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The correct treatment vasomotor rhinitis

When vasomotor rhinitis treatment must be carried out only by experienced personnel or under his careful supervision. Under vasomotor rhinitis imply a chronic disease of the nose associated with the disruption of the normal regulation of its vascular tone. The main symptom of this disease is periodic nasal congestion. It may increase under certain conditions (high physical activity, climate change, a long stay in a horizontal position) or appear for no apparent reason. Patients complain of watery or mucous nasal discharge, snuffling, sneezing and decreased smell. The appearance of at least one of the above symptoms should alert the person and cause of seeking medical attention.

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The treatment of this disease is mainly symptomatic and involves the appointment of a vasoconstrictor. Popular drugs such as Naphazoline Sanorin and. These funds are available in the form of drops. They narrow the peripheral vessels, reduces hyperemia and edema of the nasal mucosa. The medication prescribed by your doctor.

A very important rule: prolonged use of a vasoconstrictor is absolutely contraindicated. Too long can cause drug dependence and the development of more severe forms of vasomotor rhinitis.

kapli naftizin ot nasmorkaTreatment of the disease can be done by using nasal sprays with corticosteroid hormones. Note that the use of such sprays within a fairly long period of time (not less than 30 days). These drugs have a number of positive qualities: practically not absorbed into the blood, are not addictive and do not affect the hormonal background of the patient. In addition, many of them can be used for the treatment of children up to 2 years.

Popular products containing the substance is ipratropium bromide. They are used to reduce secretions of the nose and are usually in the form of sprays. No less effective are sprays anti-allergic nature.

Another treatment option involves the introduction of the drug in the nasal mucosa (intranasal blockade). The result depends on what tool you use. For example, Procaine accelerates blood flow in the nasal mucosa. After this procedure, the nose begins to breathe, but only in the case if the disease is diagnosed in time, and she was not protracted. In the nasal mucosa can be injected hormones that cause vasoconstriction (Kenalog). After suchprocedures nose will breathe, but not for long. We add that the injections in the nasal mucosa, done by a skilled hand, do not cause any pain, so fear them not worth it.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment

Many patients are concerned about how to cure vasomotor rhinitis physiotherapy methods. The answer is quite simple: after a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate method of physiotherapy, which will help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

fonoforez s gidrokortizonomThere are currently some very effective physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis:

  1. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone. This procedure is simple. The doctor inserts the nasal cavity of the patient a special instrument, lubricated hydrocortisone ointment. It is ultrasound, which causes an acceleration of blood circulation in the nasal mucosa.
  2. Electrophoresis with calcium chloride. During this procedure, the specialist inserts into the nose of the patient cotton pads soaked in calcium chloride. After that, the fleece are connected to the electrodes through which the current passes. The currents calcium chloride penetrates the nasal mucosa and strengthens its blood vessels. However, we must note that the positive results will appear only in that case, if the electrophoresis with calcium chloride will be conducted over a relatively long period of time.
  3. Treatment vasomotor rhinitis laser (laser therapy). In the nose of the patient are inserted into a special tube of transparent plastic. The laser light makes work the vascular wall of the nasal cavity and accelerates the blood flow in it. This method of physical therapy in most cases is used for the treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis.


If drug treatment of vasomotor rhinitis has not given the desired results, the doctors or left with no choice but to hold surgery. Surgical treatment is usually performed when there was a strong change in the internal structure of the mucosa of the nose or runny nose persists for a long time.

hirurgicheskoe vmeshatelstvo v lechenieSurgery can be of several types:

  1. Correctional intervention. Often the cause is a deviated septum or overgrowth of the turbinates. In this case, doctors usually have performed the plasty of the nasal septum, which leads to the improvement of health of the patient.
  2. Vasotomy submucosa of inferior turbinate. In this case, the doctor removes vessels the mucosa of the turbinates.
  3. Partialresection of the lower shells. Remove part of the enlarged turbinates.
  4. Galvanocaustic. Doctor using galvanic current cauterizes tissue and blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Today, experts rarely hold galvanokaustiku, as this procedure is quite painful, besides after its use, the patient often appear side effects.

Treatment of folk remedies

Many patients who are faced with this disease, are interested in how to get rid vasomotor rhinitis home remedies. Along with a large number of drugs for the treatment of the disease there is also a lot of popular recipes that are equally effective in combating unpleasant symptoms. Their cook do not require a lot of time, effort and ingredients.
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  1. Doctors recommend a daily rinse with water with a small amount of honey. Immediately after the procedure, the nasal cavity should be lubricated with fresh birch juice.
  2. Clean 1 large beet, grate and squeeze from the resulting pulp juice. The resulting liquid daily instilled into each nostril (2 drops).
  3. No less effective is the juice of Kalanchoe. 8 drops of this liquid every day should be instilled into the nasal cavity.
  4. Lubricate the nose of sea buckthorn or fir oil. Positive results will not keep itself waiting long.
  5. To avoid such a drastic way of dealing with vasomotor rhinitis as surgery, it is possible, if at the first unpleasant symptoms to begin to wash the nose with a weak solution of salt. In a glass of warm clean water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt. To wash the nose, this fluid should be at least 3 times a day.

To cope with the unpleasant symptoms will help the following herbs: 3 tablespoons of chopped dandelion root, mix with 2 tablespoons of horsetail, 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort, 5 spoons centaury, 2 spoons of rose hips and 1 spoon of corn stigmas. 1 tablespoon collection pour 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture was left for 12 hours, then bring to a boil, cool and strain. This medicine should drink 1/3 Cup three times a day. The remaining part of the broth in the fridge.

No less effective is the collection consisting of 30 g of oak bark, 15 g of horsetail, 20 g of leaves of smoke tree, 5 grams of sage leaves, 20 g of fruits of mountain ash and 5 grams of mint. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 1 Cup of boiling water and simmer on medium heat for at least 10 minutes. The resulting mixture infuse for 1 hour and rinse her sinuses twice a day.

Get rid of chronic vasomotor rhinitis using walnut and vaseline.

1 scoopcrushed leaves of walnut mixed with 10 spoons of vaseline. The resulting ointment stored in the refrigerator. Ready means three times a day to lubricate nasal mucosa.

Equally effective ointment can be prepared from the leaves of Kalanchoe and vaseline. It is made the same as in the previous recipe. If desired, these 2 ointments can be used interchangeably.

To use popular recipes from vasomotor rhinitis to be careful as many home remedies applied without consultation with a doctor can cause serious allergic reactions.