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Indicators of the blood in pneumonia

Pneumonia or pneumonia is an infectious disease that is characterized by lesions of various parts of the lungs. A blood test for pneumonia should take immediately after the detection of this disease.

problema pnevmonii

Clinically this disease can be divided into:

  • focal pneumonia, affecting separate parts of the lungs (alveoli and bronchi);
  • lobar - which in the pathological process involves the entire lobe of the lung.

Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system.

Studies show that of the 100,000 people she affects about 400 people.

For diagnosis and prescribing the right treatment requires careful diagnosis. One of the most significant stages of diagnosis of this disease are common clinical methods of examination. These include inspection and preparation of patient history. In addition to General objective examination, for diagnosis need laboratory data. The analyses in this disease must include the General and biochemical analyses of blood, urine and sputum. The most important and mandatory laboratory test is a common blood test. Sometimes inflammation when blood tests are normal. The lack of reaction of the blood in this disease, suggests that a weakened immune system that cannot adequately respond to inflammation.

Test results

konsultaciya vrachaConsider the results of a blood test for inflammation of the lungs. In norm leukocytes in men and women should be from 4 to 9×10 9. Leukocytosis, an increase in the number of leukocytes, typical of the majority of patients and is considered to be one of the first indicators of the presence of inflammation in the lungs. The exception is pneumonia caused by chlamydia and Mycoplasma.

In the blood in acute focal stage observed a moderate leukocytosis, and the acute lobar pneumonia, severe seen significant leukocytosis. Leukocyte formula is the percentage of the different types of leukocytes.

  1. Myelocytes.
  2. Metamyelocytes.
  3. Neutrophils band: 1-5 %
  4. Segmented neutrophils: 40-70%.
  5. Lymphocytes: 20-45%.
  6. Monocytes: 3-8%.
  7. Eosinophils: 1-5%.
  8. Basophils: 0-1%.
  9. Plasmacytes.

Types of leukocyte

In various diseases in the human body may experience 3 major changes of the leukocytic formula:

  1. The shift of leukocyte formula to the left (there are myelocytes and metamyelocytes).
  2. The shift of leukocyte formula to the left with the rejuvenation (appear myelocytes, metamyelocytes,promyelocytes, myeloblast and erythroblasts).
  3. The shift of leukocyte formula to the right (decreases the number of band neutrophils in combination with the presence of hypersegmentation nuclei of neutrophils).

issledovanie analiza krovi pri pnevmoniiIn acute focal pneumonia observed a moderate leukocytosis, shift leukocyte formula to the left. In acute lobar form, there has been a shift leukocyte formula to the left to myelocytes and metamyelocytes, toxic granularity of neutrophils.

One of the important indicators of inflammation is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate). The normal sed rate for men is 1-10 mm per hour in women - 2-15 mm / hour. In acute focal pneumonia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate moderately increased, but when the disease of the equity may be observed a sharp increase in ESR of 50-60 mm / hour.

Also for diagnostics of diseases is carried out biochemical analysis of blood. In this case, pay attention to the presence of fibrinogen and C-reactive protein. The rate of fibrinogen in the body of an adult is kept in the range from 2 to 4 g per liter, and the rate of C-reactive protein is 5 mg/l Increase in fibrinogen and C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation in the body. So, in acute pneumonia observed increase in levels of fibrinogen and C-reactive protein and sialic acid.

In chronic pneumonia laboratory findings may vary. In the remission phase, i.e. in the period of weakening of the disease, the health of the patient satisfactory, so laboratory parameters may not appear, because there is no inflammatory process. If laboratory findings are manifest, they are characterized by a slight increase in ESR, also a moderate leukocytosis with a shift formula to the left. Yet there is an increase in fibrinogen and alpha 2 - and gamma globulin.

One of the important research is the study of gas composition of arterial blood. In severe disease due to respiratory disorders, respiratory insufficiency develops, so the study of gas composition is observed hypoxemia (decrease of oxygen in the blood) and hypercapnia (increased carbon dioxide). This study addressed the question of the purpose of oxygen therapy to correct hypoxia.