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If worried about itchy nose, sneezing, and runny nose

Such symptoms like itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, are a common phenomenon, which gives a person a lot of inconvenience and anxiety. What can be the reason for such signs and how to get rid of them? Let's consider in details next.

problema nasmorka i zuda v nosu

Key features

Itchy nose is a painful feeling which accompanies the need to continuously scratching the area. Causing irritated skin and develops sneezing. Itching arising in the nose can be a signal of a disruption in the body. This pathology can accompany an allergic reaction during the penetration of any irritants on the nasal mucosa. These provocateurs can include certain odors, pollen, pathogens, hair, dust, hairs and many more.

Rarely, but it happens that stimuli become fungi. The development of edema of the mucosa indicates that one should start taking a vasoconstrictor. However, the use of these medications is not recommended without medical supervision: abuse leads to addiction, which, of course, causes itching and swelling in the nose.

kashel - simptom allergiiAllergies are divided into subtypes, which tend to occur in different seasons. Quite often you can find the Allergy to mites, animal dander, pollen, and in this situation the signs of this phenomenon occurs immediately after contact with an irritant.

Among the symptoms that result from allergic reactions, and are defined by others:

  1. Frequent sneezing.
  2. Cough.
  3. Burning.
  4. Tearing.
  5. Frequent transparent discharge from the nose.
  6. Redness of the eyes.

At the first suspicious signal the body it is important to consult an otolaryngologist or an allergist. The specialist will help to understand the underlying cause of symptoms and create a customized treatment plan. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the transition of the disease, triggering itching, chronic will facilitate the difficult process of treatment and recovery.

Useful tips

To eliminate the constant itching in the nose, you can use the method of nasal lavage, using the medicinal solutions. This method has its consequences, as is likely to drive stimulus deeper. As these signs serve as a companion to an allergic reaction, the first treatment must begin with eliminate contact with the irritant.

slezotochivost pri allergiiTo treat suchpathology as itching in the nose, you can use all sorts of therapeutic ways. These include herbal medicine, mineralotherapy, lymphotropic therapy, apitherapy, and many other methods that have their own characteristics.

When my nose itches, then to resolve this symptom is to resort to the following methods.

Allergen-specific therapy. Such a special method is carried out by the doctor for a long time and is called desensitization. When the allergen was detected in the blood of the patient it is administered quite a bit. Then gradually the amount increases, which causes decrease in intensity of the signs as develop a tolerance to the allergen.

The antihistamines. They are administered in the form of drops or tablets. Typically the most popular Zodak, Kestin, Zyrtec. It is noted that long reception of these medicines leads to reduced work of the heart muscle. If the treatment is performed in children, they can appoint cromoglicate sodium.

To allergen did not get to the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to accept funds, which are composed of cellulose. Among the most effective Herbal notes. Very often vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Naphazoline) is taken as wrong and not according to the testimony. If you take them for longer than the period, the body begins to get used to their effects, therefore, develops rhinitis.

Sneezing and runny nose

osmotr u vrachaThe same common illness, such as itching, is sneezing and runny nose. Many people mistakenly believe that this condition does not pose a risk to health. But the constant runny nose is usually a symptom of other pathologies in the body.

Immediately it is important to note that these two conditions are directly related to each other and they are always indicators of ENT diseases. Sneezing can occur in the early stages of the disease, and during the whole period of the disease.

To these symptoms ceased to disturb, it is important to find the source of their origin. After that, you can determine an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.

If the sneezing and runny nose occur simultaneously with fever and cough, signals a clear cold. In this case, the therapy the patient will be based on eliminating pathogens from the body.

In some cases, these symptoms can appear because of allergies to any foreign particles. As a rule, such factors predisposing to sneezing are dust, skin cells of animals and humans, mold.

Get to know the person who is suffering from cough and sneeze, for sore eyes.

itchy nose and runny nose" alt="Broth with herbs from itchy nose and runny nose">in Almost all cases, this manifestation can be observed during a cold.

Sometimes patients complain of sneezing along with a runny nose is manifested in the morning. This phenomenon cannot be explained by any cold-related disease or allergic reaction. Experts suggest that this condition occurs for the following reasons:

  1. When vasomotor (non-allergic) rhinitis.
  2. When polyps.
  3. Due to incorrect work of nasal breathing as a result of deformation of the nasal septum.
  4. Due to desiccation of the nasal mucosa during sleep.

Ignore the sneezing, as it is a signal that there has been a failure. It has been proven that the process of sneezing may occur due to the fact that the person sharply looked at a bright light or the sun. Often the cause may be psychological factors. For example, depression, intense fear, excitement - often people develop sneezing and a runny nose.

Additional points

When not treated, the consequences can be very serious.

Before you get rid of the disease, it is important to find out its cause development. After inspection, the physician will determine what caused the illness and what treatment plan to pursue. The most appropriate lavage of the nose.

polza morskoj soli pri nasmorkeSo it is possible to cure and runny nose, and sneezing. To wash the nose, you can use different medication and folk remedies, among which the most popular and effective the following:

  1. Different medicinal tinctures based on plants.
  2. Tincture of sea salt. They can also be purchased at the pharmacy.
  3. Fresh juices of fruits and vegetables.
  4. Simple boiled water.
  5. A solution of furatsilin, iodine, potassium permanganate.

The procedure for treatment of runny nose and sneezing will depend on various factors. In the case of Allergy doctor prescribes antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drops or spray.

If the sneezing and runny nose has arisen due to the rhinitis, it may occur following consequences:

  1. A mild form of the disease. Symptoms are expressed softly, they do not interfere with vitality and daily life.
  2. Moderate form. The symptoms disturb during sleep, interfere with mental and physical work. Marked deterioration.
  3. A severe form. Symptoms are pronounced, the patient is impossible, a dream is much worse. It is important to carry out urgent treatment with antihistamines or topical corticosteroids.

In case of delay of therapy the patient is extremely hard to carry suchsymptoms. Follow the recommendations and be healthy!