What is allergic rhinitis and what is its treatment?
If you have any of allergic rhinitis, treatment should not be delayed. This disease has nothing to do with the flu and common cold. Although the symptoms are almost the same. Therefore, allergic rhinitis is often confused with the common, particularly those people who have it developed first. The treatment of this cold will be very different from the normal procedures. These differences are related to the fact that both types of rhinitis develop for completely different reasons. Ordinary can begin to the cold, and allergic rhinitis cause substances-allergens. This, for example, flowers, citrus, the poplar fluff and so on.
In recent years, the number of people suffering from different types of allergies is steadily increasing. For example, among children the number of Allergy sufferers up to 40 people in every 100, and statistically more susceptible boys.
Decades ago, the Allergy was considered a rare disease, and now many are allergic to different products and items. Increasing number of allergies associated with the deterioration of the environmental situation. There is a huge number of cars, businesses and so on. Products contain many substances that cause allergies. The most common type of the disease was seasonal allergies. It begins in the spring when blooming plants and trees. And if some of the allergens has the ability to eliminate from your life, flowering and pollen cannot be excluded, it remains only to deal with the symptoms.
Causes and symptoms of allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is caused by allergens entering the respiratory tract.
The causes of this disease are a few:
- Plant pollen. Allergy to pollen is one of the most common types and is seasonal.
- Mold fungi. In the apartments they breed in the bathroom and toilet walls.
- Dust. It can cause severe symptoms and other diseases, as a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and dust mites.
- Pet hair, fluff from the pillows.
- Radical surgery, such as partial removal of the turbinates.
The risk of disease increases with the presence of hereditary predisposition, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma. If cases of allergic rhinitis have already been then provoke the recurrence of the disease can cold, some of the products.
Allergic rhinitis always appears suddenly. This is the main difference from the common cold.The reaction begins within 20 minutes after contact with the allergen. Signs of rhinitis the following:
- Feeling that nose something tickles, I want him to scratch.
- Edema of the mucosa and, as a result, nasal congestion.
- For nose, discharge, watery, copious.
- You may snore.
- Stuffy ears.
- The throat begins to tickle. Sensation of dryness in it.
External symptoms: light swelling of the face, mouth breathing, lacrimation and redness of the eyes, the appearance a few days dark circles under the eyes.
Classification of rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis klassificeret on severity of symptoms. There are three types:
- Easy: there are no more than two signs, anxiety does not deliver, the General condition usual.
- Moderate: marked symptoms, poor sleep, decreased activity.
- Severe: all symptoms are pronounced, violate the normal course of life, worsening sleep, performance is dramatically reduced.
The course of disease may be different in duration and frequency.
- Intermittent. The disease occurs weekly on four days. The total duration of symptoms is less than one month. This duration associated with a random contact with the allergen.
- Seasonal. Starts in spring and continues until late summer, while blooming allergenic plant. Such allergens include flowers and poplars, down which many cause allergies.
- Persistent, or in other words, chronic rhinitis. Symptoms daily for two hours, the total duration - 9 months of the year. Such allergies are caused by domestic reasons.
Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis
To diagnose this disease used several methods. After clarification of symptoms, designate additional studies for diagnosis:
- endoscopy (examining the nasopharynx to exclude and adenoids other diseases of the nasopharynx with similar characteristics);
- x-rays (used for examination of the sinuses and eliminating to chronic inflammation);
- rhinomanometry (measures in nose resistance to air flow);
- a blood test for the presence of eosinophils;
- the analysis of the secretions from the nasal mucosa;
- General analysis of blood.
Special studies to identify substances that cause allergies, are used such as:
- skin studies, for which for a week stop taking antihistamines;
- the blood leukolysisfood, such an analysis is very expensive and often shows false results.
The treatment of the disease
Treatment of allergic rhinitis should be primarily aimed at elimination of the allergen.
Otherwise any medicines and methods will give short-term results.
- Antihistamine. Basically, these tools are produced in pill form.
- Corticosteroids are used when not receiving other means.
- Chelators help remove toxins and allergens from the body, but they can be taken no more than two weeks.
- Hormonal drugs. To cure such preparations can all forms of allergic rhinitis. But use them only for getting rid of severe forms, as this method has contraindications. Hormones are assigned only by the physician, and drink them should be in strict accordance with the recipe, otherwise their action will be directed against the body. Chronic administration of these drugs may experience a shift in hormonal levels.
- Nose drops, have vasoconstrictor effect. They act only on the symptom, i.e., reduce the swelling and cure the common cold.
- Sprays with barrier effect. They create a film on the eye which protects it from the allergen.
Perennial allergic rhinitis is being treated in the same way as normal. Many to treat allergic rhinitis, eyeing the methods of traditional medicine. But symptoms of allergies in ways not treated as receiving herbal teas and fees herbs can cause an allergic reaction.
But in addition drug treatment, there are other ways how to get rid of allergic rhinitis.
- The exception is cross allergies. This method is based on the assertion that at the time of flowering of certain trees growing allergic to some fruits. For example, during the flowering of birch, poplar and hazel exclude from the diet of potatoes, pears and apples.
- The cleanliness of the room. Allergies in the room where they live and work, it is necessary to exclude the appearance and accumulation of allergens. This requires clean air, should be cleaned the dust, and the items that accumulate it, made out of the house. The dust box in the apartment can be soft toys, old books, carpets and so on. In addition to these items, there are those who themselves play the role of the allergen. These include feather pillows, woolen blankets, fluffy rugs and stuffed toys. In the house where lives have allergies, such things should be a minimal amount. Blanket of wool will replace hollofayber, carpetsbetter to remove and the pillows to change.
- Avoiding contact with the allergen. As far as possible, to exclude the effects of allergens on your body. But in order to know what to get rid of, you need to donate blood for allergens.
- Plasmapheresis, or blood purification. With this mechanical cleansing of the body removes the toxins, allergens and so on. Disadvantage of this method is that it produces short-term effect.
Complications of chronic allergic rhinitis
If not timely treatment, perennial allergic rhinitis can cause complications. These include breathing problems, which cause lack of oxygen in the body and primarily in the brain.
First the migraines, loss of functionality, drowsiness. Then, disturbed concentration and memory, and eventually develop heart disease and various organs.
In disorders of breathing during sleep may develop sleep apnea, often stop breathing in which the patient runs the risk of never waking up. Disturbed ventilation of the departments of the nose, which develop sinusitis, otitis media and other similar diseases.
The mouth breathing triggers the development of tonsillitis and diseases of the lungs. Allergic rhinitis may be the beginning of the disease with bronchial asthma. Frequent exacerbations can cause bleeding from the nose, inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis. If long time treatment is not available, then in the nasal passages or sinuses begin to grow polyps and cysts.
Prevention of the disease
To prevent the development of allergic rhinitis, the need for timely treatment of allergic rhinitis.
Elimination of allergens or their presence will greatly facilitate the life of the patient.
A deviated septum can be a precipitating factor for the occurrence of the disease, so the need for its correction. Nasal rinses with saline solution or salt water to cleanse the nasal cavity of allergens and reduce their effect.