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Causes of runny nose

Mucous discharge from the nose can have a different character. There are various causes of rhinitis. This disease disturbs almost all people. Meanwhile, it is not so harmless as you may think. Treatment failure often lies in the fact that they themselves are the causes of cold not set correctly.

nasmork u chelovekaPrerequisites may be several:

  • frequently recurring acute rhinitis;
  • variations in the anatomy of the nasal cavity;
  • the effects of allergens;
  • environmental conditions;
  • irritant effect of extraneous factors (dust, gases);
  • poor circulation in the nasal mucosa;
  • the effects of the individual drugs.

So, where does the runny nose and what are the main reasons behind it?

Background physical in nature

shema rinitaDisease is acquired by heredity, and various anomalous phenomena in the structure of certain bodies could cause a runny nose may appear in the absence of external stimuli.

For example, the structural features of the facial skull (deviated septum in the nose, change in size and distortion of the turbinates) can lead to the development of chronic forms of rhinitis. In such cases one nostril (usually the side where there is deformation) poorly functioning, breathing occurs through the second.

Acquired defects (fractures and other injuries of the nose) can serve as causes of chronic rhinitis.

Very rare the phenomenon of syndrome Kartagener, in which appear the dysfunction of the mucociliary system is responsible for protecting the mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the respiratory organs from the effects of external factors. As a result of disrupted the natural process of removing mucus, it is stagnation, there is a runny nose.

shema stroeniya nosaOften, especially in children, the appearance of a cold perhaps because of the proliferation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which is located near the internal entrance to the nasal cavity. This phenomenon is called adenoids. The result of the overlapping of the inner lumen of the nasal passages air cannot take place normally, difficult breathing, mucus accumulates. Moreover, the process of reproduction of bacteria, which serve as an additional source of inflammatory process in the nasopharynx.

In very young children rhinitis can occur due to contact with the nose foreign objects, sometimes small pieces of food, items more impressive size. In such cases, the rhinitis is manifested by discharge of liquidconsistency, usually from one nostril.

Respirable dust (metal, mineral), especially in hazardous occupations, you may cause injury to the mucosa. More fine (dust from grinding flour or chalk) can destroy the cilia of ciliated epithelium, causing a disruption of the natural outflow of the allocated secret. Besides, the fine dust is able to be cemented together and create a nose reality (stones).

Allergy symptoms

vazomotornyj i allergicheskij rinitPersistent runny nose chronic forms may be due to the effects of allergens - antigens that can cause in susceptible people allergic reaction (among them may appear runny nose). Moreover, the largest share of all cases falls on allergic rhinitis.

Now more and more conditions for the emergence of allergies. Genetic predisposition, eating foods with chemical additives, the deteriorating environment, reduced immune function and even, ironically, excessive hygiene can lead to allergic reactions even on the most common and simple products. The most common allergens - house dust, pollen of various plants, poisons bees and wasps, animal dander, foods (nuts and products thereof, sesame seeds, egg and dairy products, some cereals, honey) and more. Often allergic to the chemical products of the type synthetic detergent, liquid dishwashing, etc.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by impaired breathing through the nose, with abundant secretion of mucus, sneezing. Often accompanied by swelling, itching. As a rule, a runny nose, caused by exposure to allergens, can be of two types: seasonal and year-round.

In the first case the attack of rhinitis occurs after contact with an allergen and lasts for several hours, the second - rhinitis after a few days becomes chronic.

The influence of drugs

konsultaciya vrachaCommon cold can be a side effect of certain medical drugs. As a rule, this factor is mentioned in the instructions to the drug. But rhinitis can occur during the reception of funds, with a vasoconstrictor effect (sprays, drops). This effect is called "rebound".

If sick for a long time uses such drops (about a week), in this case, perhaps the emergence of drug rhinitis. The reason for the use of vasoconstrictor drops can serve as a doctor with the common cold.

However, if you continue to takemedication longer time, resulting in the development of addictive cells of the mucosa. Therefore, when the drug is resumed swelling becomes much more intense. The drug has to make everything more doses are becoming more and subsequently the runny nose is maintained when taking the maximum amount of the drug. Refusal of droplets (spray) in such cases is given very hard, but it must be done not to aggravate rhinitis similar shape.

Colds and other factors that cause a runny nose

pereohlazhdenie organizma - prichina nasmorkaHypothermia is quite capable to cause a cold. Acute respiratory infections in a set of symptoms, tend to have rhinitis. But there are other causes of rhinitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by sudden nasal congestion, sneezing and a large number of watery mucous secretion. Basically this form of rhinitis occurs in patients with General disorders of the autonomic system. Even minimal irritable action of nerve endings located in the nose, leads to the immediate response of the mucosa. Sometimes the rhinitis may be allergic in nature.

If acute rhinitis, which appeared under the influence of infectious diseases (SARS, influenza, diphtheria, etc.), repeated periodically, may develop chronic catarrhal rhinitis. Often this disease occurs under the influence of the agents with chemical, thermal, mechanical nature, with irritant action on mucous purulent secret in diseases of the paranasal sinuses, long blood circulation in the nasal mucosa. The last symptom can be observed in the presence of heart disease, myocarditis, nephritis, disorders of endocrine system, emphysema, frequent constipation and frequent abuse of alcohol.

Pathological processes developing in the paranasal sinuses and even in the throat, can also cause rhinitis. In this case, is irritated mucous secreted pus, which is often observed in case of sinusitis, and sinusitis.

Changing environmental conditions undoubtedly have an impact on the possibility of rhinitis. Thus, the dry air having high temperature, dry out the protective membranes of the nose (mucosa) and have a negative effect on the natural function of ciliated epithelium, resulting in disrupted normal discharge of secretory fluid. The exposure to low temperatures affects the vascular tone and causes change of its reflex functions.

Any disease is better treated in its early stages. Therefore, as soon as the firstthe symptoms of the disease, should as soon as possible to seek help from professionals.