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As children's rehabilitation after pneumonia?

Rehabilitation after pneumonia in children is quite a complex and continuous process. Pneumonia, or acute inflammation of the lung tissue is a common disease. Dangerous not only critical stage of the disease, but also its effects and possible relapses.

problema pnevmonii u detejPractice shows that timely begun treatment and the right prescription focal form of inflammation disappear after 10-12 days. But the full recovery is too early. Untreated, the inflammation of the lungs with serious complications.

Look for the root cause!

pnevmoniyaPneumonia is an infection. It can be caused by:

  • bacteria of the group of pneumococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas sticks);
  • viruses (herpes, influenza, adenoviruses);
  • fungal pathogens (Candida and Aspergillus).

The way in which the infection penetrates into the body of the child, most often is the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. In inflammatory processes in other internal organs with the bloodstream it can also enter the lungs.

In order to prevent relapse and to accelerate the healing process, it is important to know why the child got sick. This can be reduced immunity, infections in preschool institutions and school, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis).

The culprit might be an adverse environment: the polluted, industrial area, in which lives or spends most of their time is. Should impartially evaluate the frequency and quality of cleaning in the apartment. Elementary thinking more often to ventilate the room.

The year under observation

obilnoe pite posle pnevmoniiInflammatory lung disease in children today being treated in hospitals. As a rule, the child discharged a month after x-ray control.

In any case the patient must be registered with a paediatrician or pulmonologist during the year. About the same time required for complete rehabilitation of the body.

In the first month after discharge finishing a course of antibiotics and take bronchiodialator and expectorants medicines and drugs to restore the intestinal microflora. Physician will recommend you the best diet for a child. In the period after the inflammation of the essential vitamin A, which assist in the restoration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Therefore, the menu should be: apricots, carrots, egg yolk, liver, broccoli.

In cereals (rice, wheat,oatmeal), nuts, chocolate, Turkey, lamb and duck contains quite a large amount of zinc. It is established that he is able to ensure the integrity of the cells of the respiratory tract with inflammation or lung damage.

Ensure that the child drank enough water. Water helps to thin the mucus accumulated in the lungs. It facilitates expectoration.

Tasks the recovery period

apparat ultrazvukovoj terapiiParents need to know and understand what the purpose is of the complex variety of events that requires a lot of time and effort. The complex includes the following tasks:

  • it is necessary to avoid complications and recurrences to accelerate the resorption of inflammatory exudates, which stimulate blood circulation and lymph circulation in lungs;
  • be sure to follow the sputum, a measure to prevent the development of bronchiectasis;
  • need to train respiratory muscles, to restore the rhythm of breathing;
  • you want to strengthen and support all body systems;
  • it is important to have physiotherapy treatment.

When the patient returned to normal temperature, it is possible to start a course of physiotherapy. This treatment has proven its anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, immunostimulating efficiency.
During rehabilitation after pneumonia in children physical therapy required. But some parents are quite wary of it. Let's see what are the main types of physiotherapy:

polza ingalyacij posle pnevmonii

  1. UHF - method of treating electric field of ultrahigh frequency. It is used for a long time and very successfully. Moms of today's kids can remember their childhood and the so-called warm-up: two plates in cloth bags. UHF anti-inflammatory effect, improves expectoration, enhances immunity. Contraindications to the use of UHF-therapy in childhood and adolescence are almost there.
  2. UV - ultraviolet irradiation. For decades, used to combat viruses, bacteria and inflammatory processes of various diseases. In reasonable doses, UV is harmless.
  3. Inductothermy. The principle of exposure based on the alternating magnetic field. When this procedure is performed, the child feels warm.
  4. Laser therapy. Improves microcirculation in the lung tissue, reduces spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi, enhances the effect of antibiotics due to the intensification of blood flow in the lungs.
  5. Electrophoresis combines the impact of direct current and of the drug (Ribonuclease, Streptomycin,Trypsin) on the body. Contraindications: acute diseases, dermatitis.
  6. Inhalation. Depending on the physical state of the inhaled substances inhalation can be: dry, wet, oily. This procedure is particularly convenient because, having received the necessary medical advice, it can be done at home.

Now there are household filters. They sprayed a drug into the dispersed particles. The latter is able to reach the deepest parts of the respiratory system (bronchi and bronchioles). Contraindicated inhalation in allergic reactions.

To the modern, but while rare species rehabilitation activities include speleotherapy and salt therapy, which are based on the establishment of artificial microclimate of the caves.

Healing and breathing exercises

lechebnaya gimnastika posle pnevmoniiIn pneumonia, the bronchial tubes are filled with a secret, which leads to the hypostatic (congestive) phenomena, and the consequence is respiratory failure and subsequent complications. This problem helps to cope a special course of physical exercise. There are now more methods of treatment-and-prophylactic complexes, including for children. Classes in groups of physical therapy conducted by doctors at hospitals and clinics. In any case, specific recommendations you can get at the doctor who watches your child.

Physical education begins as soon as the normal temperature of the patient.

The most simple exercise - turns from one side to another, from stomach to back. The inflammatory process causes an unpleasant, even painful. The child instinctively turns to the other less painful way. Mom needs to ensure that he didn't sleep on one side, otherwise it may lead to the development of adhesive processes.

Respiratory (breathing) exercises. Simple, but effective exercise: put hands on belly and take deep breaths at least 15 times. It is important that these and other prescribed exercises necessarily are performed in the presence of an adult! Sometimes passion and uncontrolled classes lead to nausea, dizziness and even fainting.

Subsequently, if the healing process goes well, you should regularly walk in the fresh air. Pine forest, beach, eucalyptus grove, perfect for walking.

The benefits of massage

Pneumonia associated with coughing. While monstrously hard on the muscles of the chest. Especially frequent complaint that everything hurts in my chest and stomach, from toddler to kindergarten age. Therefore, one of the main aims of massage: relieve stress, relax the muscles.

Andhere babies massage definitely shown because it allows you to restore the drainage system of the lungs: to facilitate coughing and expectoration.

It is better to entrust the crumbs massage specialist.

All of the above are only basic activities of rehabilitation of children after pneumonia. Parents need to listen carefully to the recommendations of the pediatrician, don't be shy to ask him that they do not understand.

Get a notebook in which you record daily observations of the baby (temperature, sleep, appetite), record which he took medication. This Notepad is a take on the doctor. Detailed records of the patient's condition will be useful to him.