Home / Topic "Runny nose (rhinitis)" / The causes of constant runny nose and its treatment

The causes of constant runny nose and its treatment

Constant runny nose, which is much rarer than seasonal rhinitis(especially in autumn-winter period), can be a real problem, but it needs to be addressed, so as not to worsen the already difficult situation.

problema postoyannogo nasmorka

What is a constant runny nose?

The constant runny nose is a chronic condition, which is that the inflamed mucous membrane of the nasal passages and persists for a long time, also defies conventional relief means.

People who suffer from this problem, as a rule, for many years can suffer from symptoms such as dryness and nasal congestion. Temporary relief can only be achieved by using standard means, for example, agonists, or they are called agonists(these include most of the currently known straw in the nose, which, as a rule, active ingredient - Xylometazoline: Snoop, xylitol, dlyanos, naphazoline, Otrivin, ksimelin, tizin, etc.).

These funds are for the nose to cause vasoconstriction and reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, and reduce congestion, allowing the person to breathe through the nose (it is breathing through the nose is physiological). However, it is important to note that this effect is very short, and after some time, a person may need to drip into the nose.

otrivin dlya lecheniya nasmorkaAs a result, it leads either to dependence on this drug (ie, without using this tool, people just can not breathe) or that lead to addiction, and the medicine ceases to help at all. Both of these consequences are extremely undesirable and even dangerous, as they cause a variety of complications. Therefore, the use of nose drops, you need to use one kind drops no more than 5-7 days, and then change it to another, and very importantly, to apply them it is necessary not often, not more than 3-4 times a day.

So long as the use of agonists and similar agents only worsens the condition of the nasal mucosa, the majority of patients is in a situation of complete confusion, they do not understand what to do in such a situation.

Constant runny nose can be a symptom of, for example, viral respiratory infection, so parents of toddlers, it is important to pay attention to the health of the child, in his comprehensive treatment and not to allow the disease to become chronic.

The causes of this disease

A runny nose can seem a normal condition faced by a large number of people and several times a year. Howeverconstant runny nose brings people suffering with this disease, these problems and pains such as: headaches associated with nasal congestion, the need for the continued availability of disposable napkins or handkerchiefs (napkins, more preferable, since scarves promote the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, because they are used many times), red nose. And this is only a small part of the list of problems.

dlyanos ot nasmorkaAs a rule, the causes of this condition is the following:

  • not fully cured acute rhinitis, which was a component of the SARS, along with other symptoms: sore throat, General weakness, etc.;
  • an allergic reaction to a certain stimulus;
  • constant irritation of the nasal passages with toxic substances of different origin. This is especially characteristic for people of the so-called "harmful" occupations, working, for example, for chemical, microbiological enterprises, or in laboratories of chemical analysis, etc.

If the patient expressed complaints of constant runny nose, which is accompanied by sneezing or coughing, your doctor may direct him to check the immune status, as these manifestations are chronic allergic rhinitis (as you know, immunity and Allergy are connected directly).

The disease, which is accompanied by a constant runny nose

One of the first signs of almost any SARS or acute respiratory infections is the sneezing and runny nose, as the body is a natural way of getting rid of viruses and bacteria. Even despite the fact that sneezing is the spread of viruses and infections in the external environment, doctors do not recommend to restrain yourself to the patient, because thereby violated the process of cleansing the body, and, accordingly, viruses and bacteria without leaving organisms continue to proliferate at high speed.

nasmork kak priznak grippaTherefore, their amount in the body increases and the patient's condition may deteriorate.

Experts say that nasal congestion, runny nose, as a rule, the symptoms of viral or infectious diseases:

  • flu;
  • ORZ;
  • ODS;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever etc.

Constant rhinitis as a chronic problem usually develops as a consequence of time untreated and neglected diseases.

Therefore, to avoid such complications, you should promptly treat acute illness occurs, contact a doctor, even with such, as many believe, a trivial problem like a runny nose.

The treatment of this disease

treatment">How to get rid of a cold? Deciding what to do with the constant runny nose is on the specialist ENT doctor. It was he after inspection can evaluate the condition of the mucous membrane of the nose, and how reversible the changes that it happened.

Treatment of this problem depends on its cause.

The main objective is the elimination of factors that provoke inflammation of the lining:

  • getting rid of chronic sources of infection in the nasal cavity;
  • complete elimination or minimization of contact with the irritant.

In the case that cause sneezing and the common cold to SARS, prescribed antivirals.

Also be sure when a cold is the administration of antihistamines (for example, tavegil, loragexal, loratadine, etc.).

Appoint, as already mentioned, drugs-agonists, the use of which is very important to coordinate with the ENT doctor, in order to avoid habituation or addiction.

Use to relief the condition and the recipes of traditional medicine. For example, the juice of Kalanchoe. This plant is quite popular and used in various diseases, as an aid, including with the ever-accompanying person a cold. With this purpose it is necessary to bury a few drops of juice in the nose. But even herbal remedies must be used after consultation with the ENT doctor.

You can treat illness and special oils (you can use sunflower oil) with the purpose of softening the crusts formed in the nose. In addition, spend inhalations with various herbs.

If you cannot assist the patient conservative way, then resort to cauterization of the mucous membrane or to surgery, which removed part of the tissue covering the nasal passages.