dryness, then light the mucus. After a few days the mucus turns from a liquid to a thick, and then the child is on the mend.

If the baby is not getting any easier, there is a danger that easy rhinitis go into a more complex form - the sinusitis or otitis media. Better notto prevent this, and to take immediate steps in treatment. If the cold hurts the baby, it causes a lot of problems to baby and mom. The fact is that when feeding the child breathes a nose exactly, but when mucous membranes are inflamed, the child may refuse to eat and sulk. This problem must be dealt with immediately, rhinitis for baby is a serious health problem.

polza promyvaniya nosa pri nasmorkeAllergic rhinitis provoked a variety of allergens. This kind of response to the action of the stimulus. Allergic rhinitis has its own specific symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • constantly flowing transparent liquid;
  • rhinitis is accompanied by constant sneezing.

Most often this condition is observed in the spring period, as it begins the flowering of the plants, and they are strong allergens. The dust and the smells can also provoke discomfort.

How to cure the common cold in children folk remedies?

Recipes of traditional medicine are perfectly manifest themselves in the treatment of disease and help the child to feel better after a few treatments. To cure a runny nose folk remedies in several ways:

  • burying;
  • warming;
  • washing;
  • inhalation.

polza ingalyacij pri nasmorkeIf rhinitis is a consequence of a cold, must arm themselves with antibacterial products Not only remove the symptom, but cure the common cold.

Effective folk remedy for the little ones is the natural juice of carrots and beets. The prepared juice was diluted in equal proportion with water and instilled into each nostril two drops. The tool is well accepted by children as it has a pleasant smell and color.

Onion and garlic juice to cope with infectious manifestation of the disease, as these vegetables are natural antiseptics. You must take one of the vegetables and squeeze the juice out of it, then dilute in equal amount of water. To bury your nose twice a day. Although unpleasant feeling, but it's worth to wait.

Aloe juice has anti-inflammatory properties, and honey further enhances this effect. In equal proportions mix the aloe juice and honey and then instilled into the nose this mixture overnight. Is aloe Vera suitable and another house plant, Kalanchoe. From a young seedling will be a little confused, you should take a plant of three-year age.

For heating up of the nose using a roasted table salt, which is folded in a fabric pouch. Importantly, the content is not too hot, otherwise you can just burn the baby. If there is the slightest suspicion of sinusitis, suchthe procedure must stop.

polza soli pri nasmorkeInstead of salt use hard-boiled eggs and the usual cooked porridge. This procedure is done by even the youngest patients. Each child can be persuaded to do the warming of the spout.

Lavage of the sinuses - the procedure is not pleasant, but in effectiveness it has no equal. You can do washing in one of two ways. Dilute some salt in a glass of warm water. Then take a teaspoon with the solution and pull the liquid through one nostril, repeat for the second. Will feel a slight tingling sensation.

Another method is drawing large amounts of fluid until, until it come out through the throat. Thus, the solution will wash out the entire sinus. Repeat procedure on other nostril. If you do this washing twice a day, rhinitis will pass very quickly. Do not overdo it, a large amount of salt can burn the mucous!

The main thing is not to give the disease to become chronic. You can't leave a cold untreated, because the child might suffer this disease all my life. In the worst case, to connect cold and other catarrhal symptoms.

travyanoj nastoj dlya lecheniya nasmorkaInhalation this treatment excels at the first sign of the disease. The fact is that when the child inhales the evaporation treatment, they directly affect the mucous membranes and reduce inflammation. Inhalation is better suited decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, Linden, oak bark.

To prepare an infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of the chosen herb and pour a glass of boiling water. To breathe such evaporation for a few minutes, you can alternate nose breathing and mouth. This folk remedy, as inhalation have long been practiced and is characterized by its efficiency.

It is necessary to remember about prevention of rhinitis. First and foremost is the constant cleansing of the nose from contamination. For children typically use sea salt to rinse or instill. Great pharmacy means such as oxolinic ointment will help prevent a runny nose in cold weather. This tool is absolutely harmless and effective.

Prevention of rhinitis in children

I have the baby folk remedies very well help, but it is better than cure is prevention! Any disease may be prevented by strengthen your immune system. A healthy diet and regular daily routine is what you need for your baby. Daily walks in the fresh air will help to toughen up the kid and deal with infections. It is impossible to keep a child at home, because in the future he will not be able to fight against different microbes. The body has to get used to the season change,thus, to develop immunity.

If there is a danger of getting sick with a virus epidemic, it is necessary to take preventive precautions.

A child who suffers from allergies, needs to be examined to determine the cause of rhinitis and allergic factor. Regular wet cleaning of the premises will help prevent the allergic to dust and dirt.

Be healthy!