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The physiotherapy in pneumonia

Pneumonia is considered a very difficult disease. Right treatment, for example, physiotherapy in pneumonia, quickly puts patients to his feet and helps eliminate the disease without any serious consequences. But first you need to understand what pneumonia is, how physical therapy can help in the fight against it.

problema pnevmonii

Pneumonia and General information about it

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that is spread in the respiratory tract. Differently this disease is called pneumonia. Often this occurs because of a weakened immune system and undertreated flu, colds. The causative agent is most frequently a Streptococcus, which is found in the lungs. This list can be replenished pathogens such as enterobacteria, staph. Most often Streptococcus becomes fatal to humans. He himself is in the respiratory tract and on the skin and doesn't bother a person with good immune system. But once a person is supercooled, he has a disease such as pneumonia.

The first sign of pneumonia is a tickling or dry cough. In the so-called respiratory tree appear and breed bacteria. They begin to destroy the cells of the body, and in response, he tries to quickly get rid of dead substances through the respiratory tract. So, the first signs. Then the fight comes, the immune system, the cough is no longer dry, and moist mucus in the bronchi. The common cold lasts more than 7 days, so if a person can not recover for more than a week, it is a symptom of pneumonia. As for the temperature, it can be very high (38-40° C). Sometimes it never falls below 37 and not getting any more of 37.5° C. If the patient does not help treat it, it is also a symptom of the disease. Very painful to breathe. On the shortness of breath and pale skin, too, should pay attention to.

What's the usual course of pneumonia?

vysokaya temperatura - simptom pnevmoniiPneumonia has three stages:

  • tide;
  • geratizatsiya;
  • permission.

Often be cured, the person may for 3-4 weeks. It depends on the lesion and status of the human immune system.

Symptoms of high tide:

  • the red skin of the patient;
  • high temperature;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • when the patient takes a breath, feels chest pain.

This stage lasts for two days. In the bronchi there is inflammation. They accumulate fluid, which prevents a person to breathe normally and saturate the body with oxygen. Hence the redness of the skin.

In the second stage (or stage geratizatsiya greyapachename) fluid is released from the small blood vessels entering the tissue. The white blood cells start attacking the pneumonia, the alveoli are filled with fluid and are unable to fully provide the body with oxygen. This determines the severity of the disease. The more tissue in the body affected, the harder it will be for the person to breathe.

odyshka pri pnevmoniiThis stage lasts from 5 to 10 days. At this stage, may develop heart failure due to the fact that the person can't breathe. This concerns especially the elderly, who have heart disease. Because of this may be cyanosis not only lips, but also the stomach, upper limbs.

At the last stage of the inflammatory liquid is absorbed, pathological symptoms disappear.

The alveoli gradually freed, begins to circulate normally air, shortness of breath disappears. Swelling of the Airways can be a very long time, so the patient can still feel pain in the chest.

The treatment of pneumonia and physiotherapy

In our time, medicine has made tremendous progress: invented antibiotics, doctors can perform various operations, the successes which 10 years ago didn't speak. There are new methods for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Physiotherapy is the branch of medicine that aims to study the application of physical environmental factors. Each specialist sends of his patients, adults and children, physiotherapy. This helps to accelerate the healing process and reduces the risk of further complications. Pneumonia is one of those diseases where you need to undergo a course of physiotherapy.

The doctor prescribes physiotherapy for treatment purpose as they have anti-inflammatory action, relieve swelling, stimulate the immune system to protect the body.

There is a list of all procedures used in this disease, as pneumonia:

konsultaciya vracha

  1. Ultrasonic aerosol inhalation. Involved antibiotics, mucolytics, heparin. This procedure is performed either using a special ultrasonic inhaler or nebulizer. As for antibiotics, they are broad-spectrum (Ceftriaxone, penicillin and so on). When assigning this procedure, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of each patient and to know about possible allergic reactions. When using mucolytic, heparin and hormones liquefies sputum, expectorated is better. This procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. All such procedures must be 12.
  2. Electrophoresis with antibiotics, various drugs,which help to hawk, and heparin. When treating pneumonia, the electrodes have a cross, the current is 8 mA. A session lasts up to 20 minutes, you must pass 2 weeks 7 procedures.
  3. Decimeter wave therapy for lungs. It can be used almost immediately after was fever. This procedure affects a person due to its electromagnetic field, whose power ranges from 35-45 watts. This procedure lasts 5 minutes. This procedure is prescribed for a week and running every day.
  4. Impulsive UHF-therapy. Prescribed to children who have very weak immune system. Special condenser plates, the size of which is 12-15 cm, are placed on the chest of the child cross. The power which is given to these plates, not more than 13-15 watts, and the session length is 10 minutes. Needs to be done every day for 10 days.
  5. Magnitophones using antibacterial drugs in the respiratory system. To the thorax are attached the two inductor over and under inflammatory area. They are placed side "N" to the surface of the human body. Need 10 sessions (30 minutes each day).
  6. The ultraviolet radiation. The thorax is irradiated through a perforated stabilizer. Requires one dose a day. The duration of treatment is about 10 days.
  7. Massage of the chest. This physiotherapy is carried out in order to improve the waste mucus, drain bronchial tubes. This pleasant course of treatment is necessary to pass at least 10 times.

Contraindications to physiotherapy

It happens so that not everyone can afford these procedures. They have a number of contraindications:

  1. If a person peak of the disease, which is accompanied by exhaustion and fever.
  2. The patient has a malignant tumor.
  3. The patient has cardiovascular disease that is under abnormal operation.
  4. Atherosclerosis in the brain.
  5. Bad clotting (hemophilia).
  6. In children with developing neurotoxicity.

Treatment of pneumonia can not occur without physical therapy. They help human body to get out of diseased condition, to get stronger and to normalize the immune system. But these procedures cannot be carried out in the midst of the disease, as this may worsen the patient's condition that will be life-threatening and lead to serious consequences.

At the slightest suspicion of pneumonia every person should consult a doctor for help. Yourself to cure this disease is impossible.