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Looks like pneumonia on x-rays?

Pneumonia on x-rays is characterized by the areas of the blackout. They indicate the presence of infiltration (swelling of the inflamed lesion) in the lung tissue.

problema pnevmonii

X-ray can show how widespread the blackout, its shape, contours, number and location.

Dimming can be of different sizes. They are divided into

  • small focal size up to 3 mm;
  • srednevekovye - from 3 to 7 mm;
  • history of large, reaching 7-12 mm.

Also dimming can be total, Subtotal, common. Thus, a chest x-ray when pneumonia is an integral part of the therapy.

The prevalence of pneumonia

Pneumonia can occur in both adults and children. In children it is more common as the respiratory system and immune system are in their stage of development.

Risk factors:

pereohlazhdenie - prichina pnevmonii

  • hypothermia;
  • frequent vomiting of infants;
  • shortage of vitamin D;
  • prematurity of the child;
  • poor nutrition;
  • vitamin deficiency and anemia;
  • lowered immunity;
  • bad ecology;
  • poor living conditions;
  • Smoking or non-Smoking parents;
  • various congenital malformations and diseases associated with the pulmonary system;
  • breakdown.

The importance of x-ray of lungs with pneumonia

An important role in the diagnosis is given to x-rays, as no other tests are unable to give reliable information. Before the chest x-ray the challenge is not only to identify the lesion, but also to keep the pattern of morphological types of pathology. It may be focal, lobar, lobular, mixed, drainage, etc. Areas of darkening on a radiograph painted in a light color, and areas of enlightenment in the dark.

What is the stage of resolution of pneumonia on radiographs?

During the resolution of pneumonia on radiographs will identify the following characteristics:

  1. At the site of inflammation of the pulmonary structure is enriched with small elements.
  2. The root expands.
  3. The size of the shadow decrease.
  4. Darkening is reduced.

avitaminoz - prichina pnevmoniiSuch signs of resolving pneumonia may be observed for several months while the human body is not restored. For pneumonia recovery period lasts slowly.

How to look at pictures of complications of pneumonia? Complications from pneumonia also have their own characteristics on the radiograph. For example, an abscess detected bycavities collapse of lung tissue, which merge with each other. Pleural effusion is defined in the images due to darkening of the lower lung fields. Radiological diagnosis of pneumonia can give the most accurate results of the disease.

Pneumonia in children

Most often the disease affects the child's body. According to the etiology of pneumonia are divided into:

  • bacterial;
  • virus;
  • Mycoplasma;
  • rickettsial;
  • fungal;
  • allergic;
  • caused by helminths.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children is associated with a form of the disease and the course of the disease. The main concern:

vysokaya temperatura pri pnevmonii

  1. The increase in body temperature.
  2. Fatigue.
  3. Headache.
  4. Discomfort in the lung area or under the shoulder blades.
  5. Cough.
  6. General intoxication of the organism.

When listening to notes bronhofoniya, weak breathing, crepitation.

Pulmonary structure on the x-ray looks enhanced. A blood test may show increased white blood cells and ESR.

Complications of pneumonia include pus formation, which may be outside the lungs and cause otitis media, pyelonephritis, pericarditis, inflammation in the heart area, which occurs quite rarely, meningitis etc.

Possible complications in the lung.

  1. Abscess of the lung.
  2. Inflammation of the outer membrane body - the pleura.
  3. The accumulation of gases or air in the pleura - pneumothorax.

To avoid such complications, you should promptly begin antibiotic treatment.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

konsultaciya vrachaIf the disease is severe, the treatment is carried out in a hospital. Children under one year are subject to immediate hospitalization.

Treatment is comprehensive and includes the following procedures:

  • prescribe etiotropic means;
  • if there is respiratory failure, oxygen therapy is carried out;
  • prescribers for improving bronchial conductivity;
  • apply tools to improve transportation of blood;
  • therapy aimed at improving tissue respiration;
  • the purpose of the funds to improve the metabolic processes in the body.

During his illness the child should eat because of their age, but the food should be gentle and rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to the fact that the child is constantly coughing, from the diet should be excluded products, irritatingly acting on the throat. The child should drink plenty of fluids. It can be broth hips, fruit drinks from fruit jellies and compotes. During the period of treatment is necessarily performed antibacterialtherapy.

The prognosis of recovery

If treatment was initiated in a timely manner, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. In General, complete recovery occurs after a month from the moment of the disease.

If you just started the antibiotic treatment that lasts 7 to 14 days, the inflammation resolves in 2-4 weeks. This can be confirmed by x-rays.

antibiotiki dlya lecheniya pnevmoniiIn severe form of pneumonia, antibiotics are prescribed for two weeks or more. Resorption of the inflammation in this case may be delayed for 1-2 months.

If time does not seek medical help, there may be complications that have been described above. In childhood with inadequate treatment the probability of death is large.

After discharge from the hospital children put on the account in hospital, where is subject to regular examination by a pulmonologist and otolaryngologist.

In addition, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy and physical therapy with breathing exercises. This contributes to the rapid recovery of the body. If possible, it is recommended to undergo a recovery period in specialized sanatoriums. Helps herbal medicine using medicinal plants such as marshmallow root, chamomile, sage, nard, mother and stepmother. At home treatment is applied mustard plasters, foot baths, inhalations with lye and herbal, compresses and iotova mesh on the chest. Also is assigned to chest compressions.

Prevention of the disease

To the primary prevention of pneumonia refers to a healthy lifestyle parents, especially the mother who bears a child. After birth, the baby should be timely and full feeding, further - training events.

Secondary prevention is aimed at the following:

  1. To prevent and treat respiratory diseases.
  2. At the initial stage of the disease it is advisable to hospitalize the child.
  3. Promptly treat malnutrition, rickets and increase immunity.
  4. To prevent chronic inflammation.

With the right treatment of uncomplicated pneumonia possible favorable outcome of the disease. If a child is ill, do not self-medicate, immediately seek medical assistance. Radiological diagnosis of pneumonia will allow accurately determine the diagnosis that will help in the future in its treatment. X-ray may indicate the exact site of inflammation, the amount of lung damage and its degree.