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How effective is the juice of Kalanchoe, the common cold kids

Use the juice of Kalanchoe, the common cold children and adults began since time immemorial. This medicinal plant was used in medicine as often as aloe and chamomile. Popular recipes based on the juice of Kalanchoe a lot, and it can be used as a treatment for the common cold and its prevention in cold and flu season. Everyone knows the famous saying that if to treat a runny nose, it will be held for seven days if not a week. And apply pharmaceutical preparations, mostly consisting of chemical components, it is not desirable. Especially when we are talking about the baby. Here, each mother tries to find the most natural and natural remedy that will be effective enough. This is the juice of Kalanchoe.

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Cold at the child the phenomenon is quite common and unpleasant. Most pediatricians agree that to treat it is not necessary, because the snot out of the baby appear in response to the ingestion of the virus. Bacteria spread by airborne droplets and enters the baby's body through the nose. And as soon as the first microorganisms cause the catarrhal process, the nose begins to stand out mucus, delaying the harmful microbes and preventing their further penetration into.

Therefore, special treatment for runny nose in a child is not required. It is enough to regularly clean the nasal passages and to keep the room crumbs optimal microclimate: temperature, humidity and regularly ventilated room. Usually these steps are enough to running nose on their own and caused no complications. But the cold is different, and transparent when the mucus becomes yellow or green in color, and the length of the discharge exceeds a week, it is time to begin the medicine.

The types of medicinal plants

polza kalanhoe pri nasmorkeJudging from unusual for a Russian name, it becomes clear that Kalanchoe came to us from the East. Its name comes from the Chinese language, and are home to the countries of Asia. But Kalanchoe grows also in Africa and in the South of North America. In our climate to meet Kalanchoe in the wild will not work, so he decided to grow in pots as a houseplant. But it completely loses its medicinal properties, for which it appreciated for many years.

Although in nature there are about two hundred species of Kalanchoe is used in medicine only a few. Usually it Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona. They are successfully used in the recipes of traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

Medicalproperties of Kalanchoe

Of therapeutic properties that are inherent to the Kalanchoe, you can select these:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removing the inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • bactericidal action;
  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic properties.

ukreplenie immuniteta blagodarya kalanhoeWhen using Kalanchoe inside it cleanses the body of toxins and helps increase the bile flow. Thanks to all these properties, Kalanchoe is used to combat the diseases of respiratory organs, eyes and mouth, in gynecology, in case of problems with the digestive system. Helps to this plant and to eliminate skin problems such as acne, warts, age spots. And as wound healing remedies from abrasions, wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite and bedsores, he simply has no equal. Respect Kalanchoe in cosmetics, because it helps to eliminate wrinkles, freckles and imperfections of the skin and rejuvenates and strengthens the skin, entering into the composition of creams for hands and body. But most commonly in folk medicine made use of Kalanchoe in the cold in children and adults.

How to apply Kalanchoe children

Kalanchoe - this plant is not harmless and requires correct and careful handling. It must be used in certain doses and to observe the reaction of the child patient. Usually use the juice of this plant, or a decoction of its leaves. Yet another reason I have the children decided to add juices of other plants (agave, onion, etc.

What effect of Kalanchoe? Its juice has a very strong irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose, provoking rather intense sneezing, in which mucus from the nose, just comes out naturally. Due to this effect, the Kalanchoe is popularly called "chicaloca". At first glance, innocuous and pleasant. But is it?

kapli s kalanhoe pri nasmorkeAnyone who at least once in your life used the folk recipe based on Kalanchoe to combat rhinitis will never forget the feelings that he experienced. Therefore to apply it to children, and particularly very little, with caution. You need to start with minimal doses and very carefully monitor the reaction that follows. Kalanchoe can cause allergic reactions, so it is important to have on hand an antihistamine. In small doses severe complications, but covered in a rash that causes itching, the child may well be. A small concentration of the juice of Kalanchoe are able to exert a healing effect on the mucous membrane of the nose, but in largeamounts juice can burn it, that will only worsen as the baby, because a runny nose will be added, and pain.

That's why treat the baby "chicaloca" should be properly and very carefully. Then the child can easily wysihat all the goo that will ease breathing, relieve nasal congestion and to eliminate concomitant rhinitis headache. Kalanchoe juice will be a real life-saving tool in case if help your child immediately, and no other drug at hand or they don't help. Help out this popular recipe and in a situation when the parents are opposed to treatment with a pharmacological or a child is allergic to them. Kalanchoe, like any other medication, should only be applied a few days after the beginning of a cold, during which complications begin.

Traditional recipes from the cold with Kalanchoe

To use the "chilocco" in folk medicine, made in three ways:

  • a decoction of the leaves;
  • fresh juice;
  • in combination with other plants.

otvar kalanhoe pri nasmorkeMedicinal the decoction of the Kalanchoe has a soft and light effect, irritating the mucous membranes are not very strong, but at the same time quite effective for complete cleansing of the nasal passages. This way you can use the small children, including infants.

But the younger the baby, the less concentrated needs to be broth. To properly prepare a medicinal fluid, you need to take a few leaves of the plant, which is at least three years. You can take and more young leaves, but then the effect will be much weaker. The leaves should be thoroughly washed, to break into several pieces and pour 100 ml of cold water. Water must boil and then allow to cool.

When the liquid becomes room temperature, the infusion is ready to use. This recipe can be used for children up to two years, and for older kids it is advisable to use the juice of Kalanchoe. If the baby tolerates the treatment decoction, but the desired effect does not occur, you can use juice, but then it should be diluted with boiled cold water. If there are any concerns, you can dip into the juice with a cotton swab and lubricate the nasal mucosa.

To healing juice in several ways. The easiest squeeze the juice with your fingers, firmly gripping the plant leaf in place of the cut. This is possible only in case, if the sheet is rather juicy and fleshy.

If the leaves are slightly dry, they are ground with a grater or spadefoot toad, and then press the pulp through a cheesecloth or bandage. Juice needs very little, only 2-4 drops instilled in each nostril. The dosage depends on age: kids enoughone drop to children from 6-7 years or two. Carry out the procedure you need three times a day.

Kalanchoe can also be used in combination with juices of aloe or onion.

You can cook drops by taking equal proportions of the fluid of these plants and mixing them. This medicine will more efficiently and to store it in the refrigerator for three days. Before you apply slightly heated to room temperature.

To use the drops is the same as pure juices, and older children and adolescents can be put in the nose soaked in this liquid turundeki.