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What is a bronchial pneumonia?

Bronchial pneumonia is a disease in which there is inflammation in the lungs. The trigger for this disease are bacteria and viruses that enter the respiratory system and affect broncholate. Bronchial pneumonia quite often the result of bronchitis or influenza, especially if these two diseases were not treated properly or was not up to the end eliminated.

problema bronhialnoj pnevmonii

The main risk groups

This inflammation occurs not only due to streptococci or pneumococci. The reasons may be the following:

  • if a piece of product into the respiratory tract;
  • in the presence of tumors, which perelavlivaet light;
  • from-for poisonings with poisonous gases;
  • can be a complication after some types of surgery.

Bronchopulmonary disease you can see absolutely every person, but doctors have identified a separate category of persons who are more predisposed to this:

slabyj immunitet - prichina pnevmonii

  • infants and children under the age of 3 years;
  • if from birth, there are problems with respiratory system;
  • in the presence of immunodeficiency;
  • for people who are over 60 years old;
  • if in the anamnesis there is such a disease as asthma or bronchitis;
  • there is a tendency for HIV-infected persons;
  • inflammation may suffer and people with diabetes or having heart problems.

And, of course, a separate category are smokers who self-poison themselves and provoke the development of many diseases, including pulmonary diseases.

Bronchial pneumonia and its symptoms

There are certain symptoms that may indicate the person that he has inflammation. This disease manifests itself in the form of:

Fever when the fever can last in the range from 37.5 to 39 degrees. This condition is observed 1-3 days, with marked weakness, lack of appetite. The person may feel chills or, on the contrary, always throw in a fever. The dream is broken. In the calf muscles pain.

Temperature has always been an indicator that the body is trying to fight the infection. For this reason, doctors recommend at this temperature to take antipyretics.

Cough is a natural protective mechanism by which the human body tries to eliminate all the annoying accumulation.

kashel - simptom bronhialnoj pnevmoniiPulmonary cough is dry in nature, in most caseshacking. If pneumonia is not treated, there will be expectoration of sputum. Such discharge has a greenish-yellow, with a more severe form of pneumonia, there will be bloody enable.

The person with pneumonia starts to experience difficulties in breathing. While shortness of breath may be accompanied by not only the status of active activities, but occur at rest.

As bronchial pneumonia - lung disease, respectively, this body will be hurt. In the beginning, discomfort may only occur while coughing or during deep breath. The location of the pain - affected side of the lung. Her character may be stabbing or pulling.

Individual attention symptoms in children:

  • not always, the child may experience fever, it may even be below normal;
  • it is important to pay attention to the breath, which can be rasping and loud;
  • it can also be short of breath;
  • in pneumonia can go such a seemingly harmless disease, like SARS or bronchitis, which did not pass;
  • the child far less active, he becomes apathetic;
  • loss of appetite.

While the child increases, so does his body. The same applies to the respiratory tract. It is therefore important to determine the time pneumonia in the child, since the disease can develop at lightning speed, especially for infants. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment.

Timely diagnosis

obrashenie k vrachuIf there is at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor. This is especially true of children. The therapist will conduct a number of procedures:

  • temperature measurement;
  • percussion and auscultation of the lungs.

But for the sake of justice it is worth noting that the tapping today, it is not so often used because it does not always produce a complete result. It is believed that in pneumonia the sound will be slightly cropped in the place where there is inflammation, but it does not always work. So rely more on listening. Using the stethoscope the doctor can hear the characteristic wheezing noise of friction of pleura, etc., All these symptoms can indicate stage of the disease.

Additionally, the doctor may refer the patient for x-rays and some lab tests. If the case is in doubt, may appoint a CT scan to take a sputum analysis and conduct tests in order to determine the presence of the pathogen.

In fact, radiography is particularly popular as it provides the most detailed picture of the condition of the lungs. It is conducted twice: the first time when it is necessary to specify the diagnosis andsecond - after the treatment is over. This allows the specialist to assess the condition of the patient and how effective was therapy, if there are any complications.

Treatment of bronchial pneumonia

sobludenie postelnogo rezhima pri pnevmoniiAs with any other disease, pneumonia should be timely noticed to take action. All the instructions given by the doctor to be implicitly executed, otherwise there is a danger even in death.

Basically for a successful recovery need to be aware of the following things:

Bed rest. During this period, it is impossible to load the body active. The room in which the patient is located must be ventilated, and ideally there every morning should be wet cleaning. If the patient has no fever, he should breathe fresh air. In winter, it can be done on the balcony, but first it is necessary to dress warmly.

As soon as the broncho-pneumonia ends, it is recommended after 15 to 20 days to begin the process of hardening.

In order to prevent recurrence of any active physical activities are allowed not earlier than 6 weeks after recovery.

It is important for inflammation to observe and a certain diet. It is advisable to consume more of those products, which contain proteins and complexes of different vitamins. Also during this period, you should consume plenty of warm liquids: herbal teas, weak teas, mineral water.

If the General condition allows you to start physiotherapy methods, to apply them. But only under that condition if there is no temperature. Usually in pneumonia is prescribed chest massage, inhalations, which contribute to easier breathing and helps remove phlegm.

Pneumonia is also treated with antibiotics. But here, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor, as in each case the drug should be selected individually. Such selection affects not only the stage of the disease, but also why it arose.

Usually antibiotics are taken orally in pill form or intravenous/intramuscular injections. In parallel with this, the doctor may prescribe antipyretics, vitamins, anti-allergic and expectorant drugs.

As for the children, then the treatment is carried out only in a hospital. If health is a concern, the baby put in intensive care.

Any medication the child is assigned based on its weight. In the opposite case, if the parents will begin to self-medicate, they can only do harm. Therefore, when the first alarming symptomsthe child should immediately take him to the doctor in order to avoid complications and even death.