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How to do massage for the pneumonia?

Those who are faced with the unpleasant lung disease, you should know that can help massage with pneumonia, which can make any person studying the basic rules and stages of procedure. To cure this serious disease one massage possible, so be sure to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe antibiotics and other medication, but massage treatments are usually part of complex treatment.

polza massazha pri pnevmonii

The benefits and types of massage

The symptoms of inflammation of the lungs similar to ordinary colds, but they can cause much more damage to the body, especially careful you have to be older people and children. The sooner the disease is identified, the easier it is to treat.

Massage with pneumonia by chance is a common means of self-medication, because it is not time consuming, does not require special skills, but the effect will be noticeable. Due to the vibrations and movements of the sputum found in the lungs, becomes more liquid, easier excreted from the body that facilitates breathing of the patient. The muscles of the chest relax a result of massage manipulations disappear spasms. The increase in the inflow of blood and lymph to the organs of respiration contributes to their oxygen saturation and increases resistance to inflammation. In addition, lungs ventilated, and the fresh air helps to stop the inflammation.

shema pnevmoniiThe epicenter of the infectious process must be eliminated in order to avoid recurrent disease, this helps massage. Regular carrying out of such procedures strengthens the muscles of the chest, whereby breathing is improved and the risk of relapse is much lower.

There are many different techniques and ways to massage with pneumonia, which often include additional means of positively influencing the patient's condition:

  • use cans, creating a vacuum effect which increases blood flow, removes harmful substances from the body with sweat, warms up back, eliminates stagnation;
  • acupressure in certain areas of the body, which affects the respiratory system and improves overall health of the patient;
  • segmental effects that enhance the flow of lymph through the projection of pain in body areas that are far away from the diseased;
  • the use of honey massage helps to warm up the back, supplies the body with useful elements, gives strength and vigor;
  • the use of special aromatic oils to facilitate breathing, the destruction of harmful bacteria in the air,to get rid of swelling.

The front part of the chest

polza banochnogo massazha pri pnevmoniiBefore proceeding to massage therapy, you must ensure that the patient has a normal body temperature and overall health, not to cause harm. First and foremost, it is recommended to massage the chest, after her back and neck, and then you can repeat the first stage of the procedure.

The patient should lie face up on a hard surface. The most intense motion must be in the intercostal parts, under the clavicle, over the chest and hypochondrium. You should avoid the area of mammary glands in girls and nipples in men.

Usually start with stroking movements, directed from the bottom of the massaged area to the top. For better glide, use a special oil or ointment, they can have a warming effect. Especially effective are the gels containing the herbs (chamomile, sage, thyme) or aromatic oils (pine, eucalyptus, tea tree).

Then you should go to rubbing movements using the edges of the palms - such actions will well warm up the skin of the patient, will increase blood flow. Comb-like rubbing should intensively study the region of the sternum, while alternating their strokes.

Followed by a good stretch your chest and collarbone, pinching and stretching the skin. The final stage of this part of the procedure is vibrating and podrachivaya movement, which is confined to the stroking.

Massage back and neck

konsultaciya vracha pri pnevmoniiThe patient should turn to spend the massage of muscles near the spine, shoulder blades and neck. This part of the procedure begins with stroking movements, which are then transferred to a warming and rubbing. Should work quite intensively to the skin is visibly reddened. These movements are easiest to implement the base of the brush arms to provide a strong enough push.

After this you need to stretch your back muscles and scapular area. For this you can press with both hands on one scope, and use different kneading movement used in massage. Ends the procedure vibrating movements of the hands, which are replaced by pumping.

Thorough massage of the cervical portion should be held after work on the back of the patient using the same sequence and type of movements. Note that the movements should be directed from the upper neck to the back, which will strengthen the flow of the lymph. The seventh vertebra it is necessary to study especially carefully.

src="/respiratory/images/481-4.jpg" title="the Use of essential oils for pneumonia" alt="Use essential oils for pneumonia">don't forget that the final is usually re-massage the breast, passing the same pattern as the first time. Usually the procedure lasts about 25 minutes, repeated every day or every single. The treatment is approximately 10 sessions.

At the end of each session, you can gently press on the chest from two sides at once, repeat this step about 5 times. If you experience discomfort after or during the massage is necessary to stop and consult a specialist. If the patient feels more energetic after a session, the massage will be a great help in the treatment of pneumonia.

Pneumonia in child

Unfortunately, even very young children are not immune from this disease, so parents should know the basic ways of massage treatments for your child, but also to consider cautions and contraindications.

problema pnevmonii u detejIf the disease is in full swing, the kid in any case can not be massaged, so it is likely to cause harm. Massage is rather a means of addressing the residual symptoms of pneumonia in children. To perform the procedure with special care, given that the pressure on the baby's skin should be less strong than when you massage adult.

The positive effect is achieved by massage in children, similar to its effect on adults: normal blood circulation, increases muscle tone, more oxygen enters the respiratory system, the mucus becomes thinner and lighter comes out.

Popular baby massage is drainage, as it effectively removes mucus from the body due to oscillating chain movements. The baby should be put on the stomach, exposing it to the chest cushion to lower the head, then starts stroking motion, gradually replaced by light pinching of the skin on either side of the spine along the entire back of the child. After that, you need a little harder to push the fingers apart and make the same motion one more time. To complete this stage of the procedure have tingling in the area of the sides of the child, except the underarms.

Then you should do a tapping movement directed diagonally from top to bottom, replacing them stroking. It is very important to finish the treatment to give the baby to cough to release phlegm from the lungs. Duration of the massage for children should be no more than 7-8 minutes.

Many use acupressure to eliminate residual symptoms of pulmonary pneumonia. It involves pressing certain points on the body, lasting about a minute:

  • the pit,located in the lower part of cervical area;
  • under the seventh vertebra;
  • the area on the outer part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger;
  • phalanx of thumb.

Remember that before you start to massage your child, you should consult with a pediatrician, not to doubt the safety of the procedure.