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Why the child does not pass a cold 2 weeks?

If the child does not pass a cold for 2 weeks, what to do? So the question often asked by concerned parents. This phenomenon is not uncommon, but not belongs to the normal range. Persistent runny nose may result in fatigue and irritability as a toddler, and adults. Respiratory failure inevitably leads to sleep disturbances, loss of appetite. Furthermore, if not treated, the disease will not work and could serve as the beginning of the diseases of the respiratory organs until the chronic sinusitis and the emergence of polosnyj formations on mucous membranes. Lingering colds happen for several reasons.

problema dlitelnogo nasmorka u detej

Causes of prolonged runny nose

The first is to pay attention to the character of the secretions from the nose. If they are transparent, it is possible that a runny nose allergic nature. But most of the color selections varies from yellow to green (when it's a viral infection). In both cases, the problem requires an immediate solution.

Maybe before that child has already endured cold-related illness, which was not completely cured. Sometimes the cause of rhinitis in children are weakened immunity or frequent infections of the respiratory tract. In this case, acute rhinitis can become chronic.

The formation of polyps, or sinusitis, can also cause that runny nose is not a whole month or even more. In this case, can only help surgery. A deviated septum is another possible option. This problem also is solved only by surgery.

stroenie lor-organovIn addition, it is necessary to conduct tests for hidden infections (chlamydia).

The so-called drug-induced rhinitis may develop with prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Of course, in this case, traditional means from a cold not only do not help but can hurt the baby.

If the child goes into the pool, it is possible that the way the body reacts to chlorinated water. You can temporarily stop visiting and watch the changes, to confirm or rule out this cause.

Types of prolonged runny nose

The causes there are several types of rhinitis:

  1. During teething or a General restructuring of the child's organism in the period of growth. Such a protracted rhinitis doctors refer to the first type. It happens in babies with reduced immunity.
  2. Normal. Observed in children with weak immune system or due to the curvature of the nasal septum, inflammation of the adenoids, sinusitis, prolonged use of a vasoconstrictor, andalso, due to being hit in the nose foreign objects.
  3. Allergic. Called because of the action of the allergen. A runny nose accompanied by common cold symptoms, but can appear related phenomena (e.g. itching, swelling).
  4. Infectious. Typically, such a prolonged runny nose caused by complications from undertreated acute rhinitis. It can detect yellow or green discharge.

Runny nose in infants

problema nasmorka u grudnichkovLong cold physiological type often seen in newly born children and does not need treatment. It can be observed in a child from 1 to 3 months. While there was a slight colorless discharge from the nose, squelch during the meal, not accompanied by General deterioration of health. It is not a disease, and serves as a method of adaptation of an organism of the child to new conditions of life. All that is required from parents, the observance of General hygienic rules, ensuring a comfortable temperature and clean air in the room of the newborn.

Prolonged treatment of rhinitis

If the child is a long time runny nose, in any case, no need to diagnose yourself, no matter how obvious it may seem, and a visit to the doctor, who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment depends on the nature of the disease and its causes, but the General recommendation is regular rinsing of the nasal passages to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and other foreign particles.

For washing, you can use solutions of sea salt or herbal decoctions of sage, chamomile, calendula.

allergicheskij nasmorkIf the common cold is an infectious character, his treatment of preparations of complex action with essential oils: the throat, cold etc. as They ease the symptoms and help to decontaminate the affected bacteria the mucosa. But decongestants are used not more than 5 days, since the abuse possible degeneration of the mucosa or the occurrence of the so-called medicamentous rhinitis. Good help in this cold inhalations with essential oils. But keep in mind that antibacterial preparations should be applied only as directed by a physician, as their use in children are not uncommon any kind of side effects, up to complications.

With allergic rhinitis it is necessary to eliminate the source of Allergy if it is already installed. It can be dust, fluff, animals, pollen, feathers in the pillow, certain types of food. In any case, the treatment should start with a visit to an allergist, who will prescribe the necessary drugs. Forenhance immunity you can give the child vitamin complex tools, conduct tempering procedure and not to neglect the walks in the fresh air.

Very often the reason lasting the common cold is sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane within the maxillary the maxillary sinuses). In children under 2 years of age is extremely rare. The main symptoms are pus character, the stuffy one half of the nose, and the pressure inside the affected area. Bismarckiana in this case does not bring relief, breathing is restored only after special methods: puncture of the sinuses, nasal rinses. Always untreated sinusitis becomes chronic, and will require long-term treatment. Therefore, when suspected sinusitis treatment should begin immediately. Often helps warm the nose.

In the case of causing a chronic persistent rhinitis caused by prepoznati formations, sinusitis or a deviated septum requires the intervention of a surgeon. Do not start self-treatment with folk remedies: as a rule, they are powerless in this case and the neglect of the disease can cause tumor growth and related complications.

Symptoms of sinusitis, in addition to the long time passing of a cold are a fever, snuffling, constant feeling of fullness from the inside (until the pain of effects with pressure on the nose or its adjacent area), swelling of the face. The condition may be aggravated by chronic sinusitis, complicated prepoznati tumors, a deviated septum or inflamed adenoids. Adult sinusitis itself is not a great danger, but threatens the lives of kids. Assigned rate of nasal preparations, sinus puncture and lavage.

The growth of the adenoids is another cause of runny nose. To provoke inflammation can common viral diseases. They have lymphoid tissue that consist adenoids, discloses a reaction of the immune type. Adenoids enlarge, they begin to SAG inside the nasopharynx than makes breathing difficult and trigger the spread of inflammation to the mucous of the sinuses and the nasal cavity. The child appears snoring, snuffling, because of the constant discharge under nose red and swollen skin, mouths ajar, as to breathe through the nose becomes impossible, impaired olfactory function, upper teeth protrudes over the lower. The early treatment is carried out conservatively, but the later solution is only surgery. Now there are modern means of combating adenoids: cryotherapy and laser photocoagulation.

In the caseif the cause of prolonged rhinitis is any tumor formation, only required surgical intervention.

Conclusion on the subject

Any chronic rhinitis is an acute stage, so that parents at the beginning of a cold need to produce treatment, to prevent the possibility of such a transition. If the disease does not pass 2 weeks or more, you cannot postpone visiting the doctor.