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How to treat acute rhinitis in children?

Acute rhinitis in children occurs very often. This is especially true of infants, when even a slight cold can lead to blockage of the nasal passages.

problema nasmorka u detejBreathing much more difficult, which affects the General condition of the child. If you do not treat this disease at an early stage, it can become chronic. It is therefore very important at the first signs of rhinitis to show the child the doctor so he prescribed a treatment.

Symptoms of acute rhinitis

A runny nose can be a symptom of a viral or infectious disease. At the initial stage of development the child may feel tingling and a slight burning sensation in the nasal passages. The voice of the baby becomes nasal, may cause headaches, breathing progressively more difficult.

shema rinitaThen there is a constant secretion of mucous fluid from the nasal passages, which irritates the skin in the upper lip and nose, causing redness and swelling. Eventually, after about a week, discharge may become thicker and greenish in color. Nasal congestion decreases and then disappears. All the passes in approximately 2 weeks.

Especially hard this disease is transferred infants because of the small size of the nasal cavity, the breathing becomes very difficult. This prevents the child sucking the breast, he sleeps restlessly and loses weight. Runny nose is accompanied by sneezing, may increase the temperature. You need to start treatment to prevent serious complications.

Causes of runny nose in a child

Acute rhinitis in children can appear at the initial stage of infectious or viral diseases such as influenza, measles, diphtheria or scarlet fever. The infection the baby can get from mother during birth. Most often the cause is hypothermia, or hanging out with sick people.

A runny nose can occur in cases of irritation of the nasal mucosa to some corrosive chemical or fumes. The cause can be a nose injury or a foreign body trapped in the nasal passages.

This is especially true of young children, parents should carefully monitor the child to prevent this.

Treatment of acute rhinitis

holodnaya pogoda - prichina obrazovaniya rinitaThe child can be treated at home if no complications. First of all need to clear nasal passages of mucus, which accumulates in them. It is important to teach children properly to blow your nose to get all the mucus out. The process of blowing your nose should take place without effort,each nostril is freed from mucus separately, fingers need to squeeze the wings of the nose to the bulkhead.

Helps rinsing the nasal passages with saline or decoction prepared from the medicinal herbs. Children of chest age is rinsing the nasal passages gently wipe with cotton buds dipped in a solution made from 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water.

If the nozzle is laid down, prescribed drops that constrict the blood vessels. It can be drugs such as Otrivin or Nazivin. They do not eliminate the cold, but can ease breathing. Before applying one must study the user manual, which is attached to them, you cannot use these drugs more than 7 days. Babies to bury the tool in the nose before each feeding to ease the flow of breath before sucking.

To prevent drying of mucus, which can lead to massive multiplication of bacteria in the nose, it is necessary to give your child plenty to drink. The room where the kid, you must regularly ventilate and carry it daily wet cleaning. The air in the room must not be dry, otherwise it will only hinder the course of the disease.

shema pravilnogo promyvaniya nosaBabies can suck out the mucus with a special spray in each nostril alternately. If at the entrance to the spout appears secretion, they can be carefully oiled so that they become softer, and then removed with cotton swabs.

Kids under the age of two you can wash the nose with some salty water or a salt solution prepared independently. Then, in each nostril drip 2 drops of corn, olive or paraffin oil.

If the disease is accompanied by fever, your doctor may prescribe antipyretic and analgesic, for example, Solpadein. The assignment must be individualized (depending on the General condition of the child). It is useful to do foot bath, water temperature should not be above 38° C. In the basin with 5 liters of water we need to add 1 table spoon of mustard powder. The procedure takes about 10 minutes, until the water has cooled. Then the legs should be carefully wipe, put on socks and put the baby under the blanket.

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by a runny nose, it is necessary to follow some preventive measures. It should be possible to prevent the emergence in children of colds.

zakalivanie organizmaIt is necessary to protect children from drafts and drinking cold foods and beverages. Toto prevent the emergence of infection in the home, you should regularly ventilate the room and carry it to wet cleaning. You must make sure that the air in the room where the child was not dehydrated.

It is useful to a child procedures for hardening of the body. You can hold cold water with the warm water, gradually reducing the temperature. It is necessary first to wash feet, and then when the baby get used to it, you can pour a little water on completely. More should walk with your child outdoors, preferably in any weather. If possible, it is desirable to take the child to the sea. The sun will be very useful for strengthening the immune system.

It should teach children to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is essential that they thoroughly wash their hands with soap before eating after using the toilet and returning from the street. You should wean children from picking fingers in the nose, to avoid ingress of infection.

The food of children should be varied and delicious. They need to have obtained all necessary for the development of the body. Be sure in menu, you must include fresh vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C such as cabbage, onions, currants and citrus. It is useful to drink an infusion of rose hips and milk with honey, if these products the child has no allergic reactions.

At the first sign of the disease should be to consult a doctor to prevent complications.

This is especially true of occurrence of rhinitis in infants. Self-treatment in this case is prohibited.