Effective treatment of pleurisy of the lungs.
Many people have heard about this disease, as the pleura of the lungs, the treatment the popular methods which can be quite complex and lengthy process. However, this method of treatment gives a softer result and has no side effects. In addition, natural components are not addictive.
Before you start the treatment of pleurisy with the help of folk remedies, you should consult a doctor-the pulmonologist, who will help to make herbal and other ingredients for the preparation of decoctions and infusions.
Pleurisy is a lung disease that is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the membrane (this layer covers the lung). Pleurisy can be caused by tumors, trauma or infectious diseases. The first and main symptom of this ailment is pain in the chest that becomes more intense with physical exertion and breathing. The disease has several varieties:
- purulent;
- exudative;
- dry pleurisy.
Treatment of pleurisy herbs
To prepare the broth you need to mix 1 spoon pine buds and sage leaves. Then add 2 spoon of anise fruit, licorice root and marshmallow. Further, all the ingredients should be carefully grind and mix. Per Cup of boiling water will need a teaspoon of herbal. You need to insist in a thermos for 5-6 hours. After the decoction should strain and take 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.
You can mix 1 tablespoon licorice root and elecampane, mint leaves and cottonweed. To the collection add 2 tablespoons of leaves mother and stepmother. A spoonful of this herbal need to pour boiling water and wait until the broth infusions. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
When pleurisy is recommended to use horsetail. A spoonful of dry leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water. Means to insist 3-4 hours in a tightly closed container. The resulting infusion is necessary to drink at once or to take no more than 4 times a day.
Patients with pleurisy should try a mixture of knotweed, mother and stepmother, and inflorescences elderberry. All the ingredients you need to take a spoonful. Next, they need to mix and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture infuse for half an hour, after which the drink should be filtered. Every day before meal you should drink 100 ml of this infusion.
Another option is a mixture of aloe juice, vegetable oil and lime honey. All the ingredients you need to take 1 glass. Further added to the mixture of a decoction of birch buds and blossoms of Linden, which was prepared with the use of steam baths. Make everyday a spoonful of the drug 3 times.
Homemade recipes for the treatment of pleurisy
Pleurisy can be cured by various means. For example, you can use onions.
- You need to clean one onion from the husk and finely chop.
- Then need to press the pulp through cheesecloth to get the juice.
- After that, onion juice and honey mixed in equal proportions.
- This herbal remedy should be taken twice a day 1 spoon after meal.
Onion honey syrup is one of the best natural remedies that helps to fight infection. By the way, the onion pairs is very useful for people with pleurisy. You can hold inhaled treatments.
- For this 1 onion cleaned and finely chopped, to drain juice.
- Then the whole mass is lowered into the pot. The patient should lean over the container and inhale the vapors from the onion juice, covered with a towel.
Honey, you can mix and radish juice, but it is better to only select black varieties of the root.
The proportions also need to save. If the patient has pleural effusion, it is recommended to take the remedy 3 times a day spoon.
Oddly enough, but the cherry is very useful for people who suffer from pleurisy. You will need the juice of the berry. For this you need to squeeze the pulp.
Every time after a meal to drink a quarter Cup of beverage. It is best to use drink 3 times a day.
You can make a compress using a conventional sponge. For this it is necessary to moisten in warm water and put on the chest of the patient. More effective not just water, and the liquid with the addition of sea or rock salt.
If plagued by severe attacks of pain, the chest you need to put a bandage coated with mustard. This will help to ease breathing and creates a warming effect and eliminate pain.
A week after the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to prepare special bean.
To do this, mix the butter and honey. Then, they need to add nettle seeds and almonds in the proportions (one part with respect to 4 parts honey-butter mixture). After that, pellets must be cooled down. Allowed to dissolve small pieces 4 times a day.
In addition, you can use lemon and horseradish.
For a medicine will need 3 lemons and 200 g of horseradish. Both components need to carefully grind through the meat grinder, and then mix well. Every morning and evening on an empty stomach is recommended to eat a teaspoon of this mass. It should be kept inthe fridge.
For the treatment of pleurisy can every day to engage in breathing exercises. The simplest method is to inflate the balloons.
For people with pleurisy this exercise brings pain, but it must be done daily. Should start with a pair of balls and gradually increase their number to 50 balls per day.
Means for rubbing the chest when pleurisy
Not only the various decoctions and compresses based on herbs can cure pleurisy, but the means for rubbing the affected area. And they will be even more effective than medications purchased.
To prepare the means for rubbing the chest, must be purchased in a drugstore badger fat.
- You need to take 300 grams of badger fat and 300 g of aloe leaves, which you need to pre-wash and finely chop that stood out the juice.
- The two components mix and add one Cup of liquid honey. If honey is sugar, you can melt it on a steam bath, but is added to the mixture is a little cooled.
- The resulting composition should be placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes, then strain.
- The tool you need to wax your back and chest in case of pleuritis. It is also allowed to take one spoon 3 times daily before meals.
Essential oils also help treat pleurisy
- The basis of the mixture for rubbing camphor - oil, which will need 30 g.
- Later in this oil you need to add 2.5 g of lavender and eucalyptus oil.
- This mixture is recommended to RUB the chest. After imposed a compress with warm essential oils and tight perebintovany the affected area.
These oils can be replaced by other options. For example, you can heat the olive oil (only using the water bath) and grind them chest. Then applied on top of oil to do hot compress of salt or mustard. Then the patient should bundle up as tightly as possible.
Very useful for people who suffer from pleurisy, is a pine collection. The aromatic oil of this plant help to treat this lung disease. For rubbing the chest and back you can use pine or fir oil. In addition, these essential oils eliminate the pain.
Pleurisy treatment folk remedies is a long and difficult process. But thanks to natural ingredients can achieve sustainable and positive results. Importantly, all procedures were performed with permission of the attending physician to choose herbal and other components of the drug did not cause side effects or allergies. Treatment of pleurisy of the lungs with the help of folk medicine is an effective technique.