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From a cold headache: what to do?

From a cold headache – what to do? The answer to this question knows not everyone. With this disease, as cold, and the accompanying enhanced headache probably met almost every second inhabitant of the planet.

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Yes, a headache and a runny nose can be attributed to the natural symptoms of the common colds. Numerous harmful bacteria inhabit the mucosal lining of the nose. This, in turn, is the cause of the common cold, and eventually pain in the head. Man of the manifestations of these symptoms are somewhat more difficult life, because breathing becomes very difficult. This adds to the discomfort and inconvenience. What is the main cause of headache with a cold? And how to deal with this unpleasant and interfere with quality of life a phenomenon?

Some of the features

Everyone knows that a runny nose and headache are the initial signs of a cold. And these symptoms can be considered quite natural and normal, not causing the man any fears, concerns, and fear for their health and life. Along with these symptoms, there is often an increase in temperature. Felt unpleasant chills, and partly felt dizzy

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Such basic signs as a headache and a runny nose, is a kind of a Herald, who reports that with the human body that something is wrong and he was struck by the disease. It is clear that manifestations of the rhinitis appears and headache, because the nose is located in the head and is closely linked to major human organ – the brain. And that the body has got an infection, first, of course, reacts the brain. Accordingly, disrupted access the necessary amount of oxygen in the blood. This phenomenon directly affects the brain and vessels. Strong pain can be localized in the forehead or temples. And sometimes the pain affects the forehead, and temples at the same time.

It is clear that at the first sign of a cold man began to blow his nose and sneeze. Very often manifested and cough. This can cause headaches, which mainly focuses around the eyes and forehead.

Of course, not all aware of what a headache for a runny nose can be a sign of more serious diseases. And so these "dangerous" illnesses may be sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and many such.

In any case, the main reason why when cold there is a strong headache, can determine only the appropriate qualified doctor.

The correct behavior is imminentrecovery

So what should you do to a man if he has a runny nose and a headache? There are countless ways and methods to treat and cure a headache and runny nose. But first, consider the basic simple measures that are recommended to know everyone, to the first manifestations of the disease them to take and even as it relieve severe pain in the head.

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  1. Rest never hurt anybody. If the first symptoms come in the form of headaches and sinus problems, be sure to take the opportunity to just lie down and lie down.You should restrict yourself from watching TV, reading books and sitting at the computer.
  2. A minimum of physical exertion. If you have a headache, you should limit yourself from excessive stress, difficult work. Also in this case, it is not recommended and mental work.
  3. Clean air and personal hygiene – the key to excellent health. At the first signs of a sinus headache it is necessary to provide constant fresh air into the room. It is known that many people from-for fear to SuperCool your body refuse to take a shower. Do not in any case impossible. After all, are excreted from the body toxins and harmful bacteria out and then settle on the skin. If there is a very high temperature, you can even take a bath, which will provide a reduction in pressure in the blood vessels of the head.

Traditional medicines for headaches

There are many folk remedies resorted to by everyone who wants to at least ease accompanying the common cold headache:

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  • you can use menthol oil applied to the forehead, temples and ears;
  • very effective is lemon, so a lemon twist it is possible to prepare a slurry and spread the slurry on the forehead and temples;
  • a very good tool can be a mixture of mustard powder and honey, it is necessary to prepare 1 teaspoon of mustard and 1 tablespoon of honey, mix all these ingredients, take a obtained folk remedy need at least 3 times a day during the day;
  • you can help yourself using aromatherapy. Basil, lavender or mint oil is an excellent tools to help in the short term to relieve severe headache with a cold.

The important role played by the adoption of various herbal tinctures and teas.

Their main purpose is to relieve suffering and to promptly clean up the attacks.

Elderberry is considered a very effective remedy forheadaches. For this you need half a teaspoon of elderberry brew with boiling water. Infuse the mixture for about 15 minutes. After insisting its a must to drain. Take half a Cup daily.

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Mint is also not inferior to its analgesic and sedative properties. To prepare means you need to take 1 tablespoon of mint, fill it with boiling water and hold the mixture in a water bath for only 15 minutes. Then it can wrap and hold it in for 1 hour. Use tincture is recommended half a Cup three times a day.

Just like mint, you can prepare clover flowers. Only push the herbal infusion can be a little less. 40 minutes will be enough.

Tincture of St. John's wort helps to solve the pain in the head.

Other methods of dealing with a headache with a cold

Lightning quickly help to relieve a severe headache and compresses. They should always be cold. It is necessary to prepare a bowl filled with cold water. There is added a few drops of lavender or mint. Then, the obtained liquid wetting a small towel or cloth, you need to apply them to his forehead. And sit with that compress about half an hour in absolute silence.

holodnyj kompress dlya izbavleniya ot golovnoj boliThe following excellent method of dealing with headache – alcohol. No, in this case, is not required to consume alcoholic beverages, but only to hold in the mouth a small amount of brandy, after which he must spit out, but in any case not to swallow. Thus, the blood vessels of the brain expand, thereby providing full access of oxygen, and it will help to relieve the pain in the head.

Since headache is the result of a cold, you can try to get rid of the root cause of the pain – from the common cold. Therefore, using conventional salt water you can rinse the sinuses, thereby freeing the nose from there the accumulation of germs and mucus. And then you can get specially designed nose drops.

Is not recommended in the presence of a runny nose and a headache Smoking, use of alcohol. Harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol, lead to spasm of blood vessels and does not improve the patient's condition. If you have a headache, should not eat a large amount of painkillers. If one accepted the pill didn't help, and the subsequent acceptance of drugs does not bring relief.

So if you have a headache, runny nose torment, the cure not so difficult. But before resorting to self -the problem, you should consult with your doctor, especially if the pain persists and even continues unabated. Only a specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis.

The corresponding behavior of the patient, proper treatment approach and measures taken in time will help very soon to say a headache and a cold goodbye.