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Which spray from the common cold for children better?

The spray from the common cold for children is used in the treatment of acute respiratory infections. However, the “ordinary” colds in the adult, for a child can lead to terrible disease, carrier of great harm. Acute respiratory disease can cause more than 200 strains of viruses. The common cold (ARI) in most cases accompanied by the presence of a cold (rhinitis) in the child. Rhinitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

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If rhinitis is not treated, what complications can occur with serious consequences for the organism of the child. So if the kid says that he has a weakness, shortness of breath, restless sleep, it shows the development of his colds.

It is urgent to consult a doctor and begin a comprehensive treatment, not forgetting to buy a spray from a cold.

Which spray to choose for the treatment of rhinitis

Preference in the choice of drug should be given in favor of the funds, based on natural ingredients. As shown by statistics, synthetic drugs do not help better than natural. Before you apply any product, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician or Tippet who is treating the child as products from the common cold can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, some vasoconstrictor sprays can be addictive, to interfere with the blood supply.

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Vasoconstrictor drops are assigned only when the form of ARI is acute, so the child could breathe easier. Responsibly say, what is the remedy, drops or spray, helps to overcome the common cold, can only pediatrician or an otolaryngologist, upon inspection and completion of all assigned studies. Your doctor may prescribed drops instead of spray. This is not surprising. The aerosol is introduced much more convenient and easier than drip-form drug. The advantages of the aerosol forms in the following:

  • the dosage is determined more precisely;
  • the tool is used more sparingly;
  • side effects almost none;
  • the medicine penetrates into all places of the nasopharynx.

Nasal sprays for children, vasoconstrictor sprays

In the fight against mild forms of rhinitis are recommended products based on marine mineral water. Such funds can hardly be called a drug, it is impossible to get used to, and they were appointed even to use daily as a hygienic remedy. Sprays have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of the drug and agerestrictions. Absolutely any drug from the common cold on the basis of sea water suitable for all kids from the year. Newborns up to one year to apply the spray, as the injection can cause respiratory arrest and muscle spasm. The most effective are sprays:

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  1. “Aqua Maris”. The name of the spray is translated: “sea water”. Part of the water of the sea of the Adriatic. Also includes trace elements of magnesium, calcium, silver ions, etc. thanks to the action of these elements is an active treatment of rhinitis in children. “Aqua Maris” gentle on the nasal passages and is suitable even for infants. Used in prophylactic and hygiene. This drug proved the study.
  2. “Aqualor Baby”. The action of this drug are the same as “Aqua Maris”. The spray produced specially for children, for small noses. The main component of the spray is still the same sea water. Used for the cleaning of the nasopharynx mucosa, dryness and irritation in the period of ARI. Also in the prophylactic and hygienic purposes. The drug is administered to children from one year. After application, it is necessary to empty the nose.

Unpleasant moment in the period of colds is nasal congestion, shortness of breathing process. Particularly pronounced this symptoms at night. If sprays have not removed the swelling and the nose is still not breathing, then the perfect tool will be the vasoconstrictors. The important point is that such drugs not aimed at treatment of rhinitis in children – they only help to relieve swelling and release of breath. In medicine today, the most common are the following vasoconstrictors:

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  1. Vibrocil. The action of this drug is aimed at narrowing of the blood vessels of the nose and the confrontation of allergic reactions in the period of colds. It is composed of such substances as dimethindene and phenylephrine. These substances are components of many powdered drugs. The spray also has a local impact and does not harm other organs of the child's body.
  2. “Ksimelin”. The active substance included in the composition of the spray is Xylometazoline. This substance has a local vasoconstrictor effect. The spray is fast acting and produces excellent effect up to 12 h is Well suited for use in night time. "Ksimelin 0,05" is designed for children ages 2 to 6 years. This drug is used no more than 3 times a day during the week. You need to understand that any drug vasoconstrictor orientation can causeaddictive.

Antibacterial sprays for the nose

If the treatment was wrong, did not give the desired effect, you can develop complications. Colds will worsen a bacterial infection. The parent is seen when the contents of the nose (the mucus becomes thick and changes color. The color becomes yellow-green, and the slime almost separated from the nasopharynx.

If there are symptoms of a bacterial infection, it is recommended immediately consult a pediatrician. Only a doctor can properly prescribe treatment and to discharge the spray, which will give the best effect in the fight against bacteria. Antibacterial sprays are based on the antibiotic so long to apply them is impossible. In addition, each child fits your type of spray given by the doctor after the tests and definitions of individual types of microorganisms that should be excluded. Uncontrolled treatment is unacceptable. Most doctors today prescribe to the child the following antibacterial sprays:

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  1. “Izofra”. This drug can be purchased at any pharmacy, but only on the prescription of the attending pediatrician, Loros. The active substance spray is framycetin. This substance is considered to be the most effective in combating harmful bacteria. However, there are some strains of the virus, it has no effect. Among the antibiotics, “Izofra” is one of the best antibacterial agents. There are contraindications, therefore, assigned to the drug only a doctor after examination and tests.
  2. “Bioparox”. Nasal spray active ingredient is fusafungine. A substance capable of preventing the growth of dangerous microorganisms leads to the development of resistance. Otolaryngologists often prescribe this drug to children, aged over 2 years. If the child has a diagnosed Allergy, the drug in any case is not assigned.

Giving preference to a particular child spray from the common cold, of which there are in abundance, you can't go by advertising and intuition. Only a specialist can properly prescribe the drug, which will have a positive effect and help to cure a runny nose in a child. A runny nose can be caused not only by cold, but also various allergic reactions. In the child's body are allergens that leads to the development of rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is distinguished by the transparency of the discharge, no temperature, the child. To determine allergic rhinitis help of skin tests and blood testing for antibodies. If you have confirmed Allergy, nasal sprays are assigned the corresponding orientation.

In medicine today forsymptoms of allergic rhinitis in children used such drugs as "IRS 19" and "Polideksa".